International Space Station

The main aim of the international space station was to promote several scientific research, projects, and experiments that are only possible in micro-gravity. A significant example of areas being researched is the effect on the human form of life in space for a certain length of time. In this, the scientists examine the variation of body fluids, bone loss, and muscle atrophy of the body.

The ISS is being built by 16 nations which include; U.S, Canada, Russia, Brazil, and Japan, in addition to the 11 countries that make up the European Space Agency.

The ISS is of great significance when it comes to finding out the secrets and mystery of the universe, as well as supporting the astronauts in doing repairs on the space without necessarily making spacewalk. Though expensive to maintain, the astronauts have found out whopping discoveries through the ISS, which are impossible with the gravity issue. The three Multi-Purpose Logistics Modules, built by the Italian Space Agency, serve as the International Space Station’s “moving vans” to carry supplies, experiments, and equipment to and from the Station far away from the Space Shuttle. In addition, the unpiloted, reusable MPLM acts as a Space Station module and a cargo carrier. This module is expected to be launched in May 2012.

The ISS is almost complete after more than a decade of construction. Recently, some upcoming improvements were announced to accompany its entire crew of approximately six astronauts. On the other hand, NASA plans to de-orbit the next International Space Station by the year 2016, which is, expected to be in operation forever.

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