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Salient Opportunities and Threats in Motorola

Saline opportunities are the outward chances that the Motorola Company had; for instance, the company being the leading dealer by the year 1937, Meant that there was an opportunity to expand it widely. Having expanded the company’s product line to a two-way communication device and the success of the Handie-talkie...

The Various Types of Social Norms

Social norms refer to beliefs about how members of a society should act in a given context. Social norms vary from one community to another, depending on their cultural backgrounds. The norms fall into various categories, depending on their societal roles. Most of these norms are applicable across the board...

The Three Sociological Perspectives

Similarities One of the most evident similarities among the three perspectives is that all of them are concerned with broad social aspects on how they influence society. This means they look at the wider social picture and formulate ways through which institutions affect society.The macro perspective of these theories analyses...

System Development Life Cycle: Term Definition

The system development life cycle is a traditional system development method. In the system development life cycle, an analyst follows a sequence of phases in developing and implementing an information system. People are involved in the process to ensure that various cycle phases or stages are satisfactorily handled. The system...

Obesity and Healthy Diets Promotion

Obesity is one of the most common preventable diseases in the world. According to the WHO (2020), nearly 650 million adults and 340 million children were obese in 2016, while 39% of the population were overweight. The primary causes of obesity and overweight are excessive intake of fat or sugar...

Conflicts in Bartleby, The Birth-Mark and Sonny’s Blues

Bartleby presents a person vs. person conflict, where the titular character stands in opposition to other employees and society at large. One’s value depends on the person’s productivity, and Bartleby gradually stops performing the tasks required of his position because he “would prefer not to”. His perseverance initially causes the...

Ethical Competencies in Human Services

Working as a human service professional is often associated with encountering ethical dilemmas. Thus, it is crucial that human service professionals utilize ethical standards to guide their practice. It is especially true for advanced human service practitioners in leadership positions, as they help their followers resolve any ethical issues that...

Effective and Ineffective Supervision

Effective supervision is extremely important to achieve job satisfaction and the development of the staff. The primary goal of a supervisor is to balance surveillance and reflection to stimulate, empower, and motivate the employees. In my practice, I met examples of both effective and ineffective supervision. Ineffective supervision was usually...

COVID-19: Problems of African American in Healthcare

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) was meant to support minorities receiving the necessary medical help through the insurance system. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACA benefits for African Americans have been questionable, as the proposed insurance plan was obligatory for a while, and the...

Initial Drivers for the HMO Movement

In the contemporary world, people value their health more than they value anything else. The formation of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) fulfilled the desire to have access to quality and affordable health care. HMOs enrolled millions of Americans to access insured medical care; however, as the number of people enrolling...

Advantages and Disadvantages of ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) often applies to situations where parties prefer not to go through the court process to resolve their matters for various reasons. Several methods of conflict resolution fall under this category, including mediation, negotiation, and arbitration. These methods present various advantages and disadvantages to the aggrieved parties....

Roles of the Supreme Court, the High Court, and Others

The Supreme Court of England and Wales play several roles as part of the English Judiciary, one of them being the final court of appeal in the region. This aspect means that the court makes the final decisions regarding all criminal and civil matters. In most cases, people and institutions...

Characteristics of Common Law, Statute, and EU Law

The three sources of English law are common law, statutes, and EU law. Each of the three forms of law has distinct core characteristics that allow an individual to differentiate them. The two core characteristics of English law are its development from case law and the application of the concept...

How Malpractice Is Handled in the State of Florida

The state of Florida has formulated comprehensive laws that deal with medical malpractices in a comprehensive manner. The laws that deal with medical malpractices have evolved for many years, owing to the contributions of insurance companies, medical institutions, and the government. The concerted efforts of all stakeholders have created complex...

Challenges of Having Many Levels and Types of Care Providers

The existence of so many levels and types of care providers poses great challenges to the healthcare system and the delivery of quality healthcare services. One of the challenges that the existence of numerous levels and types of care providers brings is confusion among patients. Given that healthcare services are...

Significant Pieces of Health Legislation During 2003-2013

The period of 2003-2013 can be examined and discussed with references to the significant pieces and events in the sphere of health care legislation in the United States. Thus, in 2004, President Bush proposed to focus on the implementation of technologies in the health care industry in order to reduce...

Short Synopsis of the Premise of Risk Based Insurance

Risk-based insurance is a highly debatable question because of its controversial effects on insurance companies and its positive effects on patients. Risk-based insurance depends on the idea of guaranteeing the provisions of the services for clients even if these services’ costs can often exceed the sum of the provided premiums....

Federal Funding of Medicare or Medicaid

President Obama signed a healthcare reform bill in March 2010 that stated that the federal government has an obligation to fund Medicare. Therefore, millions of uninsured American citizens would access healthcare services at affordable rates. The bill affected the American hospital systems in one way or another. With the ease...

Will the PPACA of 2010 Change Access to Health Care

Every American citizen has a right to access healthcare at affordable rates. The American government has played a great role in ensuring that the poor and the elderly individuals access Medicare at affordable rates (Harrington, 2010). With the advent of government funding for the poor and elderly, most Americans foresaw...

Values, Morals, and Ethics in Nursing Practice

In the nursing profession, values are described as the feelings of nurses towards patients. It can also be viewed as those actions that nurses should take when handling a patient. Values are thoughts and perceptions that nurses develop during the process of treatment or while providing healthcare to sick people....

Values Contributing to Worldview and Philosophy of Nursing

The personal values that give worldview and philosophy of nursing are the beliefs that it is an essential part of a nurse’s life. The nursing profession is all-inclusive, self-directed, and cooperative. It involves caring for all persons, regardless of their age, gender, race, or ethnicity, and it happens everywhere. This...

Negotiation Techniques Claim Representatives Should Avoid

Claims representative has a role of ensuring that his or her client does not fall into the tricks that many insurance companies apply. However, he or she has to ensure that a balance is achieved between the insured and the insurer. Several techniques of negotiations exist, but the representative should...

Teen Pregnancy in the Point of View of Social Ecology

Intrapersonal Level. This refers to the individual attributes, sexual orientation, age, values, and aspirations of a person. It may also include religious identity and health literacy. For example, a teenager who is ignorant of the consequences of sexual intercourse is likely to be a victim of teenage pregnancy. Interpersonal Level....

The Dilemmas Claim Representatives Can Face

Each person faces an ethical dilemma in life, and adjusters are some of the business professionals who encounter challenges in their daily lives. They might be tempted to engage in unethical practices, especially when the stakes are high, but this would perhaps damage their image. Therefore, they have to maintain...

Three Types of Surveillance Methods

Surveillance may refer to the secret observation of places, movements, activities, and people by individuals and technological devices. The police employ the process to investigate allegations of criminal behavior in society. This study outlines different types of monitoring techniques. These procedures may be in the form of electronic monitoring, physical...

Three Principal Sources of Information in Investigations

After a crime has occurred, police look for the key sources of details to commence their criminal investigations. Sources are essential in revealing the circumstances that lead to a crime. This paper identifies three principal sources of information in criminal investigations. They include people, physical evidence, and records. These sources...

Three Types of Recorded Information in a Crime Scene

Different types of records may be derived from a crime scene. Once the first police officer secures and protects the scene of the crime, the next step involves recording necessary information from it. The preliminary record includes the photograph. Forensic photographers play a critical role in capturing crucial details in...

Responsibilities of the Police Officer

The first police to reach a scene of the crime can be equated to the “primary official responder”. He plays a significant role in the criminal context. He determines the course and results of the research process. He or she needs to handle the scene in an appropriate manner to...

Electronic vs. Traditional Training in HR

Technology has changed different aspects of Human Resource Management (HRM) and employee training is not an exception. The concept of e-learning, which refers to the use of electronic means of training and developing employee skills, has emerged from this trend and is slowly reshaping how instructors develop, communicate and supervise...

Organizational Culture and Change Management

Organizational culture affects almost all aspects of a firm’s performance. Saleem, Shenbei, and Hanif (2020) refer to the concept as a combination of unique systems, values, norms, and assumptions underpinning a firm’s social and psychological environment. Based on its influence on employee behavior, organizational culture is linked to change management...

The Overall Information About COVID 19

The world is currently battling an infectious condition known as coronavirus 2019, or simply COVID-19. It is “caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and is part of a large family of coronaviruses (CoV)”. Such viruses are transmitted from animal to human species, with COVID-19 originating from...

Globalization and Canada in the Modern World

The modern world is rapidly changing, and numerous factors influence it. One of them is globalization, which is an extremely complex issue. It is essential to note that it leads to both positive and negative outcomes. The process affects every country to different extents, and its consequences can be observed...

Simulation Hours and Clinical Hours: Replacing

Today, society makes high demands on the higher quality of medical services, and it is vital for every patient to be in the hands of a real professional. In teaching at medical universities, a variety of methods are used, including practice and simulation, which have both advantages and disadvantages. It...

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidency in 1876

The election between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden from the Democratic Party in 1876 ranks among the most controversial campaigns in the history of the United States. Traditionally, both Tilden and Hayes avoided a public campaign, leaving this task to their supporters. Republicans focused on identifying their party...

Bill C-78 of Ontario

Bill C-78 in Ontario is changing the ideas revolving around child support. Men’s groups are currently lobbying for equal parenting and custody opportunities. Although currently there is no presumption, the notion of equal parenting presents both pros and cons. The first advantage is that both parents will get enough time...

Recipient Monies in a Child Support

According to existing laws, the recipient of monies for child support can use them in any way they want. This means that there is no accountability to ensure that all resources meet the child’s needs. This should not be the case since the purpose of such monies is to support...

Child Support Guidelines of Ontario

Existing Child Support Guidelines (CSGs) empower different parties in Ontario to address the issue of child welfare or upkeep effectively. Stakeholders consider domestic contracts whereby different parties involved in child custody agree on the contributable amount of money. Most of the cases recorded in Canada explain why there is a...

Family Law Legislation in Ontario

Ontario’s family law legislation has different provisions that seek to meet the demands of abused, abandoned, or oppressed citizens. A good example is the one focusing on child support. When relationships or marriages fail, the law dictates that both parents should be involved in every child’s life. Unfortunately, one of...

Accounting Practices for Goodwill Around the World

Goodwill embodies a concept that emphasizes aspects and attributes of business enterprises that account for the market’s intangible intrinsic value. Goodwill suffices during efforts that seek to determine the value of a commercial entity, especially for purposes of sale and merger with another enterprise within the market. In most cases,...

The Goodwill in Books of Accounts

Goodwill refers to assets that do not hold any tangible characteristics or attributes. In most cases, goodwill manifests in situations where one commercial entity institutes the total acquisition of another commercial entity. Such acquisitions are important because they seek to bolster and stabilize the intrinsic value of the enterprise. Such...

Goodwill of a Business in a General Sense

Goodwill refers to a business concept that seeks to quantify the value of a commercial entity in aspects that lack physical or tangible characteristics. Goodwill offers insight into business attributes that define and embody the essence and rationale of a commercial entity. Through the valuation of goodwill, it is possible...

Terrorist Attack on the Affect on US Interest Rates

A terrorist attack on the U.S. would weaken its economy. A weaker economy comes because of the reduced valuation of stocks, as the country would be in a crisis. Moreover, capital flows in the country would be affected since investors would expect less investment. In addition, investors would expect less...

Fixed Cost and Variable Cost in Managerial Accounting

In cost accounting, product costs behave in two ways. According to Crosson and Needles, the cost of a product can either increase or remain static. A variable cost, as Mowen, Hansen, and Heitger explains, is the change of cost of a service or a product and how it affects the...

Nursing Research and Development of Clinical Skills

Nursing research has been a vital practice towards revolutionizing the nature of healthcare. Nurses Practitioners (NPs) who undertake various researches acquire new evidence-based skills that can be used to support the health needs of many patients. Nursing research identifies innovative practices and theoretical applications for improving the quality of care....

A Consumer of Nursing Research

Mantzoukas defines nursing research as “the systematic inquiry aimed at developing useful skills that can support the needs of nurses, patients, Nurse Administrators (NAs), and caregivers”. This definition explains why many people are potential consumers of nursing research. Nursing research has also become a critical field in many countries. The...

Nursing Research Difference From the of Other Disciplines

Nursing research has specific differences from other disciplines. To begin with, nursing research is “always committed to rigorous scientific inquiry in order to acquire new competencies and practices that can advance nursing practice”. The other disciplines do not necessarily require such inquiries. The research also identifies new concepts that can...

Is ADHD an Inherited Disorder?

Recent studies have indicated that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is common in different families. Nikolas and Burt observed that over 50 percent of parents with this condition would give birth to affected children. This observation explains clearly why ADHD is an inherited disorder. Chances are very high that some...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Its Origin

Nikolas and Burt argue that “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the common disorders affecting small children and can continue through adulthood”. Some of the common symptoms associated with this disorder include hyperactivity and behavioral problems. The patient might sometimes be unable to pay attention. The “three subtypes...

Risks That Nurses Take When Assuming an Advocacy Role

Under modern conditions, the role of a nurse in the process of recovery becomes more and more significant. That is why such an issue as advocacy is now very topical. Very often, a nurse is chosen to watch all the needs and demands of a patient to be fulfilled. Being...

Preventive Health Care Services and Their Financing

There is no use denying the fact that a coherent society takes human life as the greatest value. That is why the modern healthcare system has achieved great progress. It helps people to live longer and more happily, curing complex diseases and helping people to live with some severe disabilities....

Self-Insurance as Alternative for Small Employers

Most firms use different ways to bring down the operation costs against the backdrop of the rising cost of health. The high cost of health has prompted insurers to raise policy premiums to keep up with the rising trends. However, third-party administrators who manage self-insured plans on behalf of employers...

The Role and Importance of the “6-Ts” to Supply Chain Quality

It is highly unlikely, based on the complexity of global sourcing, that there can be in place a single response to address the food safety risks. To guard against price fluctuations traded in for inspections to ensure quality, suppliers are being engaged in maintaining quality based on the six Ts....

The Quality Control Implications of the Major Changes

Supply chain management practices were not as stringent as they presently are. Public awareness has resulted in advocacy for quality through consumer advocacy groups. This was not so in the past. This implies that consumers are more aware of the need for their foods to meet certain expected qualities than...

Walt Disney Company’s Strategic Management Inputs

Analyzing inputs is crucial for a business to build a strong organization and maintain a competitive advantage. Activities such as exploring the industry environment, identifying trends, threats, and opportunities, and working on competencies and recourses are necessary for success (Hitt et al., 2017). The Fortune 500 companies showcase how addressing...

Leadership and Management in Nursing

In the nursing profession, leadership and management are essential skills. Leadership is the action of leading people, while management is directing the organization to achieve the desired goals (Fulford & Coleman, 2021). Whether a person is a leader or a manager depends mostly on his/her character. Several personality assessment tools...

The Supply Chain Networks Relevance

With time, the trends of the world market patterns keep changing. Due to this dynamic nature of the economy, it then follows that any given company has to be flexible and similarly dynamic to ensure it copes with the same. It is also worth noting that employing the methods used...

Virtues and Values in Personal Life and Healthcare

Introduction The most important human goal is struggling to achieve morality in every action. The inner balance of a human being is dependent on morality (Alfano et al., 2018). In this regard, virtues and values are significant concepts that shape peoples behaviors. Although people use words such as virtues and...

Warren Buffett’s Transformational Leadership Practices

Introduction In the contemporary business environment, there are numerous examples of leaders who tremendously influenced organizational practices. Warren Buffett’s leadership activities are well-recognized instances of appropriate theoretical and practical knowledge application that allow for establishing a productive organizational environment (Jensen et al., 2020). Of special importance is his use of...

Effective Sales Training Strategies in Personal Experience

The training event in which I participated was sales training, whereby in the training process, I learned its goal is to increase the effectiveness of your sales force by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and strategies they need to succeed. I learned that effective sales training programs assist sales...

The Nursing Quality Indicators

Introduction In the healthcare system, nurses are involved in a great number of important processes of patient care. One of the integral aims of academic research is to formulate coherent estimates of nursing care that may clearly show whether a patient outcome is beneficial. Koch et al. (2020) indicate that...

Diabetes Mellitus: Symptoms and Risk Factors

Diabetes mellitus is a disease distinguished by high blood sugar levels and leads to damage to the kidneys, nervous system, and impaired vision, affecting the nervous and vascular structures. Diabetes is a chronic illness in which the body cannot create or use the insulin it already has. Diabetes occurs in...

Reducing Tobacco Use Among Adults

Tobacco is a herb which leaves are dehydrated and processed before being used to manufacture tobacco items. Desiccated tobacco leaves are utilized to produce snuff, chewing tobacco, as well as cigarettes and pipes. In terms of an overview, cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung illnesses, hypertension, and various chronic diseases, which encompass...

The Role of a Nurse in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

In recent decades, the healthcare system has shifted its emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. This approach has more benefits for patients, since they can avoid the negative consequences of disease and their health, financial state, and social life. At the same time, this approach cuts the expenses of...

Impact of Organizational Leadership on Business Activities

Transactional leadership is one of the most common approaches to governance in the modern business environment. In this study, the researcher was interested in investigating the impact of organizational leadership on business activities and operations of a company. Asda was used as a case study to facilitate primary data collection....

Transformational Leadership Style Analysis

Introduction Not all people are born leaders, yet everyone has a particular way they direct people if given such a chance. Knowing how a person performs in a leading role is critical for the success of an organization. The future of every company depends on the ability of its managers...

Researching of Competitive Dynamics Models

Introduction The market dynamics have constantly evolved and changed since the late 20th century. As a result, there has been intensified competition between the market leaders and followers in various industries. The most successful firms have invested in Research and Development (R&D) departments to design innovative models which distinguish them...

Care Coordination and Positive Health Outcomes

Introduction I would like to talk with you about the fundamental principles of care coordination. Care coordination does not have one set definition, as approaches may vary between individuals, organizations, and states. However, generally care coordination implies the organization of patient care in the most effective way, when all of...

Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are most likely to experience gastrointestinal (GI) problems, although the underlying etiology is unknown. There is a clear association between GI issues and the intensity of GI symptoms, although the two have not been related to nutritional deficiencies or mental retardation. However, developmental and...

High Blood Pressure Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Heart disease includes several types of conditions that center on different disorders in the heart’s functioning. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and its main risk factors are high blood pressure levels, high blood cholesterol levels, and smoking (CDC, 2021). Furthermore, considering...

Mandatory Health Insurance Debate

Introduction Medical/ health insurance denotes a kind of insurance that partially or entirely compensates for an individual’s healthcare expenses in the event of an occurrence. There are numerous benefits associated with health insurance for individuals and societies, leading to widespread calls for mandatory health insurance for all Americans. Despite the...

Residential (Long-Term) Care Facilities

Individuals who require long-term care can rely on various services to suit their personal care needs. Long-term care can be delivered either through in-home healthcare services or through establishments such as assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and retirement communities that offer continued medical care. In addition to the elderly, people...

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Cause & Effect

Introduction AIDS, which is an abbreviation, fully refers to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and is a sickness that attacks the immunity of a human being’s body preventing it from fighting illnesses and other infections. HIV/AIDS is a global community issue health-wise claiming approximately 36.3M lives (World Health Organization). Until now, since...

Healthcare Utilization and Finance

Introduction The following paper compares the US and England healthcare systems, the access to care, major services, and financial aspects. The second country is selected because of the high level of the sector’s evolution, its effective work, and specific approaches to financing. At the same time, there are radical differences...

Postpartum Depression’s Impact on Women

Abstract Postpartum depression (PPD) is a mental disorder that affects women as most of them have challenges speaking about the issue. Various researchers have investigated the issue and how it varies between first-time and non-first-time moms. They have also investigated the effect of breastfeeding on reducing the level of PPD....

Coronary Artery Disease: Health Maintenance Plan

Introduction An accumulation of plaques or wax-like substances in coronary blood vessels is a primary cause of coronary heart-based disease. A person’s cardiac arteries could become blocked due to the buildup, which would result in an unusually high amount of pressure across the affected arteries or veins (Putri & Budiarto,...

Genitourinary Disorders: Signs and Symptoms

Short Subject Description Genitourinary disorders affect the reproductive system, urinary tract, and kidneys. Most sex organs in females and males are affected by these disorders. Although they can occur at any age, they are most common after middle age. The genitourinary system comprises the organs involved in producing and excreting...

Hospice Care and Its Benefits for Patients

Introduction Hospice care is a special type of care designed to give a quality life to terminally ill patients. Patients with an incurable disease or those at incurable levels might not be able to provide self-care. Therefore, various professionals in a hospice setting help these patients by giving personalized care....

Good Management: Climate and Culture in Organization

In modern times, the management of an organization is a complex and multifaceted process that obliges not a single person to work but a whole team of specialists. For the work to be successful, it is necessary that the employees are in the hands of an experienced mentor manager. These...

Nursing Leadership for Healthy Working Environment

A situation that can serve as a good option for the analysis within the scope of nursing leadership theory happened to me in a hospital setting. There was a patient – Mr. Kane – who was delivered to the surgery department in which my two colleagues and I were present...

Risk Identification Processes and Underlying Steps

All organizations face both physical and logical risks in their day-to-day operations. An organization should involve its stakeholders while conducting a risk assessment process. The three major steps in a risk assessment program will be discussed in this paper. Risk Identification Risk identification should be completed in the early phases...

Exchange Rate: Administration and History

The idea of the exchange rate administration or regime can be described as the system employed by a country’s government so as to manage its currency in the perspective of other key world’s currencies. The Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) is pretty significant in this situation as well. The history of...

Demand and Supply in the Services Market

Introduction An essential component of the structure of the commodity market is the services market. Service is a particular consumer good, which is expressed in a practical effect that satisfies the needs of a person or society. The peculiarity of the service as a commodity is that it is valuable...

Should the U.S. Government Bailout a Failing Bank?

Banks in the U.S. play a significant role in economic development. Banks lend to businesses, contributing to the production growth and lending to the population, increasing consumption in the population. However, some situations can influence the global economy and banks, respectively. For instance, the Great Depression, the most widescale crisis...

Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Financial Management

Introduction COVID-19 pandemic has strongly affected firms’ real investment (long-term capital) as attitudes, abilities, and behaviors of customers, employers, and employees change accordingly. The outbreak of Coronavirus disease is gradually influencing what and how customers purchase while quickening structural transformations in the consumer goods and services sectors. Even after the...

Researching of Real GDP and Nominal GDP

GDP, or gross domestic product, is a common measure applied to evaluate a country’s economic performance. It is the aggregate market worth of all the goods and services created in a country in a particular time interval. GDP is usually measured annually and can be calculated in several ways. One...

Types of Costs in Effective Business Decisions

Firms must think not only about the revenues but also the costs incurred during business operations. Costs are essential to every corporation’s budget because if the finances are spent inefficiently, the firm will go bankrupt. To make effective business decisions, the company’s head must understand the entrepreneurial activity’s costs. To...

Physiology: Blood Circulation in the Body

The human body performs many functions and processes to ensure the proper functioning of all organs. The most crucial process is blood circulation. The blood circulating in the body is either full of oxygen or without oxygen. The circulation system is cyclic, with the lungs, heart, and kidneys forming the...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Introduction The Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains to be a leading public health issue in society. Since the outbreak of this epidemic, approximately 32 million individuals have died from HIV-related illnesses, and about 75 million are living with the virus (United Nations, n.d). High cases and mortality rates have been...

American Companies’ Sustainable Supply Chains

Introduction Companies must consider their activities impact on the environment and society at large. A corporation achieves a sustainable supply chain by continuously accounting for the negative impact associated with its activities along the supply chain. Sustainability gives organizations a chance to form new commercial relationships and strengthen core competencies...

Discussion: Telehealth Implementation

Telehealth is the use of telecommunications, including video and phone conferencing technologies and email, to deliver health care, information, and education to patients. The topic selected for the research in question is Telehealth. Telehealth is defined as the use of telecommunications in health care. It includes video and phone conferencing...

Primary Care Policy in Intermountain Healthcare

Introduction Identifying Need The vague language of the current Intermountain Healthcare (IH) description of primary care results in insufficient elaboration of specific nursing responsibilities such as quality of patient life, caregiver support, and non-discriminant patient treatment. A comprehensive primary care policy has not been adopted in the IH facilities, leaving...

Leadership Theories in the Healthcare Sector

Leadership plays an essential role in shaping organizational progress in all sectors. In the healthcare industry, leadership quality influences service delivery, forming a vital part of social welfare and community sustainability. Currently, the healthcare sector suffers from a myriad of challenges, both within and outside its control. First, inadequate labor...

Outpatient Care: The Main Components

Yoo, H. H., Nunes‐Nogueira, V. S., Boas, P. J. F. V., & Broderick, C. (2019). Outpatient versus inpatient treatment for acute pulmonary embolism. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3). In the article, the authors show the difference between outpatient and inpatient treatment. In their opinion, outpatient care is medical care...

Marketing and Communication in Emirates Airlines

Emirates Emirates is the United Arab Emirates’ major airline organization and one of the country’s two official airlines. The airline is located in Garhoud, Dubai, and is part of The Emirates Group, which is controlled by the Dubai administration’s Investment Organization of Dubai. Emirates Airlines is one of the most...

Global Logistics from the Supplier’s Perspective

Logistics is a crucial element of supply chain management that involves various risks and depends on global market forces. The area of goods production and the related business activities impact the world on environmental, social, and economic levels. The involvement of many parties makes them dependable on each other, meaning...

Health Promotion Plans in Nursery Practice

Introduction Health promotion plans are built on ways to improve health through preventive measures, including hardening, muscle activity, and regular exercise. Medical staff uses them to create the conditions for developing a healthy body that will be able to cope with stressful situations and gradually strengthen the immune system. Among...

Health Inequality and People Affected

Rural Americans’ challenges regarding mental health care Rural Americans are reported to face challenges regarding mental health care. There are high cases of depression and suicide registered in the region. Such cases occur due to a lack of access to mental health care services so that the problem can be...

Monitoring the Turnaround Time in the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory

Thesis Statement: This paper aims to provide the importance of monitoring the turnaround time in the anatomic pathology laboratory from an organizational management perspective. Research Question: Why monitoring the turnaround time in the anatomic pathology laboratory is important from an organizational management perspective? Background Information (2-3 Pages) Turnaround time (TAT)...

Dubai Governmental Hospitals’ Overcrowding in Emergency Departments

Introduction There is a problem related to emergency departments in Dubai governmental hospitals. Despite numerous models of care that have been developed to reduce overcrowding and processing time in the emergency room, the current situation is not as favourable as it can be. Therefore, this problem has a negative impact...

Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Care Guide

Introduction: Problem and Context Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a prevalent issue among the US population. According to the estimates provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020), 34.2 million people, which is 10.5% of the population of the US, had diabetes in 2018, and the incidence...