The Four Different Behavioral Styles

Understanding about behavioral styles of the customers is a prerequisite for sales personnel in order to get a satisfactory result. This helps “to tailor his or her approach to a given person and a given situation.” (Stennes, 2008, para.4). The four different styles of customers include socializer, director, thinker, and relater.

  • Socializer: These are very fun-loving persons. Their first preference is party and business is second. The best strategy to deal with these sorts of people is by having fun. Don’t make any lengthy presentations in front of them. Always show excitement and enthusiasm. Example: Quick action or decision can be expected from these people. They wear sharp dresses, very stylish.
  • Director: Very careful approach is needed towards these types of people. They frequently ask questions. These people are very impatient and they will become out of tune if they lose interest. Strategy to deal with these sorts of people is never a handshake; also always show professionalism in front of them. This will help to catch their attention. Example: Unmovable person. The conversation is often very difficult. Expect more questions from these kinds of people. Wear dark dresses, there won’t be anything flashy or stylish.
  • Thinker: More information is needed for these kinds of people. Never expect to do easy business in front of these people. Strategy to deal is enormous knowledge required about the product; a single mistake drives a salesperson into a crazy situation. Example: Careless about the dress. Thinkers always tell the salesperson to compare the product with a competitor’s product. Slow decision-makers.
  • Related: These people hate conflicts. They never upset the salesperson. They don’t want a long explanation. The strategy to deal with such a person is to give assurance that these products are very long-lasting, more people are using them, etc. Frequently ask their opinions. If a salesperson follows these strategies, relaters will be in sales person’s hand. Example: Slow decision-makers, very sensitive, good listeners, get motivated very easily.

Key principles of persuasion and techniques for negotiating resistance and handling objections:

  • It is very important for a salesperson to be calm always. There may be different types of customers with different types of behavior. So, apart from being a salesperson he/she needs to smile while interacting with customers without considering how customers behave. “To be effective, a salesperson must continuously monitor their prospect’s body language and adjust their presentation accordingly”. Non-verbal communication has got a key role to play in it.
  • The salesperson needs to understand the behavior of the customer first. He should be aware of the thinking styles of people. When a customer comes with an objection salesperson needs to resist very softly. There are plenty of reasons for customers to object. The objection may arise regarding price, product, distribution, promotion, etc. When an objection comes, the salesperson needs to understand what kind of objection is it. Always show a proper attitude.
  • Try to find out the objection. Never be outspoken to customers. Always be calm. Take time to bring the customer into a normal situation. The salesperson needs to be very patient at this stage. Always be flexible. Time management is very important. Never respond to the customer very quickly. Never raise a question to the customer. Always try to use a win-win approach. This will bring a feeling that both the parties – customer and salesperson are getting some sort of satisfaction from it.
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