New Deal Liberalism: Equality and Justice

The New Deal Liberalism affected all groups, including Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans. They had been inspired by Kennedy’s rhetoric and Johnson’s actions, which fostered equality and justice for every American ethnicity and skin color. There was significant upward mobility in the social welfare of minority groups thanks to the New Deal Liberalism. For example, there was a considerable increase in the number of black college student graduates. Accordingly, the number of Black college students who graduated rose to 12% in 1990, up from 5% in 1960. The 12% is close to the actual percentage of the Black demographic in the US.

There was also significant mobility in workplace integration, whereby minority groups were allowed to hold white-collar jobs, contrary to the period before 1960. For example, 46% of Black women held white-collar jobs by 1990, which was a significant step in fostering workplace equality. There was also evidence of justice for Black people who were likely to be incarcerated compared to Whites. For example, there was a significant reduction in Blacks’ likelihood of getting incarcerated by 1995 compared to 1960. Accordingly, a young Black male was three times less likely to be incarcerated in 1990 than in 1960. The Black power uprising was also a typical example of liberalism’s response to racial inequality.

While many social resistance groups criticized the government of the New Deal Liberalism era, the period ended on a good note for many American citizens. A number of crucial laws and acts were passed during that time: The Immigration act of 1965, a set of environmental protection bills tackling the issues of water and air pollution and preserving natural wilderness. Others include the installment of the Department of urban development, transportation. The percentage of the poor in the American population dropped from 22% to 13% between 1960 and 1969. However, failing to address a number of ethnic minorities issues, the government experienced a major shift from liberalism to the New Right conservatives, the election of whom was the majority’s reaction to the escalation of racial violence.

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