Fully Free Essay Examples, Page 22

Hindu Notion of Brahman and the Daoist Notion of Dao

There are some similarities and differences between the Hindu notion of Brahman and the Daoist notion of Dao. Dao and Brahman are similar in that both of them are indescribably and nameless. They both manifest themselves to man in many ways and can be identifiable with many and all things...

Religion as a Major Cause of Violence

Religion has and continues to be a major cause of violence in the world. In medieval ages, the most expansive wars were the Crusades which were carried out by the Christian army in an attempt to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims. These Crusades were destructive and they led...

Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels

The spheres of management and human resources are primarily characterized by the need for constant improvement and development, as striving for better results makes businesses remain relevant in the market. Hence, to ensure the accessibility of improvement and to boost one’s skills, researchers in the field of human resources have...

Ring Doorbell 3 Plus’: Marketing Environment

A marketing environment includes external (that cannot be controlled by a company), and internal (funds, employees, materials, markets, devices that perform work) factors. Understanding the marketing environment of a company or product aids in developing future strategies for retail. I speak about the internal marketing environment for ‘Ring Doorbell 3...

Fossils and Evidence of Ancient Metabolism

Initially, it was believed that the first cellular life forms were anaerobic heterotrophs because they were thought to have fed on organic molecules present in the water where the cells originated. However, there are extremely low concentrations or no molecular oxygen as water molecules split through ultraviolet lights. With these...

Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways

Enzymes are vital in the energy production processes in the body. They serve as organic catalysts, especially in promoting metabolism. A protein is a nutritional substance that is found in all living organisms. It is directly involved in the chemical processes of life. Its functions are different depending on the...

Race and Ethnicity in the Jury Selection Process

Race plays a direct role in jury selection and it is largely undisputed although condemned that jury discrimination has and continues to exist in the United States, favoring white juries. Juries typically oversee cases that go to trial, thus more serious crimes with defendants facing significant penal consequences. While juries...

Bail and Charging Decisions Influenced by Race and Ethnicity

There is a significant belief that the bail system discriminates either directly or indirectly against racial and ethnic minorities, as historically, these defendants are likely to be detained because judges either refuse bail or set bail at levels they cannot afford, knowing there is a discrepancy in average income levels....

The Right to Counsel Interpreted by the US Supreme Court

Under the 6th Amendment of the Constitution, all defendants in criminal prosecutions have the right to assistance of counsel. However, minority and poor defendants often could not afford counsel leading to unfair trials. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled several times on the issue. In the famous 1932 case Powell...

Secrecy in the Verloc Household in Conrad’s “The Secret Agent”

The novel by Joseph Conrad presents the reader with an artful game of contrasts. The primary plot is tightly related to the global wave of terror wreaking havoc in 19th-century Europe. However, in its global background, the personal tragedy of the Verloc family is naturally woven into the story. As...

Is Fiscal Policy Flexible Regarding Changing Economics?

Difficult economic times call for challenging decisions that can affect retailer business in a country. For instance, during an economic recession with increased unemployment rates, central banks may boost the economy by inducing an expansionary money policy to expand the money supply, raise loans, and reduction in interest rates. However,...

Government Fiscal Policy to Stimulate Demand in Retail

Fiscal policy is an economic framework used by federal governments to control their spending and taxation, thus influencing the economy. By the government acting to adjust the spending and tax revenue, it can impact the economic results by either lowering or raising the economic activity. For instance, when a federal...

Causal Inference and Quasi-Experimental Designs

Quasi-experiments include certain control over variables and are used to test causal hypotheses. The main goal of quasi-experiments is to reduce bias and other factors that can threaten causal inference. Since the participants of quasi-experiments are not aware of the fact that experimentation is being conducted, the factor of bias...

Europeans Early Picturing of Aboriginal People

Europeans, who actively settled on new continents, starting from the end of the 15th century, eventually reached Australia’s shores and founded the first settlements there in the 18-19th century. Suddenly, white people discovered that the continent was already inhabited by aborigines, instinctively perceived as a threat. Probably, white people also...

Depictions of Aboriginal Australians in Paintings

There are two particular aspects of Australian art – the aboriginal art and the art of the first settlers who depicted the locals as they saw them. The art of the latter is usually superficial and fails to present the aborigines as human beings but reduces them to savages guided...

History: In Verrem Series of Speeches by Cicero

Cicero’s series of speeches called In Verrem allow us to understand the orator’s thoughts regarding how the Romans should have ruled their empire, and these texts have evidence that they cared about the welfare of their peoples. First, Cicero perceived himself as the patron of Sicilian citizens, so as soon...

The World Health Organization’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Under the United Nations framework, the World Health Organization is the directing and organizing authority for health. It is in charge of setting the global health research agenda, establishing norms and criteria, articulating evidence-based policy alternatives, providing technical assistance to countries, and tracking and evaluating health patterns. The Strengths of...

Manufacturing Factor of Japan Airlines Boeing Incident

The incident involving Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8 JA829J happened on 7 January 2013 and was caused by a fire coming from underneath the lid of an auxiliary power unit battery case. The incident prompted an investigation and a suspension of the battery units pending the evaluation of the incident. The...

The Alaska Airlines Flight 261 Crew’s Actions

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crashed on January 31, 2000, while flying from Puerto Vallarta to Seattle, crashing in the Pacific Ocean due to a loss of pitch control. Everyone on board, including two pilots, three cabin crew members, and 83 passengers perished in the crash. The initial analysis of CVR...

Valujet Company’s Growth Resulted in Accident

Valujet 592 Flight crashed on May 11, 1996, taking the lives of 110 passengers and crew on board. The crash was prompted by a fire in the cargo container, which happened because of violations of storage and packaging rules by the subcontractor performing the packaging. Valujet’s cost-cutting policies in combination...

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster: Challenger All Over Again

The Space Shuttle Columbia catastrophe occurred on 1 February 2003, when the shuttle descending through the atmosphere had a piece of protective foam break off and damage the heat-resisting plating of the wing, resulting in the shuttle losing control and breaking apart. All 7 crew members perished in the crash....

New Deal Liberalism: Equality and Justice

The New Deal Liberalism affected all groups, including Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans. They had been inspired by Kennedy’s rhetoric and Johnson’s actions, which fostered equality and justice for every American ethnicity and skin color. There was significant upward mobility in the social welfare of minority groups thanks...

How Latinx and Native Americans Mobilized in the 1960s

Latinx and Native Americans mobilized in the 1960s by organizing Civil Rights movements determined to end the oppressive capitalist regime, each for their own ethnic group. Meanwhile, the black protests became black riots. The uprising in the South was determined to end discrimination and segregation on racial grounds. They hoped...

New Deal Liberalism: Health and Welfare of People

The New Deal Liberalism succeeded in the sectors of health and welfare of people by protecting the civil rights and rights of minorities. For example, Lyndon Johnson, who had succeeded President Kennedy, triumphed in bringing forth the Great Society. President Johnson flooded Congress with bills that improved the situation of...

Periodic Screening Recommendation for Osteoporosis

The clinical recommendations are that every patient over the age of 50 should be assessed. Thus, every patient 65 years of age and older should be regularly screened for risk factors for osteoporosis and fragility fractures. This applies to both females and males. Screening starts at 65 years with the...

Database Transaction and Its Desirable Properties

A database transaction is a unit of work done within a database management system against a specific instance of a database. A complete database transaction should not violate the integrity of the database and should leave the data in a reliable and consistent state. Properties of Transactions Database transaction supports...

Bots and Hacking Danger Comparison

Bots are another kind of threat to network security like viruses, worms, Trojan horses. It is a type of malware which allows an attacker to gain complete control over the affected computer. It is actually a program that can operate as an agent for a user or another program. A...

Community Volunteering & Understanding Sociological Concepts

Volunteering is any free activity that is aimed at generating various kinds of benefits for other people. In addition to that, it can be used to understand essential sociological concepts, including social control, stigma, deviance, minority group, assimilation, and affirmative action. Thus, social control is a set of rules, norms,...

Civic Activism (Engagement) and Its Various Definitions

In the literature, different definitions are used to define civic activism. Thus, van Ingen and Bekkers state that civic engagement stands for non-violent means to solve some problems and improve a current state of affairs. The researchers stipulate that this phenomenon can be represented by “membership of voluntary associations or...

The US-Supported Coup in Bolivia: Interrupted Presidency

The term “interrupted presidency” describes the situation of removal of a president earlier than the full term expires. It is often not a nonviolent transfer of power. So, I think that the 2019 coup in Bolivia is an example of an “interrupted presidency” because Morales still had some months left...

Problems in the Gendered Lynching Podcast

The guest Gema Kloppe-Santamaría studied the history of lynching during the post-revolutionary period in Mexico. The main issues discussed in the podcast were the roots of lynching, the victims and perpetrators of lynching in Mexico, and the similarities and differences between lynching in the USA and Mexico. The main accent...

Traditional Male Circumcision in Eastern and Southern Africa

A Framework for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Effective HIV Prevention and a Gateway to Improved Adolescent Boys’ & Men’s Health in Eastern and Southern Africa by 2021 Traditional male circumcision in Eastern and Southern Africa plays a significant role in people’s lives. For many African residents, it is crucial to...

Treatment of Da Mayor in “Do the Right Thing” Film

Da Mayor is a paradoxical character well-known for his constant inebriation and the habit of giving out advice to everyone. One of his most practical and symbolic pieces of advice is given to Mookie at the beginning of the movie when Da Mayor tells him to “do the right thing.”...

Pictures of African-Americans in “Do the Right Thing” Film

The conflict arises as Buggin’ Out is offended and finds it unacceptable for a pizza place in the neighborhood with a predominantly Black community to have no photographs of Black celebrities on the “Wall of Fame.” It might be perceived as a minor problem; however, Sal’s “Wall of Fame” serves...

Doctor Faust’s Last Soliloquy and Character Development

Through the words of the main character, the development of the personality and the change of views over time can be easily traced. The play Dr. Faust is a philosophical and psychological tragedy that reveals the inner struggle of a humanist scientist who strives for unlimited knowledge but is aware...

How Plato Treats Tradition and Formulates His Argument

At first glance, it might seem that traditionalism belongs to the category of sensitive historical phenomena firmly associated with antiquity. Thus, as a rule, when individuals reflect on tradition, the mind directs the flow of thoughts toward past experiences and events. As a consequence, an erroneous belief may be created...

Mingle Company’s Adoption and Use of Digital Tools

In the rapidly developing environment, companies should gain a competitive advantage through the NPD strategies since the most technologically leading organization achieves increased capacity and efficient production processes. Referring to Kazimierska and Grebosz-Krawczyk, digital tools and innovations, including “computer-aided design, engineering, and manufacturing (CAD/CAE/CAM) tools,” are implemented almost in all...

Mingle Company Launching New Products

Mingle has two options for the company’s growth, which include cost and differentiation. Based on the existing company characteristics, Mingle’s products have a unique feature related to natural ingredients used in the production process. Due to the fact that current competitors in the seasoning market make their products with the...

Mingle Company’s Development of Agile and Lean Process

Pessoa and Trabasso identify six types of risks associated with NPD: performance, schedule, development cost, resources/technology, market, and business risks. Performance risk rises from the design’s ability to achieve the required quality of a product, including production capacity and cost associated with the new product. Schedule risk is related to...

Mingle Company’s Key Success Factors in the Future

Product and Project Levels Mingle seasoning is focused on healthier alternatives to existing seasonings with nasty ingredients. Their main priority is to provide a high-quality product that does not contain unpleasant components but at the same time stays cool and fancy for consumers. This company’s objective leads to the production...

The Standard of Care in Negligence Is Objective

When a group of people is found going against the law, all the members of the group are accountable. Everyone is required to rise to a mutual degree of foresight, even those who have partial skills. This subjectivity trails from the law’s purpose to safeguard people similarly from each other....

Morality Is Gappy and Needs Law to Help Fill in the Gaps

Gardner says that “Morality is gappy and sometimes needs a law to help fill in the gaps. But the same is also true in reverse.” Laws are a set of guidelines formed to direct a group of people or an organization on what is allowed and not authorized. Morality is...

Types of Contracts With Suppliers

A fixed-price contract is such a contract in which the size of payments does not depend on the time or resources that were spent for the completion of the assigned task. Therefore, the price of the services is specified in advance. According to Polinsky, the parties that sign this type...

Tasks Suppliers Should Perform and Ask for a Proposal

The supplier that the company’s administration will choose for the provision of office cleaning service is expected to perform several essential tasks. First of all, the supplier should be responsible for maintaining high hygiene standards in the office. More precisely, this includes wet cleaning of the space before the start...

How Diamond Developers Develop Their Sustainability

Diamond Developers should utilize the current framework to ensure sustainability efficiency. It is suggested that Diamond Developers collaborate with LEED in the Middle East to tailor the LEED framework to the region’s needs. It is a well-established framework and commonly used rating scheme that can foster global and regional resilience....

Quality Nursing Care and Its Measurable Indicators

Although quality nursing care has various definitions, knowledge of the concept is essential for a nurse to provide effective and safe treatment and help. “Quality nursing care is a multidimensional concept,” and defining it is a significant step in a nurse’s learning process. Quality nursing care is the provision of...

Social Constructions of Class: Overview

The social constructions of class are related to stratification or the position of individuals within society regarding their socioeconomic status. Thus, the upper class was continuously evolving and frequently referred to as the people who did not have to work. As for the United States, this term is related primarily...

Social Constructions of Race: Overview

Social constructions are intertwined with the concept of race and define its perception by people on the basis of their convictions with regard to society. At various times, they tried to examine and describe the differences between them on the grounds of this concept through the lens of numerous theories....

Delaying of Marriage in American Society and Its Factors

In modern society, the trend of late marriage can be observed globally. The urgency of this problem is progressing every year as young people do not strive to legalize their unions and continue to cohabitate, raise children, and conduct common, everyday household chores. There are many explanations and reasons for...

Intermediate Sanctions: What Are They?

Intermediate sanctions are more stringent than probation and less restrictive than jail sentences. They give numerous extra punishment alternatives for wrongdoers that demand greater supervision of the sentence. Intermediate sanctions are primarily a government response to jail overpopulation.

A Woman’s Role in Law Enforcement

Just like in the general workforce, the involvement of women in law enforcement is an evolving aspect. However, in law enforcement, women’s services are as old as enforcement agencies, although they have been allocated the lesser complicated tasks. For instance, the first police department to be established in the United...

Disparate Recidivism Rate in American Criminal Justice

Disparate recidivism rate refers to the frequency of delinquent or illegal behaviors that recur. The American criminal justice system can adapt programs to introduce educational programs in each federal prison to reduce recidivism. Such an initiative will provide the inmates with a chance to reform and learn at the same...

Mexican and Asian Immigrants’ Historical and Current Issues

America has also been nicknamed the land of honey and milk because of the belief that it is a place of luxury and comfort. For this reason, America has faced immigration challenges as more people move from their countries to America in search of a better life. Most immigrants are...

Why Personal Investment Is Unstable

Investment spending has a tendency to fall and rise on numerous occasions, thus said to be unstable due to several reasons. Consumption is complementary to saving or investing; hence if a household does not consume, it invests. However, it is easier to forgo investment than consumption which at most times...

Cloud Computing and Concealed Conduits

It goes without saying that the distribution of information and its sharing may be regarded as a highly critical stage of the process of information dissemination. In the present day, the majority of organizations have shifted from storing their information locally to information management on a network basis utilizing third-party...

Devastating Floods in Arizona in the News

In July 2021, several parts of Arizona were seriously hit with massive flooding. The city of Flagstaff, located among North Arizona’s mountains and “considered a gateway to the Grand Canyon,” was mostly affected as floodwaters caused by monsoon rains have swept through its streets, turning them “into murky, fast-running streams.”...

How Botulinum Toxin Affect Communication Between Neurons

When considering how botox affects communication between neurons, it should be essential to remember that there are four different sites in the human body that can be influenced by it. These include postganglionic parasympathetic nerve endings, neuromuscular junction, postganglionic sympathetic nerve endings, and autonomic ganglia. The process of binding between...

How a Covid-19 Infection Can Cause Lifelong Lung Damage

The Coronavirus is transmitted through the droplet process, where droplets from surfaces or air are touched or inhaled. When a person is infected, the virus travels within the body and attacks organs such as the lungs and spleen. In the lungs, it attacks the epithelial cells, which form the lining...

Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement

The issue of trustful relationships and accountability between police and people is questioned over the last years. Many studies are devoted to raising the efficiency of police actions, for instance, the development of its oversight actions and improving its liability. At the same time, a system that is aiming to...

Problems of Americans Fighting in American Revolution

The American Revolution took place from 1755 to 1783, in what earned British North America, consisting of thirteen colonies, independence, thus leading to the formation of the United States of America. The Americans who fought during the American Revolution were in the Continental Army. The Continental Army faced many challenges...

The Causes of the French and Indian War

The French – Indian war took place for over seven years, pitting Britain against France to control most of North America. Preceding the war, France had started advancing into the Ohio River valley in the early 1950s, a move that created tension in the British camp. The Britons felt like...

The Payroll Processing System and Its Functioning

A payroll processing system (PPS) is an innovative approach for working with financial operations for business management. The related programs allow the companies to calculate taxes, benefits, and other salary factors before paying their employees. Besides, a PPS can store records for further reports, adjust the data when new regulations...

Officer Fatigue and Its Consequences

Officer fatigue is a complex phenomenon which is not influenced by a single factor, such as shift duration. However, poor sleep quality can significantly contribute to it, and various schedules may impact one’s ability to rest properly. For instance, several long shifts in succession, which is the case with 3/12,...

The Loyalty to Brands: Apple

Yes, I am a brand loyal consumer who prefers to buy only my preferred product. Apple Inc. is my chosen brand because it already has iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, Macs, Apple TVs, and other accessories in Saudi Arabia. Apple Inc. is an international technology corporation based in Cupertino, California, that...

The Roman Empire’s Fall and Its Causes

Economic Dilemmas and Overdependence on Slave Labor Even when Rome was underneath attacks from the exterior force, it also struggled with serious financial challenges. Overspending and constant wars significantly widened the gap between the poor and the rich. Intending to evade tax inspectors, several well-off individuals flew to the countryside....

Justifying Women’s Subordinate Status Within Society: Mill’s Critique

The subjects of femininity, feminism, love, and how to be a woman persist and are central in the works of Simone de Beauvoir. The French philosopher also continually tackles the topic of marriage and its role in the relationship of men and women. At the present time, the concept of...

Stereotypes in “Hong Kong Nights” by Renford Reese

This storyline is built on the contrast between the Asian and African cultures and how stereotypes about different races affect people’s ability to see others as they are. For example, the Hong Kong natives have prejudice toward Africans. During one of the discussions with frineds, Marshawn says the following about...

Ro’s Lessons in “Hong Kong Nights” by Renford Reese

Roland is Regina’s younger brother, whom Marshawn decided to look up to. Unlike Marshawn, Ro grew up in Pomona outside Los Angeles in a middle-class family. This means that Ro did not experience the struggles and violence that Marshawn saw when he grew up. Ro’s successes motivated Marshawn since he...

Kindred Spirits in “Hong Kong Nights” by Renford Reese

Marshawn is an African native who grew up in poverty. One of the unusual plot twists in this novel is that he is invited to Hong Kong by his uncle. His appearance is described as “darker than brown skin.” Marshawn grew up in a dangerous neighborhood in Los Angeles, where...

The Components of the Expenditure & Income Approaches to Computing GDP

When calculating GDP using the expenditure approach, components such as consumption, investment, government expenditure, and net exports are used. Consumption is all private consumer costs in a country’s economy, which include durable goods with a life expectancy of more than 3 years, non-durable goods, and services. Investment is the amount...

Ensuring Proper Financial Control by the Financial Manager

Among the crucial players with which financial managers work in the auditing department of the firm. In conjunction with controllers, the mentioned financial managers act with this auditing department in order to ensure that appropriate measures are taken so that the performance of the company could be significant. Auditors monitor...

Peelian Law and London Metropolitan Police Act

There are nine modern principles issued to the metropolitan police. The first principle is to prevent disorder and crime in which the police must maintain order, civil peace, and security by apprehending offenders and investigating crime. The second principle is to accomplish their tasks and responsibilities in which they have...

Stock and Fallow Changes During COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 put the world in severe circumstances concerning healthcare and the economy. It adversely affects the livelihood and wellbeing of people all around the world. More than 3 million individuals have died due to coronavirus infection since the pandemic’s beginning. Many people lost their jobs because of staff cuts, while...

Grand Jury Indictment of Ford Analysis

An incident occurred on August 10, 1978, involving a Ford-manufactured car, the Pinto. Two sisters and their aunt suffered a collision with a van while in their Ford Pinto car. The rear hit has led to the rupture of the gas tank, with the car rapidly bursting into flames in...

The World War II Was the Worst of Human Nature

World War II showed the worst of human nature, as portrayed by Locke & Wright in their book “The American Yawp”. From the first-time humans settled in the United States to the recent past, it can be noted that no single event led to more loss of life and destruction...

Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis: Etiology and Symptoms

Cholelithiasis or gallstones is complex depositions that could form gallbladder. Mainly cholelithiasis occurs due to excessive amounts of cholesterol in the bile stored in the gallbladder. Characteristics that are usually accomplished by a high level of cholesterol in the bile, such as obesity or a high level of bilirubin, cause...

The Five Types of Hepatitis: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver triggered mainly by a viral infection. Besides viral infections, autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis could occur as an outcome of medications, toxins, and alcohol. Here, autoimmune hepatitis refers to a condition when the human bodies create antibodies against liver tissue. There are five...

The Minimum Wage and Its Impact on Workers

The establishment of minimum wage is a common practice in many countries as governments try to address the needs of the most vulnerable groups. At that, this type of regulation can do more harm than good to people in many cases. First, workers receive a specific amount of funds sufficient...

Musicals in Real Life Episode 4 Analysis

The media is called “Gotta Share! The Musical – Musicals In Real Life, Episode 4.” This work may be defined as a funny video in which a speaker who tries to present an app to the audience is interrupted by an “unexpected” musical. After this speaker asks the mentioned audience...

Market and Market Equilibrium, the Need for a Balance Regulator

Neoclassical economic theories have become a dominating framework, which has had an effect on the approaches used by the government of different countries. Based on the premises of this theoretical paradigm, the market reaches equilibrium when the needs of sellers and buyers are balanced. This condition is seen as the...

Stylization of the Fifth Figure of The Tell Asmar Hoard

The figures in the image represent The Tell Asmar sculpture hoard, a collection of 12 human statues discovered in the Diyala plain of Iraq in 1934. The excavators found the statues buried in a single deposit, and the smaller statues laid on top of the larger ones. The construction of...

Understanding Banking Services and Related Concerns

The first action to better understand the concerns associated with using various banking services would be to define the available options that I should take into account within the scope of the issue. After I have a specified list, there will be the opportunity to conduct online research in order...

England’s Reasons for Establishing Colonies in North America

The newly discovered continent of North America was considered to be full of resources that could make England a wealthy and powerful country. The English envied Spain monarchs who gained a lot of gold, having invested in conquistador expeditions. Building the colonies on the new continent could strengthen the positions...

Moliere’s Tartuffe: Is He Really a Hypocrite?

“Tartuffe” is Moliere’s first comedy, where he criticized the vices of the clergy and nobility. In his work, the French comedian harshly criticized such human vices as meanness, hypocrisy, stupidity, selfishness, cowardice, and greed. The central character, Tartuffe, appears to the viewer as a being devoid of any human dignity....

Massachusetts Financial Services’ Performance Evaluation

There are two main characteristics of the MFS system that can be perceived as issues or challenges. Firstly, the subjectivity that is applied widely to determine the compensation of fund managers may be unfair. The fact that a person is more or less sociable can affect their financial reward; also,...

Massachusetts Financial Services’ Pay-To-Performance

The compensation in the MFS system is directly linked to performance as it consists of salary, bonuses, and equity, with salary being only a tiny part of the compensation. Most of the compensation comes in the form of annual bonuses that can be twenty times bigger than the salary. However,...

Delegation Steps in Nursing and When They Can Be Used

Delegation is the process of the direction of nursing tasks to another person. This process involves at least two people, a delegator and a delegate. Delegation can be divided into five steps or things that have to be understood to delegate the tasks appropriately. They are also called the “five...

Venus of Willendorf vs. Cernavoda Figures

The given comparative analysis will primarily focus on the Venus of Willendorf, an example of Paleolithic art, with the Cernavoda Figures, examples of Neolithic art. The emphasis will be put on elements of design, which are texture and shape/volume, and principles of design, which are scale/proportion and balance. In the...

Why Religions Die in Nietzsche’s, Freud’s, Marx’s Views

Friedrich Nietzsche believed that the Christian church transvaluates the natural human instincts by assigning supposed divine intention to rules such as “You shall not kill.” He argued that Christian prophets usurped the concepts of morality and ethics to further their interests and assigned additional fake meanings to what was previously...

Realism and Naturalism in American Writers’ Stories

Some writers in America love to apply realism, while others approach naturalism as they endeavor to convey different messages in society. Authors like Ambrose Bierce and William Howell use realism, while Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Realist and naturalist writers create stories that reflect societal norms, but how the...

Reconstruction as Experiment That Fell Short of Expectations

Reconstruction is a period in American history covering 1865-1877 following the American Civil War. The events of the war left the southern part in ruins politically, socially, and economically. The farms, cities, and people’s lives were greatly destroyed following the invasion by the Union soldiers, and inflation levels increased. The...

Stress and Anxiety Disorders Represented in Mass Media

Highly stressful situations and anxious moments find broad representation in fiction. One example is a birth scene from A Quiet Place. Evelyn lives in an area full of nearly blind creatures that are hypersensitive to sound, so every person remains silent to survive. The woman’s tense facial expression demonstrates her...

Houston’s and Norman’s Songs for the Mandela Tribute

In “The Greatest Love of All,” Whitney talks of the greatest love of all is to learn to love yourself. It speaks of personal achievement, yet people gathered are speaking for the rights of the public. The theme of this event is demanding the release of Nelson Mandela. Most of...

Tracy Chapman’s Songs at the Mandela Tribute Concert

“Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution” In this song, Tracy Chapman talks about the problems experienced by the poor. Those in power have oppressed the poor. Her region is talking about a revolution, but this is just a whisper. She says that many poor people are sitting around with no employment. Tracy...

Bessie Smith’s Death Circumstances

Bessie Smith was born on the fifteenth of April 1894 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Just like many typical Black Americans, she was born in poverty in a family of seven. Bessie didn’t know her father since he had died while she was too young to remember him. Later, her mother and...

Freedom During Reconstruction for the Freed Slaves

Following the outcome of the Civil War, the Black population formally became free. It means that they were no longer treated as property and gained civil rights, making them eligible for education and paid work. However, the former slaves were still unable to vote, sue, or own land, and the...

What ‘Ingredients’ Would Make a Good Romantic Poem?

Romantic poetry is characterized by a variety of features that differentiate it from other literary periods and styles. Since Romanticism is rich in a variety of literary devices, one might select several essential ingredients that would make a good Romantic poem. In particular, these ingredients include a form of elegy...

Social Problems of Families During COVID-19

Family refers to a group of people related either by blood, adoption, or marriage and can be classified into nuclear or extended. Marriage is an approved mating arrangement of a group of people which is usually marked by a ceremony. Functionalists emphasize that marriage, family, and society must fulfill the...

How COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Society’s Stratification

Social stratification refers to a system in which there is a division of nations and layering of groups of people according to their poverty, prestige, and power. It ranks groups of people as stated by their relative privileges. There is social stratification in every society, with some having more inequality...

Liability Regimes for Manufacturing Defects

Various legal theories have been used to define a product’s liability and related claims based on the harm caused by a faulty product to a buyer. In most incidences, two regimes are applied in substantiating the claims, and these are strict liability and the theory of negligence. The primary difference...