Traditional Male Circumcision in Eastern and Southern Africa

A Framework for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Effective HIV Prevention and a Gateway to Improved Adolescent Boys’ & Men’s Health in Eastern and Southern Africa by 2021

Traditional male circumcision in Eastern and Southern Africa plays a significant role in people’s lives. For many African residents, it is crucial to go through this process. However, sometimes, the traditional way of recovery is dangerous, and it can even lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, society and the government have to find a compromising solution that would allow the following traditions but would protect health at the same time.

To begin, it is important to understand where is a line between defending traditional cultural healing and standing for people’s well-being. Lawal and Olapade-Olaopa state that circumcision often results in very serious consequences, including excessive or inadequate skin removal, loss of penile sensitivity, skin bridge, and sexual dysfunction. The process of recovery determines whether a person is going to continue leaving a normal life. Cultural traditional healing often prevents from having access to proper treatment. Thus, a threat to man’s life determines the line between when a person should stop following the traditions and receive medical help.

Most likely, it is the role of the government to draw the line. According to Douglas and Maluleke that deaths and harmful consequences of circumcision are preventable. Officials should find a solution that would satisfy the communities and also protect people’s health. They should control the training of the surgeons as well as make sure that they have enough high-quality equipment. Thus, even if a man chooses to go through traditional healing, the surgery will be performed by professional doctors.

To conclude, the process of recovery from circumcision might be long and dangerous. Without any doubt, a person should have the right to choose a traditional way of healing. However, medical workers need to take this process under control. It will not be easy to implement the identified strategies, but it can save a lot of lives, which is the main goal of this plan.

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