Differences Between Four Types of Consultation

Using different approaches toward consultations allows making them more effective as the interventions for assisting clients and implementing set goals. As a rule, four approaches toward consultations are identified; these are client-centered case consultation, consultee-centered consultation, program-centered administrative consultation, and consultee-centered administrative consultation. The main difference in the consultation types listed above lies in the issue that they prioritize.

For instance, client-centered consultations are designed to assist a specific client and focus on the problem that the person in question needs to address. The identified framework is used to resolve a specific case and use the available resources to address the identified problem as effectively as possible. In turn, a consultee-centered consultation encourages a more person-oriented approach. Allowing a consultant to identify specific needs of an individual, the specified approach suggests that the client should be encouraged to experience personal growth and gain introspection skills needed for a more independent management of personal issues.

Another framework for managing counseling cases, the program-centered administrative consultation is built around implementing a certain program as a part of improving the well-being of an individual, a group, or a community. The specified strategy represents a departure from the previous two, which center an individual, and suggest focusing on organizational issues instead. With the emphasis on the needs of the program, the proposed counseling type implies setting and meeting both short- and long-term goals.

Finally, the consultee-centered administrative consultation implies collaborating with consultees to encourage program implementation. The proposed strategy could be implemented as the means of reinforcing the performance of an organization by encouraging its leaders to cooperate more efficiently. Therefore, similarly to the previous approach, this one focuses on program implementation, yet it also addresses the leadership aspect and the problem of the lack of collaboration.

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