Fully Free Essay Examples, Page 21

Designing Math Activities in Collaboration With Families

When creating an efficient math curriculum for the students, teachers are to make sure that they use the most out of both school and home environments. The latter should concern consistent communication with parents on the matter of their child’s involvement in learning processes. In order to secure such communication,...

Marijuana Sales Tax and Loss in Sales

I believe that the introduction of a 20 % sales tax on marijuana will lead to a drop in sales, which is lower than 20%. In other words, I believe that demand for marijuana is inelastic, as the coefficient of change in demand will be between 0 and -1. When...

Behuniak’s “The Living Dead” and Moreman’s “Dharma of the Dead”

The two sources share several ideas, and one of them is Romero’s films as the starting point for discussing the image of zombies. However, they take different approaches and emphasize the relevant aspects of the underlining discussion. Moreman highlights various interpretations of the films, such as consumerism and a Christian...

Insolation and its Influence in the Distribution of Ecosystem

Insolation is the radiation generated from solar and reaches the earth’s surface. This phenomenon is usually measured by the amount of solar received per square centimeter per minute. Solar insolation plays a very important part in the climatology of the earth. One of the areas that it greatly influences includes...

Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address

Certainly, Ronald Reagan’s first inaugural address was a very effective speech in boosting the morale of the people and in setting the stage for the country to begin a new era that would see a complete transformation in the way the government would work in sync with the people keeping...

Organizational Deviance: Cultural Origins & Ethical Effects

Organizational deviance is defined as the desecrations of formal strategy goals and regularizing expectations and will lead to a substandard outcome. This description themes deviance in an organization as a part of social routine order, according to Morril. Within this wide variety of conduct, there are other multiple aspects such...

Advantages of Being Religious in the Context of Dying

Human life is full of both happy and sad moments, which can affect us positively or negatively. At times, we experience the situations independently, and in some cases, the experience is collective, though the depth of influence may differ. Death is the last stage in a man’s life, and it...

What Prevents First-Movers From Always Dominating Market

A first-mover is a service or product that gains a competitive advantage by being the first on the market. Such a position is generally associated with a number of advantages, including the ability of the company to establish customer loyalty and strong brand recognition before the competitors enter the market....

Direct & Indirect Exporting vs. Foreign Direct Investment

Direct and Indirect Exporting The problem of choosing a strategy for entering international markets has been given much attention over the past 50 years. The shape of entering strategy can be based on such criteria as strategic goals, speed, required level of investment, and risks of entering the foreign market....

Prophetic Literature: Interpreting Hosea 4:1-5

Both parts of the book of Hosea are imbued with the same idea, around which all the Prophet’s speeches revolve. The starting point of the sermon for the Prophet is the idea of the marriage union of the people of Israel with Jehovah. From the point of view of this...

Civic Activism During College Education

Civic activism is an essential phenomenon in the modern world, and students can benefit significantly from incorporating it into their college education. On the one hand, it refers to the fact that these activities help students improve the conditions of the whole education system. For example, if they see that...

The Main Actor in the Lost International Order

The main actor in the lost international order is the United States, but alongside China and Russia as the opposition to international liberalism. The United States was the most powerful country, especially in the 1990s. Most countries looked up to it for political and social powers. Indeed, most countries had...

Main Argument in “How Hegemony Ends” Article

The main argument put forth by the two authors is that America’s decline has not started with Trump’s leadership but has been an ongoing situation. Indeed, America losing power has been a process of poor actions taken by leading teams. Although the decline of the US has been continuous since...

America’s Lost Power to Keep International Order

The global issue is that America has lost the power to keep international order. The international order is controlled by all countries, but the main source of order was from the US; consequently, many signs indicate that the world is in an order crisis. One example showing a global crisis...

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and Milgram’s Study

Zimbardo believed that his experiment was intended to gain insightful information about prisoners’ and guards’ behavior in prison, while Milgram’s study was aimed at finding out the extent to which people would go in obeying an instruction if the instruction involved causing harm to another person. Vis a vis Milgram’s...

Liquidity Management Issues in Financial Firms

Knowing how to manage the liquidity of a firm is crucial to the survival of a company. An institution should be able to generate enough cash to meet all its obligations. Company liquidity can easily be affected when there is a reduced or dragged cash inflow. However, an increase in...

Emergency Manager’s Activities During Response Phase

Speaking of the response phase, it should be noted that the activities intended to reduce the secondary damage and provide all kinds of emergency assistance cannot be established prior to being exposed to a calamity in most cases. When life safety is on the line, community losses have to be...

How Modernization Make Us More Vulnerable for Disasters

Interestingly, the process of innovation does not only help people evade threats identified in the past, but it also creates new hazards that sometimes cannot be predicted or eradicated. Some of the most common new threats that have to be considered are biological, chemical, nuclear, and terrorism-related (including cyberattacks as...

“Great Pacific Garbage Patch” Articles and Video Summary

One of the most severe and hazardous environmental issues of the modern world is plastic pollution. Over the past fifteen years, people have doubled the production and use of plastic as it is one of the cheapest materials. However, not everyone is ready to face the consequences and try to...

Social Facilitation, Excitation Transfer & Matching Theories

Social facilitation is a presence-induced behavior change that manifests itself in increased activity and emotional arousal. The theory originated from research on the performance of cyclists during a race. It is believed that a person alone feels more relaxed. Such a person does not worry about what their behavior looks...

Why Psychologists Used Animals in Their Experiments

Psychologists apply the studies from animals to solve specific problems. For example, psychologists can study dogs to determine the best methods for training watchdogs or chickens to find out the best methods of preventing them from fighting. However, psychologists also use the study of animals to predict human behavior. In...

Idiographic and Nomothetic Research Methods in Psychology

Psychology alternates between nomothetic and idiographic approaches in research. Both approaches have strengths for different situations within the research process. The idiographic approach is subjective and depends on the experiences of the individual. On the other hand, the nomothetic approach is focused on the statistical and numerical aspects of the...

Democratic and Republican Parties’ Stances on Five Issues

Role of the Government Democrats favor the idea of strengthening the role of the federal government and expanding its control over the economy. This, subsequently, would lead to an increase in the number of federal officials, as the party proclaims. Republicans, on the other hand, believe that the government’s intervention...

Resistance to Change That Can Occur in Nestle

While change is inevitable in an ever-evolving business environment, it is commonly a stressful and undesirable process for both employees and management. Indeed, resistance to change is a standard reaction to a shift in the ordinary and already familiar way of functioning. As the case of the Nestle Company demonstrates,...

Three Contingency Approaches to Change Management

In the context of organizational change management, the contingency approach refers to a set of theories that are based on the assumption that there is no universal solution to any given organizational problem. Since staff, vision, mission, company goals, culture, and policies differ, the methods of managing change will differ...

Sense-Making Approach to Change in Organizations

The ability to strive in the contemporary, highly competitive business environment is largely reliant on the capability of an organization to address and deal with change. Overall, change is an inevitable and immediate part of any activity or process. It might be internal or external, as well as independent or...

Entrepreneurial Teams and Organizational Performance

Despite the long-established belief that an entrepreneur is a single person who founds and meads an organization or small business, this is not always true in the real business world. Indeed, entrepreneurship is viewed as an endeavor of an individual who wants to own and run his or her business...

Intrapreneurship Forms in the Arab Open University

While there are several different forms of intrapreneurship used in modern organizations, some of them are more fitted for the purposes of educational organizations than others. Overall, the encouragement of entrepreneurs within a company provides security for the employees engaged in innovation since the losses are covered by the organization...

Intrapreneurship in Modern Organizations

Modern organizations are functioning in a highly competitive environment where technologies and innovation lead to advancement and provide opportunities for competitive advantage. With higher business standards and more challenges to overcome on the way to excellent performance and profitable operation, organizations strive to find new management approaches and leadership styles....

International Relations: Democracy and Liberalism

Bruce Russett, the author of “Grasping the Democratic Peace,” presents numerous points that are to be discussed throughout the work. Firstly, there is a complex idea that within the modern international system democracies rarely fight each other, as they believe that this should not happen, and they have other ways...

International Relations: War and Peace

There are two main points discussed brought by David Von Drehle, the author of the article “World War, Cold War Won. Now, the Gray War.” Firstly, it is stated that while it is possible to directly compare Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attack due to some shared characteristics, these cases...

Green Room: Mixing Leftover Supply of Blue and Yellow Paint

Every color around us can have an impact on our lives in several ways. For instance, the color green is dominant, and experts believe that it can evoke powerful emotions. The fact that the daughter loves green indicates that she enjoys the incredible varieties that nature offers. Green evokes several...

Olfaction: Detecting the Odor of the Onion Bagels

The olfactory system is the human sense that is accountable for the recognition of scents. There is a large number of factors, such as source, distance, and area, affect the concentration of odors that people perceive. Furthermore, the olfactory system is an adaptable sense, which implies that the person can...

Optimizing Skill Learning for the Kids in a Soccer Team

Since the approach to kids should be different if the coach expects to reach the best possible results, the first step would be to avoid criticism by all means and focus on praising the children’s stronger suits. Every team member is giving their best effort to become a better soccer...

Implicit Learning in Personal Experience

According to Kalra et al., implicit learning and memory represent the field of human capabilities that can be activated without a response from a person’s awareness. There is a huge difference between implicit and explicit types of learning and memory, since a variety of brain systems are engaged in the...

Interviewing Crime Eyewitnesses & Minimizing False Memories

The existing research on the subject proves that eyewitness testimony could not be as reliable as expected. The problem with the testimony mostly relates to the idea that the advent of false memories could be rather harmful, as innocent bystanders could suffer from one’s testimony. Investigators often lead their witnesses...

Improving Memory While Studying for an Exam

When studying for exams, many students are wondering if the capacity of their memory could be increased to help them person remember everything they need for the upcoming test. Due to the inherent plasticity of the human brain, it may be possible to expand memorizing capabilities in a timely manner...

Religious Impact on Perception of Climate Change

Religions and beliefs played a significant role in the history of humanity and they still have considerable influence on society. Even though religion often appears to be opposed to science, it may not always be accurate. As science developed rapidly, forming a society and changing lifestyles, faith has also undergone...

The Concept of Learned Optimism

The concept of learned optimism was developed by Seligman in 1991 during his routine study of learned helplessness, which holds that some reoccurring events can prove difficult to control. As he carried out tests to examine helplessness, Seligman began to question why some individuals resisted it. He observed that some...

Internet Terms Associated With Digital Marketing

SEO This is a process of improving the visibility of a webpage or an entire website in search engines organically. For example, a travel company can use keyword optimization to market hotels in Florida. SEO helps improve website ranking in the search engine above the competitors. Domain name This is...

Legal Terms Associated With Digital Marketing

Use of cookies These are small text files stored by a browser whenever a person visits a specific website. For example, online stores such as Amazon and eBay use cookies to store items in your shopping cart. Cookies enable businesses to identify customers’ preferences and direct them to relevant products...

Improving Service Responsiveness and Delivery Efficiency

Marketing services are a distinct form of product promotion used by many successful organizations. It relates to meeting specific consumer desires to ensure contentment. Even though no business deal can be categorized as a pure product or service, one aspect still reigns supreme. Customer satisfaction, in this case, relies on...

Team Read Program and Improving Academic Results

Craig McCaw, his wife Susan, and the Seattle school superintendent Stanford McCaw initiated the Team Read program because they believed that all students deserved to be readers. The initiative targets the poor, underprivileged students who have difficulties reading, affecting their overall performance in school. Therefore, analyzing the Read Team program’s...

Solutions to Conflict in Washington’s “Industrial Education”

The Industrial Pedagogical Institute in Tuskegee for African Americans was founded, where students received secondary education for future work in the industry. In his speech, Washington stated that “we began teaching wheel righting and blacksmithing in a small way to the men, laundry work, cooking and sewing, and housekeeping to...

Core Elements of Algebraic Thinking

Algebraic thinking is an essential mathematical element involving paying attention to important pattern aspects, generalizing mathematical ideas and the patterns with individual’s experiences with number and computation, and using symbols to explore them. Additionally, algebraic thinking forms the basis for mathematical reasoning and allows students to use algebra as a...

Judaism’s Creed, Code of Ethics and Most Important Ceremony

Monotheism, or the belief in one God, is a fundamental principle in Judaism. God is omnipotent, holy, and sacred – these are the qualities of divine transcendence. God is also benevolent, and as he walks among people, he sees and hears everything. Another part of the Jewish creed is that...

Abraham’s Role in the Jewish Religion

Abraham is a patriarch of Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham lived in Ur of Mesopotamia, which is modern-day Iraq, around 2000 BCE. His father, Terah, owned an idol shop, where Abraham helped him with work. Abraham is considered to be the first person to teach monotheism – the...

Family Car Purchase and Related Decision-Making Influences

One of the most relevant internal influences in purchasing a family car is needs, motives, and emotions. If taking the model of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a car in modern society appeals to two aspects at once, safety needs as a reliable means of transportation in a safe manner. Furthermore,...

Decision-Making Roles in the Family Car Purchase

The individual roles within the household are information gatherer, influencer, decision-maker, purchaser, and consumer. Purchasing a family car is a major financial decision, which is likely to involve the participation of the whole family unit to an extent in the decision-making process. Information gatherers are parents or heads of the...

Family Car Purchase and Related Decision-Making Process

The first step of the consumer decision-making process is problem recognition. If there is a tension between the desired state decision and the actual state decision, then there is a problem that triggers a decision. Various non-marketing factors and needs influence this decision. For example, the mindset may be that...

Australia Moving Back Towards ‘Bricks and Mortar’ Shopping

As the COVID-19 restrictions ease, businesses reopen, and consumers move back to in-store shopping. For example, Statista reveals that the number of people intending to visit grocery stores and shopping malls was significantly higher in April than it was in February. There is a specific explanation of this state of...

Tri-Component Attitude Model for Health Initiative

The tri-component attitude model defines how people approach some products, phenomena, or actions. Its name suggests that the model consists of three elements, including affective, behavioral, and cognitive components. The affective element refers to what people feel about an issue. The behavioral one denotes how people respond to it, while...

Marketing Strategies to Generate Brand Loyalty

It is challenging to overestimate the role of loyal customers. The Pareto Principle states that 80% of organization revenue comes from 20% of customers. Individuals tend to leave brands for many reasons, including boredom, increased prices, the emergence of new alternatives, and others. That is why it is reasonable to...

Twitter: The Most Creative Development in Business History

As the number of Internet users increases, social media platforms become extremely popular sources for communication and business development. In spite of the fact that Twitter is not as popular as other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, it is still widely used by numerous people across the...

Chief Operation Officer Influencing Minimum Wage Earners

In this case, it would be essential to take into consideration a path-goal theory that is based on the idea of selecting a leadership style that corresponds to the specific demands of the situation. At the same time, considering that all leadership situations are classified as high, moderate, or low...

Truth and Reconciliation for Indigenous Canadian Children

It is part of the teacher’s professional practice to act ethically toward the indigenous Canadian children and their kin. The ethical mandate entails creating teaching programs that are inclusive for each person. The job also entails making sure that all the families are treated with a high level of dignity...

How Religions View the Truth Claims of Other Religions

Exclusivism suggests that a single religion has a unique, or exclusive, claim to what constitutes the absolute truth and that, by extension, truth is not found in other religious traditions. Inclusivism claims that although the truth can only be found in a particular religious tradition, other religions are acknowledged and...

Crisis Management: Reopening Restaurant After COVID-19

To restore a restaurant after a coronavirus pandemic, a few sequential steps must be followed. First, it is essential to remember that the goal of business recovery is not to return the restaurant to the state it was in before the pandemic. The plan’s goal is to re-establish the very...

Management of Innovation and Technology Is Importance

Innovation process management technology covers information processing methods, methods of management decision-making, and methods of generating innovative ideas. In addition, the development of a process sequence for creating a new product and the techniques for influencing consumers are also within this process. Those that have proven effective are widely used,...

Corporate Culture and Leadership Style for Effective Work

The workplace environment is crucial for every employee; building the right corporate culture enhances work efficiency and strengthens team cohesion. A company’s corporate culture consists of everything from the way staff communicate and act, from the company’s values to the atmosphere in the workplace and the personal communications of employees....

Diversity Benefits in Business Organizations

Many companies, even business giants, are always focused on improving their performance. Currently, there are many different methods to make the work more efficient and effective. One of these methods, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is to increase diversity among employees. Many researchers argue that diversity in the workplace has...

The Importance of Writing Skills

Writing skills are an integral part of communication. Excellent writing skills are dependent on good grammar, proper punctuation, a captivating introduction, and well-structured statements. Grammar and punctuation are vital as they enable one to communicate their intended message with clarity and ease. Distinctly, punctuation plays an essential role in writing....

Universal Moral Principle and Wisdom

Sourses: Kohlberg moral development, Positive Psychology’s Foundation: Kohlberg and Moral Development. Wisdom is one of the six virtues described by positive psychology along with justice, courage, and others. Wisdom can be perceived as the ability to follow inner moral principles and to apply these principles even if they contradict the...

Factors Influencing Cognitive Biases

Sourses: “Moral Judgment”, “Moral Sensitivity”, “Moral Motivation and Moral Character”. Cognitive biases are unconscious distortions of perception of other people or their own qualities. Biases can be implicit or explicit and can be caused by a wide range of different factors. Biases can be a result of moral judgment with...

Worker’s Empowerment and Participation in Management

The workers’ involvement, interest, and motivation are the critical factors of the company’s success and sustainability. Human resource management includes specific terms connected with the mentioned above issue. They are called employee participation and empowerment. These two concepts are closely related and are supposed to stimulate workers’ activity and motivation...

Employee Training as a Success of an Organization

Nowadays, companies often claim that employees’ professional education is not applicable, that people lack the unique knowledge and skills necessary for a particular work. As a result, the workers’ training and development often become essential for efficient human resource management. The employees’ development, when done wisely, contributes to high working...

Human Resource Planning and Growth of a Company

The success and productivity of the company are closely connected with staff efficiency. Various factors such as motivation, socialization, mental and physical health, the safety of the employees can influence the quality of the products and viability of the company in the market. That is why it is essential to...

Pain Perception: Cognitive and Experiential Aspects

For the human body to perceive pain, the ability to inform the organism that a dangerous situation is about to develop is involved. The theory of gain control, also known as the theory for pain involves two sets of nervous systems that inform the brain about the occurring pain to...

Adaptable Ability to Perceive the World

Human’s ability to perceive the world around them is evident through the perceptual adaptation process, which involves constant stimuli. The perceptual consistency process involves the adaptability of the brain and vision in controlling body movements. It comprises four steps, namely, selecting, organizing, interpreting, and negotiating. When a message is sent...

Sensory Restriction and Restored Vision

Research on restored vision and sensory restriction presents the ability of an organism to focus on other perception levels and bring out an organization of previously learned perceptions. This includes the ability to guide in executing perceptual interpretations. Organisms have the perceptual ability since their inception, and any sensory deprivation,...

Perceptual Constancy: Sensations and Perceptions

Perceptual constancy facilitates the recognition of an object and helps see it as unchanging in terms of color, brightness, shape, and size, including when the retinal and illumination images are altered. Color constancy explains the perception of familiar objects as containing consistent color even when changing illumination affects the reflected...

Figure-Ground, Apparent Movement and Perception of Form

The principles of figure-ground facilitate the formation of a pattern that influences our perception and explains that the environment has two varying concepts. The figure concept usually considers the focus of objects present in the environment. These are the objects that organisms consider important and require certain types of response....

Gestalt Psychologists on Sensations and Perceptions

Gestalt psychologists explained the organization of brain sensation and considered the perceived motion experienced in rapid flickering images. Their argument suggested that pattern formation from the brain facilitates the perception process revealing that the brain usually categorizes the environment based on figures and ground. This implies that the figure is...

Vestibular Senses and Body’s Position & Movement

The sense of audition supports the ability of the body to monitor the movement and position. This system works together with the vestibular system responsible for the detection of angular and linear deceleration and acceleration. The audition sensor system makes use of special cells in the inner side of the...

How Sense of Smell Is Directly Connected to Brain

The olfactory receptor system is responsible for the identification and recognition of airborne molecules. Odorants refer to chemicals that carry the smell, flavor, fragrance, or aroma. Perceived odorants get dissolved in the olfactory epithelium located in the nose, where millions of receptors are present. They contain specialized cells to enhance...

Authoritarian Governments as an Expression of the People’s Will

Authoritarianism is one type of political regime in which power is concentrated in one person’s or group’s hands with the partial preservation of human freedoms. Its main characteristic is the lack of democracy, in which citizens freely and honestly determine the government in elections. Although formally, with authoritarianism, elections are...

The Political Challenge to Liberalism

There has been increasing criticism of liberalism, challenging this ideology. Any phenomenon that denies the universal equality of people can serve as a source of disputes about the liberal order. Alternative political views also hamper its principles: environmentalism, populism, neo-conservatism, and similar approaches. Postmodernism and extremism, which question the foundations...

Emotional Development: When Are You Really an Adult

Emotional and social development is closely interconnected due to the very essence of the two processes. Although a person can show emotions alone, it is in society that they are revealed most fully. From my perspective, emotional and social maturation poses an essential question: when exactly are they considered an...

Cognitive Development and Growth Mindsets

In chapter 13, Berk examines the physical and cognitive changes that occur in humans during early adulthood. Each of these concepts is interesting in isolation, as it represents a vast space for study. Physiological changes associated with both aging and changes in activities, as well as cognitive, focused on changes...

Empowering Human Resources in the Merger

Human resource management planning is a procedure that categorizes existing and future human resources need for an institution to attain its goals. Human resource planning is a link between the general strategic plan of an organization and the human resource personnel. Human resource planning is vital to any organization in...

Employment Relationship: Why Is It Significant?

Policies play a significant role in the development of a competent and functional organizational culture. In this case, the guidelines in an employee handbook stipulate the ideal approach to employees’ interaction with the clients, employer, and the attainment of business objectives. Different companies utilize different policies to regulate the welfare...

Social Security Reform in U.S.

Social security and healthcare programs are effective tools to support the adult generation and people whose health or other issues allow them to receive social protection. It is essential to take an honest and responsible approach to social security regulation, as the lives of many people, including those with disabilities...

Native American: Counseling Interventions

To make the work of psychologists with Native Americans culturally appropriate and effective, it is tremendously important to incorporate spirituality into counseling and reduce administrative obstacles to receiving care. In fact, this population group does not visit counselors frequently, which can be explained by stigma, mistrust, or fear of being...

Cosmological Argument: Looking for Convincing Proof

Religious beliefs play a critical role in understanding the idea of the existence of God. According to Rowe, there are three main approaches to discuss this point, including the Cosmological, Design, and Ontological arguments. All of them have their strong and weak aspects and specific contributions that are logical, irrefutable,...

Apple Maintaining Leadership Using Differentiation Strategy

In the modern marketing environment, one of the essential tasks of any company is to separate its products from competing products in the minds of consumers. Before a company starts creating advertisements, it needs to find differences between very similar brands. The most critical element in the successful differentiation of...

Gnosticism and the Early Christian Church

The term Gnosticism is used to define a set of religious and philosophical beliefs that developed alongside ancient Christianity, becoming especially popular between the 2nd and the 4th CE. According to Dillon, Gnosticism means “the knowledge of divine mysteries reserved for the elite.” However, the term itself has been used...

Leadership & Management Development: Evaluation Methods

There are many methods ensuring the success of leadership and management programs, three of which can be considered the most significant. The first one is stakeholder mapping, which means that the company should outline the individuals who can contribute to the development and delivery of training. Such an approach is...

Underpopulation as a Major Problem in Certain US States

The article “Empty House on the Prairie” is dedicated to the move to the Midwest before the ice breaks, making the family build the new house and totally change their life. “The tiny towns in the Great Plains and upper Midwest don’s want to die. They are trying to keep...

Meg Whitman’s Transaction Leadership

A transactional leader is one who aims at guiding and motivating followers through the process of clarifying roles and the requirements of their tasks. In other words, transactional leadership is “rational, based on principles of exchange and expectation: you do this for me, and in turn, if satisfied, I will...

Corporate Culture of a Hotel vs. National Culture

According to Hofstede, national culture is the combined mental programming of an explicit group of people that are distinct to a particular geographic location. Some examples of national culture include Australian, American, Sri Lankan, and Indian. Conversely, corporate culture is a set of cultural attributes explicit to a particular organization....

Vendors on Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is used to improve the performance of an organization by reengineering the present business activities. Therefore, proper implementation of ERP is important in an organization. Like any other complex information technology, ERP systems can be deployed in different ways. For the success of an ERP system,...

Differences Between Four Types of Consultation

Using different approaches toward consultations allows making them more effective as the interventions for assisting clients and implementing set goals. As a rule, four approaches toward consultations are identified; these are client-centered case consultation, consultee-centered consultation, program-centered administrative consultation, and consultee-centered administrative consultation. The main difference in the consultation types...

Representative in the State Legislature

A representative in the state legislature is an individual elected by citizens through casting votes. The public believes that the leader is their servant and should work hard to improve society’s situation. Other than being a politician, a leader requires statesmanship by showing integrity and willingness to serve others. However,...

War and the Power Transition Process

The power transition theory focuses on the nature of war and its relation to power. According to this conception, the likelihood of war increases in the condition of even distribution of capabilities between states. Consequently, peace can be guaranteed in case of a power imbalance. Organski emphasizes that the power...

The Crucial Difference Between Balancing Against Power and Balancing Against Threats

Balancing against power and balancing against threats are the two interconnected strategies of international relations. The balance of power implies that the similar strengths and capabilities of states reduce the risk of conflict. In this situation, the military, political, and economic powers are considered the most significant resources. This type...

The Concept of Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Theory

Erikson’s theory has been present in psychological circles for more than half a century. As the title implies, this approach to developmental psychology was introduced by a neo-Freudian psychologist, Erik Erikson, in the 1950s. According to Erikson’s theory, lifespan development is divided into separate strictly defined stages, each associated with...

The Four Different Behavioral Styles

Understanding about behavioral styles of the customers is a prerequisite for sales personnel in order to get a satisfactory result. This helps “to tailor his or her approach to a given person and a given situation.” (Stennes, 2008, para.4). The four different styles of customers include socializer, director, thinker, and...

Water Molecule: The Hydrologic Cycle From the Ocean to Land

A water molecule finds its way from the ocean when it is heated by the heat from the sun. The water molecule, which was once in the form of a liquid, changes to a vapor state. The molecule is moved to the upper sides of the atmosphere by movements of...

Gravity’s Role in Physics Motion

It is through gravity that people are able to fall on the ground without losing contact with it. Moreover, gravity makes it possible to move by lifting the body even when one is moving on a level surface. The braking action and gravity act together when one is moving. During...