
Physical Security Risk Assessment of a Church

The church is the place of worship for Christians. Christian beliefs are based on faith which hopes for better things and trust in the power of God for sustenance. Congregations meet for prayers to seek divine interventions to the problems. The Physical Security of the church as a place where...

Advantages of Being Religious in the Context of Dying

Human life is full of both happy and sad moments, which can affect us positively or negatively. At times, we experience the situations independently, and in some cases, the experience is collective, though the depth of influence may differ. Death is the last stage in a man’s life, and it...

Prophetic Literature: Interpreting Hosea 4:1-5

Both parts of the book of Hosea are imbued with the same idea, around which all the Prophet’s speeches revolve. The starting point of the sermon for the Prophet is the idea of the marriage union of the people of Israel with Jehovah. From the point of view of this...

Religious Impact on Perception of Climate Change

Religions and beliefs played a significant role in the history of humanity and they still have considerable influence on society. Even though religion often appears to be opposed to science, it may not always be accurate. As science developed rapidly, forming a society and changing lifestyles, faith has also undergone...

Judaism’s Creed, Code of Ethics and Most Important Ceremony

Monotheism, or the belief in one God, is a fundamental principle in Judaism. God is omnipotent, holy, and sacred – these are the qualities of divine transcendence. God is also benevolent, and as he walks among people, he sees and hears everything. Another part of the Jewish creed is that...

Abraham’s Role in the Jewish Religion

Abraham is a patriarch of Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham lived in Ur of Mesopotamia, which is modern-day Iraq, around 2000 BCE. His father, Terah, owned an idol shop, where Abraham helped him with work. Abraham is considered to be the first person to teach monotheism – the...

How Religions View the Truth Claims of Other Religions

Exclusivism suggests that a single religion has a unique, or exclusive, claim to what constitutes the absolute truth and that, by extension, truth is not found in other religious traditions. Inclusivism claims that although the truth can only be found in a particular religious tradition, other religions are acknowledged and...

Cosmological Argument: Looking for Convincing Proof

Religious beliefs play a critical role in understanding the idea of the existence of God. According to Rowe, there are three main approaches to discuss this point, including the Cosmological, Design, and Ontological arguments. All of them have their strong and weak aspects and specific contributions that are logical, irrefutable,...

Gnosticism and the Early Christian Church

The term Gnosticism is used to define a set of religious and philosophical beliefs that developed alongside ancient Christianity, becoming especially popular between the 2nd and the 4th CE. According to Dillon, Gnosticism means “the knowledge of divine mysteries reserved for the elite.” However, the term itself has been used...

Hindu Notion of Brahman and the Daoist Notion of Dao

There are some similarities and differences between the Hindu notion of Brahman and the Daoist notion of Dao. Dao and Brahman are similar in that both of them are indescribably and nameless. They both manifest themselves to man in many ways and can be identifiable with many and all things...

Religion as a Major Cause of Violence

Religion has and continues to be a major cause of violence in the world. In medieval ages, the most expansive wars were the Crusades which were carried out by the Christian army in an attempt to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims. These Crusades were destructive and they led...