
Lessons from the House M.D. TV Show

Examining the show House M.D. from a literary perspective has provided me with a more in-depth understanding of a hospital’s life. This aspect is helpful as nursing is firmly connected to communicate with patients and their families. Thus, although on many occasions, the main character did not serve as a...

“Merry Little Christmas” Episode of the House TV Series

The episode “Merry Little Christmas” of the well-known TV show House M.D. perfectly summarizes the struggle that the main character’s colleagues go through due to their dilemma. It can be argued that part of the House’s appeal as a character is his self-esteem. Additionally, he is a brilliant doctor, which...

Christo’s Running Fence and Its Role as an Artwork

Art is something seen to be very essential to human development, for instance, in the case of Christo’s Running Fence, which had an impact on the society surrounding that fence. This can be evident to the early men and women who actually lived in the caves of Spain and southern...

Americans’ Complacency After Disasters

I believe complacency sets in after a catastrophic or traumatic event in America, and it affects society at every level. According to Minyard, “People become complacent and simply get on with their day”; it is a serious issue that needs an urgent solution. According to the department of homeland security,...

“Directors Tell the Story” Book by Bethany Rooney

Reading the book “Directors Tell the Story” by Bethany Rooney was a fantastic experience for me. I have discovered various matters about the structure of movies and series that I had noticed myself but could not give a particular name to. Namely, the explicit breaking down of the script corresponds...

Music in Episode 1 of “Stranger Things”

The series “Stranger Things” reveals a small town in the outback of the United States, living a quiet and peaceful life. The events of history unfold in the 80s, which is noticeable not only in the general style but also in the music that emphasizes the mood of that era....

Marriage Equality, Prejudice, Discrimination

In her speech in the New York Senate, Senator Savino defended the rights of bisexual couples to marry. She said that the court or the Senate cannot decide which is the quality of someone’s relationship. Otherwise, most marriages would be denied by them, as people often do not even think...

How to Value Exceptionalities and Disabilities at School

Disability is considered an adult, a complicated and sophisticated topic for children. Nevertheless, disabled people are one of the largest social groups. It is quite normal for children to be curious about other children who have some exceptionalities and disabilities. In this case, the role of the teacher is to...

Behuniak’s “The Living Dead” and Moreman’s “Dharma of the Dead”

The two sources share several ideas, and one of them is Romero’s films as the starting point for discussing the image of zombies. However, they take different approaches and emphasize the relevant aspects of the underlining discussion. Moreman highlights various interpretations of the films, such as consumerism and a Christian...

Europeans Early Picturing of Aboriginal People

Europeans, who actively settled on new continents, starting from the end of the 15th century, eventually reached Australia’s shores and founded the first settlements there in the 18-19th century. Suddenly, white people discovered that the continent was already inhabited by aborigines, instinctively perceived as a threat. Probably, white people also...

Depictions of Aboriginal Australians in Paintings

There are two particular aspects of Australian art – the aboriginal art and the art of the first settlers who depicted the locals as they saw them. The art of the latter is usually superficial and fails to present the aborigines as human beings but reduces them to savages guided...

Musicals in Real Life Episode 4 Analysis

The media is called “Gotta Share! The Musical – Musicals In Real Life, Episode 4.” This work may be defined as a funny video in which a speaker who tries to present an app to the audience is interrupted by an “unexpected” musical. After this speaker asks the mentioned audience...

Stylization of the Fifth Figure of The Tell Asmar Hoard

The figures in the image represent The Tell Asmar sculpture hoard, a collection of 12 human statues discovered in the Diyala plain of Iraq in 1934. The excavators found the statues buried in a single deposit, and the smaller statues laid on top of the larger ones. The construction of...

Venus of Willendorf vs. Cernavoda Figures

The given comparative analysis will primarily focus on the Venus of Willendorf, an example of Paleolithic art, with the Cernavoda Figures, examples of Neolithic art. The emphasis will be put on elements of design, which are texture and shape/volume, and principles of design, which are scale/proportion and balance. In the...

Reconstruction as Experiment That Fell Short of Expectations

Reconstruction is a period in American history covering 1865-1877 following the American Civil War. The events of the war left the southern part in ruins politically, socially, and economically. The farms, cities, and people’s lives were greatly destroyed following the invasion by the Union soldiers, and inflation levels increased. The...

Houston’s and Norman’s Songs for the Mandela Tribute

In “The Greatest Love of All,” Whitney talks of the greatest love of all is to learn to love yourself. It speaks of personal achievement, yet people gathered are speaking for the rights of the public. The theme of this event is demanding the release of Nelson Mandela. Most of...

Tracy Chapman’s Songs at the Mandela Tribute Concert

“Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution” In this song, Tracy Chapman talks about the problems experienced by the poor. Those in power have oppressed the poor. Her region is talking about a revolution, but this is just a whisper. She says that many poor people are sitting around with no employment. Tracy...

The Women’s Opportunity in the 1950s

The essay in question dwells upon the roles played by women in the United States in the 1950s with the focus on their business opportunities. One of the features of the 1950s-1960s was the development of family values that established quite strict gender roles. Women were confined to their households...

Romanticism: Paintings and Music

The Romantic Movement manifested itself in different areas of culture. Its representatives were united by only one thing that is a conflict with reality. In a world, where everything, including human relations, is subject to the law of sale and purchase, romantics opposed the truth of feelings, and the free...

Teenage Femininity in “The Fits” Movie by Anna Rose Holmer

Introduction Every teenage girl feels social pressure during their school years in terms of finding their true identity. Adolescent years are crucial in the process of character establishment where a few judgmental remarks may influence the further course of personality formation. Following the desired hobbies or dressing comfortably may be...

“Hermes and the Infant Dionysus” and “Aphrodite of Knidos” Sculptures

In this analysis two ancient Greek sculptures from the same time period will be studied and described. The first sculpture is Hermes and the Infant Dionysus that is often considered to be made by Praxiteles in the 4th century BC; however, the assumption about its origin is not confirmed. It...

Concert Report: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is one of his greatest works. Played by BBC NOW, directed by Xian Zhang, it sounds amazingly big (Hollowchatter, 2017). From the first notes, listeners are entirely immersed in the music. The conductor’s work is genuinely virtuoso: it guides the musicians expressively and achieves impressive sound. Thanks...

The Juno Movie and Its Unique Language

Juno is a touching movie about unexpected pregnancy and searches for individuality. Many critics regarded it as a so-called dramedy, a combination of drama and comedy. In Juno, there are moments of lighthearted humor that keep it from getting too dramatic. It tells a simple story of a teenage girl...

Thor and Wonder Woman: Gender Stereotypes and Feminism

Introduction Superheroes can be considered the myths of the 20th and 21st centuries. Like Hercules and Odysseus of Ancient Greece, they can be an inspiration, but also an icon of their time (Bland). In both of these capacities, they exemplify the values of their era, showing modern audiences how some...