Disparate Recidivism Rate in American Criminal Justice

Disparate recidivism rate refers to the frequency of delinquent or illegal behaviors that recur. The American criminal justice system can adapt programs to introduce educational programs in each federal prison to reduce recidivism. Such an initiative will provide the inmates with a chance to reform and learn at the same time. Programs such as adult literacy skills, post-secondary education, and high school diplomas will equip the prisoner with new relevant skills that will make him fit and reliable in society. Upon release, they will have a chance to secure jobs and therefore reducing the chances of disparate recidivism.

The system should embrace first contact analysis of each prisoner’s criminogenic aspects. This involves identifying the major contributing factors to their illegal acts, where they do them, and how. Understanding these components will give the correctional unit a hint on what correctional strategy to use and monitor the progress through the incarceration period. Such a program will ensure that the right services are offered to the right individual at the required intensity to reduce recidivism likelihood.

Correctional units should prioritize mental health when implementing correctional services. Most recidivism cases are associated with stress and depression. In some cases, the intimates commit crimes to solve a stressful situation. Therefore, the system should identify stress-aggregating factors and help the prisoner have the capacity to fight depression and solve their challenges amicably. The jail environment can be tormenting because of violence and bullying, making the inmate adopt an abusive nature.

The American justice system should also incorporate drug and substance abuse rehabilitation services in federal prisons. Alcohol and drug abuse is the main contributor to one engaging in crime and recidivism. Resolving drug addiction improves the inmate’s decision-making ability, thereby reducing the chances of recidivism. Of all the four initiatives, the introduction of educational programs is the most salient in resolving the disparate recidivism rate. In most cases, upon release, most prisoners commit crimes intentionally to be arrested because of the feeling that they do not fit in society. Offering training and educational services will aid equip them with the necessary skills needed in society.

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