System Development Life Cycle: Term Definition

The system development life cycle is a traditional system development method. In the system development life cycle, an analyst follows a sequence of phases in developing and implementing an information system. People are involved in the process to ensure that various cycle phases or stages are satisfactorily handled. The system development life cycle is an important area in any organization. It helps organizations strategize on the best systems that provide full benefits to them to have a competitive edge over their competitors. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations appropriately utilize the system development life cycle to ensure that they reap its full benefits. The system development life cycle has various advantages.

The system development life cycle helps in determining any need to change existing systems or business procedures in use. This cycle aids in making decisions that best address the needs and demands of a business or information system at a given time. Moreover, it helps in the identification of organizational missions and the collection of relevant information or documents that can help improve the current system. Therefore, accurate problem statements about the system can be identified, and correctional measures can be instituted.

The competitiveness of a business is achieved through the system development life cycle. The goals and objectives of an entity are planned through the system development life cycle. Furthermore, it helps an organization provide high-quality services to its clients due to improved systems. The cost of doing business is also minimized due to the efficiency and professionalism involved in various stages of the system development life cycle in operating a business. Every organization has its own way of conducting business and has its preferences on how it wants its information system to look. Therefore, an organization is able to categorize areas of interest and hence provide satisfactory services to its clients through the adoption of a system development life cycle.

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