Prophetic Literature: Interpreting Hosea 4:1-5

Both parts of the book of Hosea are imbued with the same idea, around which all the Prophet’s speeches revolve. The starting point of the sermon for the Prophet is the idea of the marriage union of the people of Israel with Jehovah. From the point of view of this idea, the Prophet considers both the presence of the people and their future. The concern for prophecy refers not to Israel and Judea only but to the entire world.

Jehovah’s love for his people has never been extinguished, just as God’s love for people will never be destroyed. Any sinner can hide behind the image of Israel, who broke the marriage union with Jehovah and became a harlot and an adulteress. Just as Israel must seek the Lord, every man must come to God. The sermon contains the idea of such knowledge, which is based on the closest union with the known, that is even likened to marital relations. Every Christian should get to know the Lord, for the Lord says, “I want mercy, not sacrifice.”

The Prophet Hosea preaches the love of God in his speeches, drawing attention to the lack of this love and knowledge about God. He sees the cause of the people’s sins and, in return to it, indicates the trustworthy source of life. The restoration of the purity of the marriage union of society with the Lord will be accompanied by the restoration of complete harmony in nature. The depth of feeling and genuine love for the people of the prophecy are universal values that apply not only to Israel and Judea but also to any person.

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