Employee Training as a Success of an Organization

Nowadays, companies often claim that employees’ professional education is not applicable, that people lack the unique knowledge and skills necessary for a particular work. As a result, the workers’ training and development often become essential for efficient human resource management. The employees’ development, when done wisely, contributes to high working performance, which enhances the productivity of the company in a short-time and long-time perspectives.

The company’s innovative development is impossible without adequately managing the company’s intellectual capital (IC). IC is a well-known economics concept connected with the knowledge, experience, and skills of particular workers. Usually, human resource managing practices focus on the three branches of IC: human, structural, and relational. Each type of capital requires the employer to apply specific training and techniques to increase the total rate of the company’s performance. In a race to superiority on the market, the company must perform special training for employers to enhance short-term and long-term development.

Taking into account human resource management practices, employers need to plan efficient training and development programs. The critical factor which should not be missed is the individual preferences of the workers according to their interests, talents, motivation, and abilities. Bratton and Gold claim that organizing the training into groups according to the workers’ requirements and preferences will improve company performance. This statement is genuinely true because if all the workers are taught without considering their needs, the motivation will decrease as well as their working activity.

For example, the employer offers to attend training courses to learn new simplified techniques for using several types of equipment. All the employees attended lectures and practical lessons and theoretically were supposed to apply knowledge in practice to speed up the process. After some time, the employer noticed that many workers’ stopped using all those techniques in practice. The problem here is the amount of information and failure to include employees’ preferences in the training process. It will be more logical to ask people which machines they want to work with and separate them into several groups. In this way, people will understand that their opinions matter.

Thus, the employees’ development is a crucial factor in the sustainability of the company. The company’s economic growth depends on the workers’ knowledge and skills that need to be constantly developed. The employer should consider the human resource management factors to promote efficient work and motivation of the workers. Therefore, both the short-term and long-term success of an organization depends on high-quality human resource management.

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