
The Common Characteristics of Living Things

All living organisms share a standard set of characteristics. Reproduction helps to preserve and increase the number of species of a certain type. Under particular conditions, new plants appear from seeds and offsprings in animals. The growth and development of organism traits occur on the basis of inheritance or genetic...

Understanding Language and Phonological Analysis

Contrastive distribution is a relationship between two different elements in phonology, in which the substitution of a component with another leads to changes in semantic meaning. In other words, if two sounds in a language in the same contexts produce different meanings, it is a contrastive distribution. For instance, the...

Volcanoes and Their Eruptive Characteristics

Shield volcano is a type of volcano that is completely made up of liquid lava. The flow is very large in size and resembles a warrior’s shield when laid on the ground. The formation of a shield volcano emerges from the flow of lava with low-viscosity, which increases the size...

Endangered Species in the Mediterranean Basin

The Mediterranean Sea is completely surrounded by land, having a surface of 2.9 million square kilometres; the depth of the sea reaches 1430 meters. The territory of the Mediterranean Basin stretches from northern Italy to Morocco and from Jordan to Portugal; the location of the basin is considered to be...

Social and Deep Ecology: Similarities and Differences

The term “Deep Ecology” is a part of Ecological philosophy that considers all human kinds as a basic element in this environment. This philosophy gives the idea that all living beings have an equal right to live and flourish in the environment. This philosophy was introduced by a Norwegian philosopher...

Scientists’ Attempt to Predict Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are those disasters that are caused by nature. This includes floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes, storms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornados, blizzards, avalanches among others. Scientists have therefore identified some mechanisms to predict these disasters. Scientists have advised that hurricanes, tornados, and cyclones can be predicted using meteorological and...

International Space Station

The main aim of the international space station was to promote several scientific research, projects, and experiments that are only possible in micro-gravity. A significant example of areas being researched is the effect on the human form of life in space for a certain length of time. In this, the...

Appraising Quantitative Studies: Validity, Reliability, and Applicability

In quantitative research, emphasis is put on the objectivity and conciseness of the employed methods. The position of the person conducting the study must not affect the results, which brings the particular researcher’s involvement to a minimum. Validity, reliability, and applicability are the key factors that are used to assess...

Linguistic Development Theories: Nature vs. Nurture

Despite a plethora of psychological, behavioral, neurological, anthropological, and linguistic studies of language acquisition, this process has not been exhaustively elucidated so far. Bloom explained language acquisition from the semantic-cognitive perspective; Tomasello construes language learning regarding interactions between humans. Chomsky’s nativist approach and Skinner’s behaviorism-based theory are milestone concepts of...

Types of Hypotheses

The different types of hypotheses are inductive, deductive, and research ones. The last are divided into directional or non-directional research and statistical hypotheses, which include a null hypothesis. An example of a directional hypothesis is if the students who use the study pack will score higher on the science test...

Predicting Bacterial Proteins’ Structure and Function

One of the most critical tasks of modern bioinformatics is to predict and foretell the structure and, consequently, the functions of bacterial proteins. To reveal amino acid followers, -helix and -sheet location, as a rule, computer programming methods are used. Protein prediction is an incredibly important goal since it allows...

Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation

Mean Depicted as μ, it is the average value of the sample of data. It is computed by the formula μ = (x1+x2+…+xn)/n. It is called an arithmetic mean: there are other mean values too, but the arithmetic mean is the most common. An example is an average mark on...

Types of Distributions and Examples

Normal Distribution Known as the “bell curve,” it is symmetrical distribution, with values gradually rising to the mean value, which is the highest value as well, and gradually falling after it. Positive Distribution The distribution where data are skewed to the left (to the smaller value): its maximum is smaller...

The Concept of Darwinism

Darwin’s theory of evolution starts with the concept of variation existing among different organisms within a group. Darwin differentiated between three approaches to variation: Thus, it might be noted that the more useful variations were more inheritable. Further, such variations had more chances for reproduction and, as a result, they...

Insolation and its Influence in the Distribution of Ecosystem

Insolation is the radiation generated from solar and reaches the earth’s surface. This phenomenon is usually measured by the amount of solar received per square centimeter per minute. Solar insolation plays a very important part in the climatology of the earth. One of the areas that it greatly influences includes...

“Great Pacific Garbage Patch” Articles and Video Summary

One of the most severe and hazardous environmental issues of the modern world is plastic pollution. Over the past fifteen years, people have doubled the production and use of plastic as it is one of the cheapest materials. However, not everyone is ready to face the consequences and try to...

Green Room: Mixing Leftover Supply of Blue and Yellow Paint

Every color around us can have an impact on our lives in several ways. For instance, the color green is dominant, and experts believe that it can evoke powerful emotions. The fact that the daughter loves green indicates that she enjoys the incredible varieties that nature offers. Green evokes several...

Olfaction: Detecting the Odor of the Onion Bagels

The olfactory system is the human sense that is accountable for the recognition of scents. There is a large number of factors, such as source, distance, and area, affect the concentration of odors that people perceive. Furthermore, the olfactory system is an adaptable sense, which implies that the person can...

Pain Perception: Cognitive and Experiential Aspects

For the human body to perceive pain, the ability to inform the organism that a dangerous situation is about to develop is involved. The theory of gain control, also known as the theory for pain involves two sets of nervous systems that inform the brain about the occurring pain to...

Sensory Restriction and Restored Vision

Research on restored vision and sensory restriction presents the ability of an organism to focus on other perception levels and bring out an organization of previously learned perceptions. This includes the ability to guide in executing perceptual interpretations. Organisms have the perceptual ability since their inception, and any sensory deprivation,...

Perceptual Constancy: Sensations and Perceptions

Perceptual constancy facilitates the recognition of an object and helps see it as unchanging in terms of color, brightness, shape, and size, including when the retinal and illumination images are altered. Color constancy explains the perception of familiar objects as containing consistent color even when changing illumination affects the reflected...

Vestibular Senses and Body’s Position & Movement

The sense of audition supports the ability of the body to monitor the movement and position. This system works together with the vestibular system responsible for the detection of angular and linear deceleration and acceleration. The audition sensor system makes use of special cells in the inner side of the...

How Sense of Smell Is Directly Connected to Brain

The olfactory receptor system is responsible for the identification and recognition of airborne molecules. Odorants refer to chemicals that carry the smell, flavor, fragrance, or aroma. Perceived odorants get dissolved in the olfactory epithelium located in the nose, where millions of receptors are present. They contain specialized cells to enhance...

Underpopulation as a Major Problem in Certain US States

The article “Empty House on the Prairie” is dedicated to the move to the Midwest before the ice breaks, making the family build the new house and totally change their life. “The tiny towns in the Great Plains and upper Midwest don’s want to die. They are trying to keep...

Water Molecule: The Hydrologic Cycle From the Ocean to Land

A water molecule finds its way from the ocean when it is heated by the heat from the sun. The water molecule, which was once in the form of a liquid, changes to a vapor state. The molecule is moved to the upper sides of the atmosphere by movements of...

Gravity’s Role in Physics Motion

It is through gravity that people are able to fall on the ground without losing contact with it. Moreover, gravity makes it possible to move by lifting the body even when one is moving on a level surface. The braking action and gravity act together when one is moving. During...

Newton’s Laws of Motion in Everyday Life

The first Newton’s law of motion states, “a body at rest or moving in a straight line in a constant speed will remain at rest or in a constant speed unless another force acts on it”. This assumption is referred to as the law of inertia. The concept of inertia...

Fossils and Evidence of Ancient Metabolism

Initially, it was believed that the first cellular life forms were anaerobic heterotrophs because they were thought to have fed on organic molecules present in the water where the cells originated. However, there are extremely low concentrations or no molecular oxygen as water molecules split through ultraviolet lights. With these...

Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways

Enzymes are vital in the energy production processes in the body. They serve as organic catalysts, especially in promoting metabolism. A protein is a nutritional substance that is found in all living organisms. It is directly involved in the chemical processes of life. Its functions are different depending on the...

City Shrinkage, Heritage, and the Middle East

Introduction The issue of shrinking cities has been on the rise in the past, and it creates serious problems around the globe (Stansel, 2011). This problem of shrinking cities is common amongst cities in developed countries like the United States and Europe among others even though it can happen in...

Airborne and Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey: Literature Review

Sanderson Allyson, Tyler, Ni Riain and Murphy carried out an aerial survey to explore the presence of gamma-ray in parts of SW Scotland and to determine the potential of airborne radiometric techniques for swift response surveying of far-flung areas.1 The researchers were able to record about 17,000 gamma-ray spectra from...

Succinate Dehydrogenase and Subcellular Fractionation

Subcellular Fractionation Eukaryotic cells are composed of a variety of organelles having different functions. In a biochemical examination of organelles, purified samples are required hence the need for isolation. The most common isolation technique is differential centrifugation. During isolation, the cells are homogenized so as to break open the cell...

DNA Extraction and PCR of Bird DNA

Introduction Different tissues can be used for the extraction of DNA in order to analyse the bird’s genetics. Blood and organs provide a rich source of DNA, requiring only a small sample for high-quality DNA. Depending on the species of the bird, some blood can be drawn from non-heparinised capillaries...

Cancer Cells and Normal Cells

Introduction Normal cells undergo normal division which can be controlled by inhibitors, while cancer cells split rapidly in an unorganized manner and even in the presence of inhibitors. The rapid uncontrollable division by cancer cells forms the basis of the difference between normal cells and cancer cells. Mitotic index (MI)...

The Relation Between Physics, Time and Aging

Introduction There is little information available on the study of the relation between the physics community and individuals involved in the study of humanities and social sciences. However, the available studies show a strong association between physics and time, and a weak correlation between physics and aging. Research shows a...

Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis From Jensen Farms

The article under, analysis is called Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to while Cantaloupe from Jensen Farms, Colorado (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). The report introduces general information about bacteria causing the disease outbreak in numerous states in the United States, as well as the statistics of the...