Fully Free Essay Examples, Page 18

Lessons from the House M.D. TV Show

Examining the show House M.D. from a literary perspective has provided me with a more in-depth understanding of a hospital’s life. This aspect is helpful as nursing is firmly connected to communicate with patients and their families. Thus, although on many occasions, the main character did not serve as a...

“Merry Little Christmas” Episode of the House TV Series

The episode “Merry Little Christmas” of the well-known TV show House M.D. perfectly summarizes the struggle that the main character’s colleagues go through due to their dilemma. It can be argued that part of the House’s appeal as a character is his self-esteem. Additionally, he is a brilliant doctor, which...

Second Mover Strategy: Organizational Risks and Rewards

The type of the industry where first and second movers are engaged in influences greatly the risks and rewards that they are faced with. The potential rewards that motivate the companies to take the second-mover approach do not always turn it to be successful. Below are some possible risks and...

Volcanoes and Their Eruptive Characteristics

Shield volcano is a type of volcano that is completely made up of liquid lava. The flow is very large in size and resembles a warrior’s shield when laid on the ground. The formation of a shield volcano emerges from the flow of lava with low-viscosity, which increases the size...

Minimal Pairs Activity for English Language Students

ESL learners need to be taught about the concept of minimal pairs since, being new to the language, ESL students are likely to confuse or conflate the words that only have one minor difference between them. Thus, the use of an exercise that could shed light on the difference between...

Scientific Research Resolves Nursing Workplace Problems

As a nurse manager at an emergency department, I frequently face cases when discussing an issue with employees that may lead to the appearance of misleading information and conflict situations. The concept of the faulty recall of a shared experience was described in an experiment performed by Loftus and Zanni...

Ryanair Company’s Recommended Actions to Attract Customers

The first area recommended for Ryanair’s consideration is the pricing model for its services. The company has been successful in establishing the reputation of a phenomenally cost-efficient service by offering ticket prices 80 to 90 percent lower than those of their competitors. This was initially achieved through the removal of...

Sexism vs. Racism: DuBois, Baldwin, and De Beauvoir

Both sexism and racism are heinous concepts that poison relationships between people belonging to different ethnic and racial backgrounds. However, their existence cannot be ignored; otherwise, the problem is aggravated to an even greater extent. DuBois, Baldwin, and De Beauvoir provide all-embracive scrutiny of the identified concepts and detail a...

Accurate Financial Data in the Business Plan

As identified previously, a financial statement is essential to include in a business plan so that investors understand the needs of a start-up company in terms of both future and present costs. Usually, a cash flow statement is included in a business plan for considering how cash flow can affect...

Product Pricing Methods: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are three basic pricing strategies, including cost-based pricing, value-based pricing, and competition-based practice. The primary benefit of a cost-based pricing strategy is simple calculations involved in determining the final price per unit. Additionally, the method ensures the profits for the business since the minimum price is the marginal cost....

Levi Strauss and the Advantage of the Global Environment

Levi Strauss is indeed a well known brand in jeans throughout the world for many years now. But with the spread of globalization the level of competition has indeed goes up. Liberalization in economies around the world has opened up newer vistas of trade. Levi Strauss has been catering the...

Payback Method for Investment Projects Assessment

The payback method has been criticized by financial experts and academicians as unsophisticated and theoretically incorrect because it ignores the time value of money, ignores cash flows beyond the payback period, and is inconsistent with the owner’s goal of maximizing wealth. In small and large firms, where the payback method...

Accounting Rate of Return: Definition and Examples

The accounting rate of return (ARR) appraisal method is also known as the return on investment (ROI) or return on assets (ROA) method. It is calculated by dividing a project’s average accounting profits by its average investment. The average profits figure is found by adding up the profits for each...

Website Frames and Importance of Their Use

In designing a website, frames refer to the usage of the compound and independently convenient segments of a web presence. Frames can be used to produce good web page designs, which form the most important unavoidable part of the page layouts. It divides the entire screen into different areas to...

Causes and Effects of Genetically Modified Food

Understanding why GMOs are dangerous for health is of particular importance and interest to scientists and the public. Genetically modified food is derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – plants, animals, or microorganisms. Genetically modified organisms acquire some new properties due to the transfer into the genome of individual genes...

Systems Reengineering and How It Is Performed

People generally use different forms of information in their day-to-day life. Their accessibility to information through digital media is also gaining much importance in various fields like office, library, and industries. In developing a system, it should be kept in mind that it is designed to satisfy the needs of...

The Problems and Dilemma in Hanover-Bates Chemical Corporation

The Hanover Bates Chemical Corporation is a leading manufacturer and distributor of chemicals that are employed in the chemical plating industry. The company has its main operation in manufacturing and production of the chemicals while a sales division handles the sales for the company. The chemicals that are manufactured at...

The History of San El-Haggar and Tanis

In the first century BC, the Greek traveler Strabo used the term Tanis from the geographer Artemidorus who lived in 100 BC and spoke Tanis as a great city – polis male. This is the first mention of the city. By 100 AD, the area of the city and its...

Christo’s Running Fence and Its Role as an Artwork

Art is something seen to be very essential to human development, for instance, in the case of Christo’s Running Fence, which had an impact on the society surrounding that fence. This can be evident to the early men and women who actually lived in the caves of Spain and southern...

Balance in Managing External Constituencies

In the book “Organizational Culture and Leadership,” Schein states that long-term growth is influenced by and dependent upon external adaptations and balance between needs and demands of the stakeholders. The author underlines that “all organizations are sociotechnical systems in which the manner of external adaptation and the solution of internal...

Australian Statute Law and Judge-Made Law

Every country of the world is being operated in a certain way or method. In the language of the law, this method is called the Legal system. Australia is a common law country. All the laws of Australia are developed from the Common Law and various case decisions. The origin...

Internet Analysis Using Porter’s Five Forces Framework

When applying Porter’s five forces to analyse the Internet, one can understand the potential of this technology and the many benefits it provides to its users, including businesses that use it to improve their information management. The competitive rivalry element in regards to the Internet is not applicable since this...

What Is a Biometric Attendance System?

Nowadays, many employers start using the biometric attendance system. With its help, they manage to be aware of who and when entered particular rooms. This technology is especially useful for those organizations that provide employees with different access levels, which means that some of them are not allowed to enter...

The Rules of Hospitality in Homer’s Poem, The Odyssey

Hospitality promotes good relations between people through love and kindness. It is a virtue that drives one to meet another person’s needs without necessarily having blood relations between them. It also seeks to strengthen social bonds among friends as well as strangers through human understanding. Hospitality enables people to welcome...

Ducati’s Decision to Diversify Its Products

Ducati’s decision to diversify its products with the exclusive online sale of new motorcycle models is the penetration of the company to the new information age. It is certainly a starting point of the new strategy. The company should take some specific actions to sustain its lead in e-business and...

Endangered Species in the Mediterranean Basin

The Mediterranean Sea is completely surrounded by land, having a surface of 2.9 million square kilometres; the depth of the sea reaches 1430 meters. The territory of the Mediterranean Basin stretches from northern Italy to Morocco and from Jordan to Portugal; the location of the basin is considered to be...

Ethical Issues in International Business Setting

Business ethics govern all ethical issues, ethical problems and morals related to business dealings. Honesty, truthfulness and fair dealings are important in all businesses. There should be certain rules made for such ethical issues and should be addressed in detail so that every business entrepreneur must be aware of them...

Transformation of Europe After the Second World War

World war two created a bipolar international system that quickly replaced the numerous superpowers that existed prior to that war. The two major victors of this war were the United States and the Soviet Union. These two countries continued to enjoy their status as superpowers until 1989 when the Soviet...

Kennedy’s Goals to Accomplish with the New Frontier

“New Frontier” was a slogan used by John F. Kennedy urge to Americans to support him during the presidential election in the United States in 1960. Previously, he used this slogan to lure people to vote for him and later during his acceptance speech as a democratic nominee to Democratic...

Food Prices Increasing Factors

One of the first chapters that an economics student will have to learn is probably the theory of demand and supply. Considering all the theories of economics that have evolved over the years, this theory of demand and supply must is one of the most fundamental. Like all other commodities...

Kant and His “Independence Model”

Kant’s independence model urges that religion and science are two independent discourses of a dualistic system. Kant urges that knowledge is anchored on in two separate causalities. There is the practical and theoretical knowledge. The practical knowledge involves the human capacity to start a sequence of events that cannot be...

Poverty and Underclass in American Society

The concept of poverty is widely discussed in our society. Despite progress in food-producing and favorable social policy, poverty can still be found in the most developed countries. In 2005, there were 37 million, or over 12.6% of the U.S. population was poor. The fastest-growing segment of the poverty population...

John Rawls’ Ethics Theory

John Rawls developed a unique theory of justice and ethics based on liberalism and fair equal opportunities. The subject matter of the theory is the ‘basic structure’ of society, the point of the theory is to provide a set of principles which regulate the ‘basic structure’ such that the terms...

The European Union’s Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of the European Union lie mainly in providing the smaller European states a formidable platform to compete economically with the United States and other rising economic powers. For example, “in terms of shares of world GDP and trade, the EU and USA are highly competitive.” The second advantage...

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) for bulimia nervosa is a type of individual psychotherapy. The 15-20 sessions last 50 minutes each and are given over the period of four to five months. Three stages are involved. In the first stage, which takes three to four sessions, the patient is introduced to the...

The Ethical Decision-Making Framework

Lawrence Kohlberg’s contribution to psychology cannot be underestimated. His development of Jean Piaget’s theory gives an insight to the world of ethics within the business world. In his theory, he specifies six stages that can be classified into three major categories. The categories include the pre-conventional level, the conventional level...

Basic and Applied Research in Business Situations

The process of research can be conducted by using basic or applied research methods. Both have distinguished characteristics and are used in different situations. Basic research is a form of research that is conducted out of a person’s inquisitiveness or interest about a particular phenomenon, and the intention is to...

Harley Davidson Company’s Strategy

The Harley Davidson company focuses mainly on the marketing mix, mainly the four P’s in the marketing arena for being the market leader in flying colors. Product The product is given utmost importance. The product is made available to the consumers in a unique color. Based on R&D programs and...

Nokia: Strategic Options Analysis

Nokia, although in the first position as the world’s leading mobile company in product sales plans to launch new techniques in order to maintain the position and maintain the market compared to the competitors. Venture into the innovations already explored by other firms proves to be a hilly path for...

Theory on Tourism Security

Beyond any kind of economic activity, a failure or success that characterizes a given tourism destination shall greatly hinge upon the ability of such a destination to provide to its visitors an environment that is both secure and safe. Seeing that tourism is an industry with a global reach, and...

House Prices and Demand Factors in Melbourne

It is of great importance to note that, the factors that contribute to the changes of demand either interplay in a way or are independent. In this case, the sharp rise in prices of houses in certain areas of Melbourne can be attributed to the low rate of supply of...

Emirates, DHL, Toyota, Etisalat Companies’ Brand Mantra

Brand mantra is another critical element of the functioning of any company and its positioning in the market. Usually, it is an articulation of the essence of a firm presented in several words to explain the core values and contribute to the creation of a particular image among clients. For...

Social and Deep Ecology: Similarities and Differences

The term “Deep Ecology” is a part of Ecological philosophy that considers all human kinds as a basic element in this environment. This philosophy gives the idea that all living beings have an equal right to live and flourish in the environment. This philosophy was introduced by a Norwegian philosopher...

Intuition as an Important Aspect of Decision-Making

Intuition-based decision-making is still a very important aspect of management policies as its core is the outcome of some condition-based approach that relies on experience as well as expertise. As the reality behind the success of DSS is that of the quality of evidence base that has got its relevance...

Physical Security Risk Assessment of a Church

The church is the place of worship for Christians. Christian beliefs are based on faith which hopes for better things and trust in the power of God for sustenance. Congregations meet for prayers to seek divine interventions to the problems. The Physical Security of the church as a place where...

Contingent Workers: Term Definition

Contingent workers are employees who work for a firm or a temporary basis and are normally contracted for a fixed duration of time or a specific project. A number of companies have resorted to using this kind of work force due to the advantages attributed to them. The most important...

Alternative Definitions of Marketing

A number of businesses have given different definitions of marketing. This is because marketing is a wide topic that cannot be fully captured from a single perspective. Gattorna has advanced that “marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and...

Pre-implementation of The ERPs and Their Related Enterprise Integration Software Tools

As stated by Bocij et al, in 2005, LG Electronics partnered with Oracle and LG CNS on a five-year project to develop, design, test, and implement a new management platform that utilizes a single global instance of Oracle E-Business Suite R12. LG Electronics had an in-house enterprise resource planning (ERP)...

RSA: Public-Key Cryptography in the 1970s

RSA or Rivest-Shamir-Adleman is one of the initial public-key cryptosystems, which are used to secure data transfer. In systems with asynchronous encryption, there are two keys: the public key, which is transmitted in clear form over the communication channel, and the private key, which is used to encrypt messages on...

The WWII Navajo Code Talkers

Navajo code talkers are communication operators using natural language code for verbal data transmission. The most systematic preparations were made during the First and Second World Wars by Native American radio cryptographers, which is known in connection with the removal of the secrecy bar in 1968. They used the unknowingness...

Health Program Planning and Evaluation

The question of whether the health program they are investing in is effective is an essential matter for most stakeholders. They might not know much about statistics and different types of analysis, so it is imperative to be able to demonstrate them the results in a simple and convincing way....

Play to Assess Special Children’s Needs

The play has been identified to be an exceptionally accurate method of identifying the needs of children who suffer from both physical and psychological disabilities. This is mainly because of its ability to engage the child on a more personal level to a point where his or her inherent characteristics...

Social Connectedness: Face-to-Face vs. Online

The social connection through the social networking services that include Twitter and Facebook, among others, has increasingly become a very integral and popular part of communication in contemporary society within Australia. Young individuals are the most enthusiastic users, and currently, they spend more time on the Internet than the actual...

Scientists’ Attempt to Predict Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are those disasters that are caused by nature. This includes floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes, storms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornados, blizzards, avalanches among others. Scientists have therefore identified some mechanisms to predict these disasters. Scientists have advised that hurricanes, tornados, and cyclones can be predicted using meteorological and...

Wiesel’s Understanding of God in the “Night” Novel

The Book of Job is probably one of the first theological severe discussions on the well-known philosophical problem of explaining the existence of suffering in the face of an omnipotent and merciful God. In the book, after hearing about the loss of his family, house, and cattle, Job falls to...

Blueprint for a Secure Cyber Future: Vision and Goals

The blueprint developed by Homeland Security Enterprises stipulates the department’s vision, its guiding principles, and two focus areas for a secure cyber future. The focus areas are exhaustively supported by four goals each. The first area of focus concentrates on cyber ecosystems vital to America while the second area concentrates...

The Leadership of Alexander the Great: Plutarch’s Vision

Plutarch emphasizes Alexander’s natural gift for leadership. Indeed, he ascended the throne as early as at the age of twenty-one. Moreover, the political situation in Macedon was highly unstable at that time. However, Alexander did not listen to older advisers and made his own decisions as to Macedon’s external policy....

Boston Consulting Group Matrix and Business Units Portfolio

The consideration of the balance and business portfolio by Boston consulting group (BCG)/growth/share matrix in terms of market share and market growth that form the two fundamental dimensions of Boston consulting group (BCG)/growth/share matrix. This is because “the BCG matrix method is based on product life cycle theory that can...

Merits and Demerits of Machine Age

The machine age which has been coupled with the use of computers has aptly brought mixed fortunes. We all acknowledge that it is out of human intelligence that computers came into being. One major positive implication of the growing technology is that information can be stored, processed, retrieved and transmitted...

Risk Factors for Autism by Larsson et al.: Research Design

A research design entails a framework within which research is conducted. Epidemiologic research is the type of study that entails collecting important data about causes, prevention as well as disease treatments. Researchers use different study designs to gather the required information. They use Experimental designs or observable studies like cohort...

Metaphor in Linda Pastan’s “Remission” Poem

In her poem “Remission,” the author Linda Pastan uses a literary approach of metaphor to compare the death of a human body to grow into new shoes. The footwear in the piece symbolizes the end of life, as the author explains at the beginning of her work it is too...

The Strategies to Promote Cognitive and Emotional Development in Young Children

Culture plays a huge role in any person’s life and heavily affects the way of how he or she perceives other individuals. Similar to any other people, educators may sometimes fail to understand that the norms of their native culture are not universal and applicable to all students. It may...

The Typical Cognitive, Linguistic, Physical, Social and Emotional Development in Young Children

Child development is an extremely complex process that involves a long sequence of physical, language use, cognitive, emotional, and psychological changes allowing the child to gain knowledge and master new skills needed to become more independent from adults. Traumatic experiences often have a detrimental impact on developing learners, and it...

Electronic Medical Records Development: Critical Factors

Management of electronic medical records from different organizations and persons shall depend on the integrity of the computer systems being used. Google health, for instance, is a pioneering electronic medical records system that can facilitate entry, storage and retrieval of information from personalized health profiles with ease. Privacy concerns are...

Americans’ Complacency After Disasters

I believe complacency sets in after a catastrophic or traumatic event in America, and it affects society at every level. According to Minyard, “People become complacent and simply get on with their day”; it is a serious issue that needs an urgent solution. According to the department of homeland security,...

“This Boy’s Life” the Novel by Toby Wolff

Through his This Boy’s Life novel, Toby Wolff shows that the family life of Jack – the protagonist, is very troublesome. Jack’s family is characterized by numerous conflicts in which his mother faces successive family-related problems. Moreover, Jack himself endures serious suffering as a result of being a member of...

Celebrity Endorsements’ Benefits and Risks

The endorsement of celebrities in the marketing industry has been widely accepted. The reports indicate endorsement of celebrity is widely practiced in the United States. Tiger Wood, Tom Cruise, and Britney Spears are names that have become symbols in the marketing industry. IEG endorsement insider indicates entertainers, athletes, any other...

Apple’s SWOT Analysis

The major resource of Apple Inc. is its staff, the people who strive every day to make the company be ahead of the competition. Innovation and its management is the key strength of Apple. Another strength factor is the fact that Apple does not outsource design to cheaper, outside, companies...

Human Rights Issues in International Business

The human rights issue has been the subject of many studies and complaints among organizations and governments. In international business, human rights is also a relevant topic that needs to be addressed properly because of man’s complex needs and opinions. We regard our rights differently. We look at things not...

Johnson and Johnson and Citibank’s Organizational Culture

Johnson & Johnson was established in 1886 and deals in a wide variety of household products. It has its headquarters in New Jersey in the USA with numerous branches all over the world. Barron’s magazine has ranked Johnson as one of the most respected companies among other credentials and recognitions...

International Space Station

The main aim of the international space station was to promote several scientific research, projects, and experiments that are only possible in micro-gravity. A significant example of areas being researched is the effect on the human form of life in space for a certain length of time. In this, the...

Market Forces and Organizational Responses

There is a new market perspective that shows that organizations seek to legitimize their responses to market forces by conforming to the prevailing practices within their fields of operations. Within these organizational fields are their suppliers, consumers controlling authorities as well as other firms that deal with similar commodities. This...

Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw

Authentically, a successful leader has to uphold a strong personality. However, in the intriguing play Hamlet, Shakespeare gives the main character (Hamlet) a weak personality or tragic flaws, which lead him to lose not only his throne but also his family, including himself. Character-wise, Hamlet’s irrational behavior forces him to...

Formal and Informal Workgroups in Organisations

Groups are a basic part of social life. A group exists when two or more people define themselves as members of it and when its survival is familiar to at least one other. Workgroup means “Two or more individuals who routinely function like a team, are interdependent in the achievement...

Main Challenges and Obstacles in Implementing a Project Management Office

The main challenges of implementing a PMO in a university are the lack of interactions between operations among multiple tools used for project management. Diversified information technology management systems, as well as their time tracking systems, cause an enormous problem in the identification of the real cost incurred, the efforts...

Discovery Learning and Its Leaders

This type of learning has had a number of leaders; most notable of all is the progenitor Jerome Bruner. Born in 1915, he was an American psychologist, who contributed immensely to developing the theory of cognitive psychology in educational psychology. His main ideas revolved around a theory he formed and...

Major Forces That Affected the Japanese Yen

Prior to the global economic recess, the Japanese yen was affected by several factors that accelerated the effect of the economic meltdown on its economy. This basically was caused by the tragic fall in external demand for Japanese products. The fall in demand is estimated to have gone down to...

Moral Universalism and Ethical Relativism

The theories of Universalism and Relativism in Ethics represent two polar approaches to morality. Universalism states that there is a universal moral code that is right in all circumstances and dictates absolute morality. Religious codes like Biblical Commandments, as well as Kant’s deontological ethics, are examples of the Universalist approaches...

Mobile Telecom Standards 3G, 4G, and 5G

Today mobile communication has been a hot topic over the years; mobile communication has benefited from the enthusiasm and creativity of people to bring life to the technology. For many years, mobile technology has been embraced due to many reasons in technology, business, and marketing. 3G (third-generation) has taken mobile...

American and Middle Eastern Culture: Urban Theory

Countries in the Middle East are mostly inclined to Islam compared to the US where a large population is inclined to Christianity. This is the main reason why they have different cultures. Religion has a lot to do with culture as it signifies a person’s moral standing in society. There...

Appraising Quantitative Studies: Validity, Reliability, and Applicability

In quantitative research, emphasis is put on the objectivity and conciseness of the employed methods. The position of the person conducting the study must not affect the results, which brings the particular researcher’s involvement to a minimum. Validity, reliability, and applicability are the key factors that are used to assess...

Risks and Benefits for Nurses for Being a Patient Advocate

Patient advocacy is a concept of nurses’ being a link between patients and doctors with a certain degree of involvement in the processes of decision-making. Whether nurses should, are supposed to, or are allowed to be patient advocates is a controversial issue nowadays. There are risks as well as benefits...

Printing Press in Europe in the 17th Century

The invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press was one of the most important reasons behind the adoption of the Protestant Reformation. Printing press increased literacy and made information available to ordinary people that previously would only be seen by scholars and aristocrats. It helped to spread the ideas of Luther...

Cholesterol Down to Zero: Why This Is an Impossible

It is impossible for a very low-fat diet to bring down cholesterol levels to zero because the body also synthesizes it every day and uses it for various physiological functions. According to Tao, as the human body requires cholesterol for the synthesis of critical hormones, such as estrogen, aldosterone, testosterone,...

Linguistic Development Theories: Nature vs. Nurture

Despite a plethora of psychological, behavioral, neurological, anthropological, and linguistic studies of language acquisition, this process has not been exhaustively elucidated so far. Bloom explained language acquisition from the semantic-cognitive perspective; Tomasello construes language learning regarding interactions between humans. Chomsky’s nativist approach and Skinner’s behaviorism-based theory are milestone concepts of...

Breastfeeding or Formula Feeding: Advantages and Disadvantages

I would advise the pregnant woman that breastfeeding is better than formula feeding due to some advantages. The advantages of breastfeeding are that the breast milk contains a wide range of nutrients in the right proportions, does not trigger allergies, is easily digested by the nascent digestive system, boosts immunity...

Amazon Technology Services and Business Advantages

Amazon web services launched in 1995. An Amazon connection is Amazon.com connect marketing plan that includes hundreds of thousands of websites. Amazon provided different services recently with Amazon Mechanical Turk, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon simple storage services. It also provides cloud computing, also called utility computing. Comparable to...

Technology and Outcomes in Healthcare

Medicine has made massive progress in solving a variety of problems related to human health but has not answered all of them. Today, it faces challenges of no smaller scale than a century ago. Still, there is no cure for cancer, previously unknown viruses appear with enviable regularity, antibiotics are...

The “Drowning Child” Argument in Shareholders

The ‘drowning child’ argument is immensely strong from the point of view of ethical theory. According to Ciulla, Martin, and Solomon, followers of both consequentialism and non-consequentialism agree that it is the moral duty of every human being to assist another person in grave danger provided the ‘savior’ is not...

Apple Inc.’s Activities and Operational Characteristics

Develop a profile of the product/service based on the four Vs (volume, variety, variation in demand, and visibility).Apple is restructuring its supply chain and logistics management with the objective of decreasing logistics costs and developing speed deliverance and flawless information system involved in it. Apple Inc has entered a collaboration...

Indian Stereotypes About Other Cultures

Stereotyping is termed as one of the general obstacles in perceiving others correctly. With the intention of shortening subjects, we frequently tend to categorize citizens and occurrences into previously recognized or perceived common groups. There are merely two kinds of US citizens those who are chortled at by each other...

Professional Development Definition

Professional development is a systematic strengthening, improvement, expansion of the range of skills and knowledge, and personal qualities necessary for pursuing a career. If specialists are not trained, over time, all their knowledge becomes obsolete. It is necessary for an individual to be an excellent specialist with high payment in...

Demands Put Forth by the Third Estate

The first provision required by the reformers relating to child labor was the observance of particular working conditions for employed children. Employers used to beat them to make the workers meet daily production norms without considering their actual working capability. They also suffered from a lack of food, health problems,...

Types of Hypotheses

The different types of hypotheses are inductive, deductive, and research ones. The last are divided into directional or non-directional research and statistical hypotheses, which include a null hypothesis. An example of a directional hypothesis is if the students who use the study pack will score higher on the science test...

Classical Greek Art & Architecture and Intellectual Values

Classical Greece refers to the time in the history of the Greeks when they were advanced in terms of culture and other aspects of their social, political, and economic affairs. During the classical period, Greece had many scientists, philosophers, and artists who influenced the life of the Greeks in terms...

Enterprise Resource Planning for Operations Management

Enterprise resource planning, popularly known as ERP, has gained massive popularity over the recent past as an integrated approach to managing business processes. Mauergauz defines ERP as: “A process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage its business and automate back-office functions...

Changes in American Society in the Last 100 Years

The last 100 years have recorded numerous social changes that have both been influenced by the family unit and that have changed the structure of the family as a whole. The First and Second World Wars introduced several social elements into everyday life. The fact that men had to go...

Saudi Nurses Retention and Workplace Experiences

The first factor that affects the retention of Saudi nurses is the organization of shifts. It is difficult to schedule shifts and vacations at the workplace because scheduling is done by the nursing administration instead of the head nurse and the affected nurse. The nursing administration is dominated by expatriates,...