Advantages of Being Religious in the Context of Dying

Human life is full of both happy and sad moments, which can affect us positively or negatively. At times, we experience the situations independently, and in some cases, the experience is collective, though the depth of influence may differ. Death is the last stage in a man’s life, and it is apparent for any living being to go through it. Despite death’s authenticity, we still get affected wherever we are confronted by it. We do experience dying and death by witnessing a fellow succumb. Moreover, we grieve when a close relation such as a friend, family member, or partner dies. Though dying does not necessarily result in death, the three are interrelated, a silent technique within which the bad news, death, is let known to us.

Dying infers the process of death, for instance, the period within which an individual suffers from a terminal ailment or a dangerous condition or accident. The survival of the individual is very minimal. Dying also affects people negatively, though, at this stage, close relatives may keep hoping that the situation might change for the individual’s survival. Dying helps prepare people close to the patient for the possibility of bad news to control incidences of shock, depression, or even trauma in the eventual demise of the patient.

Grief may influence our emotions, body, mind, relation with others, and spirit. Among the ways of showing grief include physical reactions through trouble relaxing, tense muscles, crying, changes in appetite, sleep patterns, low energy, tight chest, an upset stomach, difficulty concentrating, or restlessness. Grief may greatly influence one’s wellbeing, as it brings hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, persistent feelings of worthiness, and marked physical and mental sluggishness. Its effects encompass all human makings, social, political, economic, and physical aspects, such that when not managed carefully, the individual may develop psychological complications such as trauma, depression, or schizophrenia.

Death is the end of life of any living thing, and in this aspect, the loss of human life. Death is so shocking, it is like the destruction of the meaning of life. Witnessing death is the most horrifying experience ever. It is a period of disbelief and a dream-like situation that can take one a long period to believe and accept the experience. In most instances, some people get shocked, faint, or even die upon learning of the death of close relation. Death, therefore, struck me most as it marks the end of life, the elimination of all the memories the individual had during his lifetime.

Religious people have an advantage when dying, as in most beliefs, death marks the beginning of a new life. According to Christians, death marks the beginning of eternal life; In His great mercy, God has given us a new birth to the living, a hope, through Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead (1st Peter 1:3). A reference to the Bible, Revelation 21:1 shows that there is new earth since the first heaven and earth passed away. Religious people, therefore, have hope and a belief that the sufferings encountered while dying are temptations on their faith in God and the need even to hold firm to their beliefs. In Christian churches, people are trained on various biblical experiences, including those that incorporated temptations such as the story of Job and Jesus Christ and how such personalities earned eternal life. This affirms to Christians that life exists after death, there is an encounter with God, and it is a better life; thus, the need to be strong, and have high hopes for dying.

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