Good Management: Climate and Culture in Organization

In modern times, the management of an organization is a complex and multifaceted process that obliges not a single person to work but a whole team of specialists. For the work to be successful, it is necessary that the employees are in the hands of an experienced mentor manager. These managers, in turn, should care not only about the success of a particular project but also about understanding the culture of their organization and creating a favorable climate in the team. Even though not every manager considers these aspects mandatory, understanding the culture and creating a positive climate in the organization are essential characteristics of a good manager.

Understanding the culture of the organization and the head is necessary for successful collaboration. Rožman and Štrukelj (2020) state that the relationship of managers with employees and awareness of the workplace climate have a significant positive impact on the team’s effectiveness. A positive atmosphere between the manager and the work team helps increase involvement in the work, which will undoubtedly bring positive results to work on a particular project. According to the authors, the importance of understanding culture and the ability to understand the climate in the workplace will help the manager direct people to work more efficiently and help prevent conflicts (Rožman & Štrukelj, 2020). Thus, the best managers can be those who seek to understand the culture and climate of the team.

Culture can become a determining factor for understanding behavior within an organization. Hald et al. (2021) believe that culture and climate determine ethics, which contributes either to team failures or vice versa and helps achieve significant success. It is imperative not just to be aware of the culture but also to share a system of values, not refute beliefs, and not offend the premises or assumptions of employees. A good leader will strive to maintain the cultural values of his subordinates, even if they are not shared by each other. The manager needs to maintain group cohesion in order for the company to achieve its goals (Hald et al., 2021). In addition, it is essential to control the behavior of co-workers concerning each other since differences in cultural values and beliefs can disrupt the climate in the workplace, which will harm the entire work as a whole.

A favorable climate in the organization, as well as the ability of the manager to appreciate the culture of employees, helps in having a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of subordinates. According to Powell et al. (2021), a good manager will allow their employees to feel psychologically safe, realize their value for the work of the team, and also provide a significant amount of time and space for reflection. These factors are complemented by the ability to freely follow their culture and values, which, together with all aspects, will enable employees to work as efficiently as possible. Moreover, in addition to a favorable climate, managers can create a learning environment that will allow employees of different cultures to interact through training and gain additional knowledge (Powell et al., 2021). A manager who targets his employees to work together and controls it is an excellent example of a better manager.

A good manager will have a set of qualities that contribute to the formation of a person as an effective and successful manager of his team. It is essential that the manager respects the culture of his co-workers, even if opinions differ on some cultural aspects. In addition, the relationship between not only the head and subordinates but also the co-workers between each other are essential. A good manager will closely monitor these in case conflicts arise based on cultural differences, and they will be able to resolve the situation competently and professionally. The best manager will try to protect the relationships in the team, help employees to get closer, preserve their psycho-emotional state, as well as achieve high work results. Culture and climate are necessary for the stable and practical work of the team, which should be one of the priorities for any manager.

In conclusion, the administration usually sets the foundation of the cultures and climates in the workplace. In some situations, the administration is not aware of the negative impacts of the set climates and cultures on the employees. Therefore, managers should make an effort to understand the workplace cultures and climate to identify the areas that need improvements or the things that need to be changed. It is also important to engage the employees and gain their insight before embarking on any change. A positive workplace should include favorable cultures and a climate for all the employees. If the manager manages to create a positive working environment, as well as understand the culture of their employees, which together will affect the climate of the organization, then such a manager can be considered the best. It is crucial not only to create favorable working conditions for all employees but also to preserve them and prevent destruction.


Hald, E.J., Gillespie, A. & Reader, T.W. (2021). Causal and corrective organisational culture: A systematic review of case studies of institutional failure. Journal of Business Ethics, 174(1), 457–483.

Powell, B. J., Mettert, K. D., Dorsey, C. N., Weiner, B. J., Stanick, C. F., Lengnick-Hall, R., Ehrhart, M. G., Aarons, G. A., Barwick, M. A., Damschroder, L. J., & Lewis, C. C. (2021). Measures of organizational culture, organizational climate, and implementation climate in behavioral health: A systematic review. Implementation Research and Practice, 2(1), 1-29.

Rožman, M., & Strukelj, T. (2021). Organizational climate components and their impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations. Economic Research, 34(1), 775-806.

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