New Language of Public Speech and Communication

The United States’ political system is a democratic design with the personal qualities of the top leader impacting political outcomes. According to Prasch, the constitutional provision for power separation and autonomy in President’s power has enabled the country’s leadership to place a personal stamp on the national policies since its founding. Different styles and leadership tools are appropriate to various cultures and challenges. President Trump employed the executive leadership models in which his emotional status raised the general anticipations of his regime. Trump was an exceptionally confident president with strong beliefs in his potential for success through his ability to lead. Additionally, Trump is an extrovert with widespread self-approval. Trump’s leadership was majorly personality-based, with strong politics that mobilized popular support and connected the key constituencies.

While delivering his acceptance speech in Illinois, Obama acknowledged, “A new dawn of American leadership is at hand.” Undeniably, Barack Obama’s election into the White House and the most prominent seat in the political hierarchy of the United States was met with expectations for his incoming administration at an unprecedented historic high. His leadership demonstrated an ambitious plan, and decisive action characterized his tenure at the oval office. In Obama’s leadership, he showed a hack of capturing the moment and delivering precise demands. For instance, he seized the opportunity to compel Chrysler and G.M. to validate part of his policies on the environment by accepting a continuous timetable for new MPG standards; this initiative later received considerable federal aid for their operations.

President Obama was evident of transformational leadership throughout his two-term since his political ideologies were rooted in change and the ability of the constituents to embrace the process. Fahnestock defined transformational leadership as the system of leadership where individuals engage others and create connections that raise morality and motivation both in the supporters and the politicians. Obama’s leadership behaviors that showed his transformational leadership included influencing his followers’ behavior and attitudes. His regime also articulates realizable visions and solid and impassive forms of communication when incorporating the concept and taking individual risks, sacrificing resources to realize the common goal. Krebs criticized Obama’s leadership for being partisan and ignoring wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and Iraq. Obama is also criticized for his condescending attitude, especially whenever his decisions did not turn out well.

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