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Financial Reporting: Current Value and Historical Cost Accounting Methods

Introduction Financial reporting is one of the most important accounting practices that profit and non-profit making organizations should integrate into their operation. Public organizations are under a legal obligation to disclose their performance to the public. One of the ways through which they attain this is by publishing their financial...

The Case of Best Food Superstores

The Best Food Superstores case is about ethical marketing behaviours and customer service satisfaction. In this case, Brenda who is a regular customer to Best Food Superstores for over thirty years tries to explain her dissatisfaction with the service and guarantee she gets at the store. From the case it...

Service Quality and Business Performance in the UK Hotels

The strength of hotel industries in terms of performance index lies with the level of service delivered to their clients. In fact, serious hotel industries would invest more on their mode of service delivery to hit an all time favorite against their opponents in the same business segment. Such motive...

Nike Pricing Strategy

Introduction Two university students, Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman in the Early 1964, founded Blue Ribbon Sports, a company that later changed its name to Nike, Inc. in 1978. The company trades mainly in sportswear and equipments. From its humble beginnings, the company has grown to become the leading sports...

Assumptions of Efficient Market Hypothesis

When looking for financial information, information can be found both in primary and secondary sources. The primary source of financial information is financial accounting. This is the main source of important financial information. It includes financial statements such as the annual report and the balance sheet. These act as the...

Managerial Accounting: Internal Accounting System

In the past years, financial accounting emphasised on presenting financial statements information to parties outside an organization, e.g. lenders, who used the information to make future investment decisions. This means that financial accounting denied internal managers the information they needed to make appropriate decisions. This has forced many organizations to...

The Venezuelan Healthcare System Critical Assessment

Introduction Comprehensive introductory plans and the availability of subsidized or free healthcare given by the Venezuelan government in the 1980s and 1990s made the country’s health care system among the most developed in the region. By 2000, a large population of people both in towns and rural areas could access...

Brandes Mutual Funds: Investment Policy Statement

Introduction The State of Investment Policy intends to explore constraints, purpose as well as policies of Brandes mutual funds.Brandes mutual fund is based in Canada. Its major objective remains to make adequate returns for its clients. It is also focused towards attaining global excellence. In addition, the Statement Investment Policy...

Islamic Financial Instruments & Conventional Banking Systems

Introduction Islamic banking has grown steadily in the recent past. Past studies have noted that they have moved into other regions like Europe and the wider Asian region. For instance, Juan Solé observes that the Islamic banking system has expanded not only in countries with most Muslims, but also in...

Variable Cost Analysis of Cost Decision

Introduction Variable cost analysis is very crucial when we come to decision making. Variable costs do affect the profitability of every organization thus managers are encouraged to decrease variable costs in order to maintain good profitability (Drury, 2007). Analysis of variable costs will therefore enable the manager to devise ways...

Risk Management in Financial Organizations

Introduction Information Technology (IT) is among the 21st century undertakings that have changed how financial organisations conduct their business in the sophisticated and fast-paced business environment. To most industry commentators, IT use came at an opportune time when global financial dealings needed some enhancement in order to increase the speed,...

Managing Fraud and Audit Risk

Introduction Fraud is the intentional conversion of funds or property that is entrusted into a person. Fraud also involves the mistreatment of books of account of the company to appear as if it is performing well in the market yet it is contrary. Auditors have the responsibility to detect and...

Mrs. Richards and Manuel: Effective Business Communication

Upon my analysis of the communication process, there are three communication challenges I noted in the workplace. First was the disparity in perceptions and attitudes. From the scenario, Mrs. Richards believes that she deserves priority from the receptionist and other employees of the hotel. The receptionist, on the other hand,...

Corporate Finance: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

Introduction Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in finance is normally used to establish a hypothetically suitable return of a security, if that security can be included to a well-diversified portfolio, provided that security is of non-diversifiable risk. CAPM takes into consideration security’s sensitivity to systematic risk or market risk, frequently...

Investment Management: Rational and Irrational Markets

Investment Philosophy and Market View Investment philosophy Investment philosophy can be defined as those strategies or principles that guide an investor in his investment decisions such as value, technical, growth and the fundamentals (Shleifer 2000). In this case, the portfolio is strictly focused on small carefully selected assets, after carrying...

Index Funds vs. Actively Managed Funds

Introduction This paper contains a comparison of the actively managed funds and the index funds. To begin with, the actively managed fund is the liquidity pool which has a portfolio that is used as a platform of a trade by investors to meet their long-term objectives in an investment. On...

Causes of 2007 Financial Crisis

The worldwide financial meltdown is among the various types of financial crises, which are known to have serious long-term implications on the global economy. Various financial economists have tried to raise theories regarding the issue as well as trying to offer possible solutions on how to prevent such situations. The...

United Kingdom Tax System Overview

Introduction Taxation can be described as the way by which governments finance their spending by imposing charges on individuals and companies. Most nations use taxation to encourage and discourage economic decisions (Smith, 2006). For instance, taxation on personal income in terms of the amount paid as interest on mortgage leads...

Eurozone Money Market Future 2012

Introduction The fear of the Euro plunging into dilution had gripped the financial world completely. The developed economies in Europe Union (EU) failed to raise money for their bonds due to a decline in the confidence of the international financial market on euro zone. EU’s debt crisis worsened further since...

Performance of Saudi Stock Markets in the Past 10 Years

Introduction The stock market in Saudi Arabia was first formally regulated in 1984 (Al-Twaijry, 2006, p.2). In 1985 the Saudi Shares Registration company was inaugurated. The early 1990 saw the modernization of the market with introduction of an Electronic Securities Information System by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (Al-Twaijry, 2006,...

City Bank Reward System Analysis

Executive Summary In a contemporary business environment, organizations require informational, human, and physical resources; properly managed organizations have adequate personnel, in number, experience, and expertise. The human resources department in conjunction with top and line management is mandated with the task of ensuring that the right number of people is...

India and China Economic Rise Implications on Currency Markets and World Economies

Strong economies are emerging all over the world, but both China and India are still ahead because they are taking international markets by storm. Their rapid growth has pushed them into global markets and possibilities of development in their own regions. Nevertheless, these possibilities are rapidly turning into real development...

Financial Analysis of Wells Fargo Bank, U.S. Bank and JP Morgan Chase Bank

Introduction The aim of every organization is to maximize profit while minimizing costs. The operations of an organization in a given business environment aims at ensuring that the organization achieves its objectives. Financial performance of an organization is important for investors. However, it is not the only measure of the...

Government Policy Effect on the Insurance Market in Saudi

Introduction Government policy has contributed to the growth of the insurance policy in Saudi Arabia. This has mostly been through the creation of favorable conditions for the development of insurance firms and their ability to thrive. The paper has successfully looked at laws that were established in order to increase...

The Foreign Direct Investment: Company’s Engagement Reasons

Introduction Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is defined as a process where residents from another country acquire ownership of assets of a firm in a foreign country with the purpose of controlling production, distribution among other purposes (Moosa 2002 p.1). The IMF defines FDI as ‘ an investment that is made...

Bank Loans on Businesses Analysis

Introduction American companies seeking to get loans from banks to expand their businesses are unable to access them due to the reluctance of banks to lend. This is because the banks have not yet fully recovered from the losses they incurred from the sub-prime mortgage crisis. The industrial and commercial...

The Federal Reserve Actions Towards Inflation

Inflation is one of the many economic heats that confront the world. Economic experts have always congregated to look for solutions by developing strategies to deal with inflation. Its adverse effects have made the issue to be the most understood aspect of the global economy by the learned and those...

2011 European Crisis, European Union Economic Ploblems

Introduction The European financial crisis arose out of fiscal measures adopted in several European countries. The international community got concerned in late 2009 and at the beginning of 2010. The European countries had accumulated high amounts of sovereign debt. In Ireland, the debt had increased due to bank bailouts. There...

Growth of Hedge Funds in the United States of America

Introduction Background of the Study Financial market in USA is large and diverse, and for a long time, it has been dominated by mutual funds industry (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2003). However, in the last few decades, the trend has been changing, and today, there is growth of hedge...

Businesses and Information Technology

Introduction Historically, top-level management realized how difficult it was to invest large fortunes into IT without knowing how it would affect their businesses. However, several CIOs invested heavily in IT with the hope that the investment will play a vital role in the future. A number of these companies collapsed...

Managerial Accounting: Sam Walton

Introduction Amongst the many influential global companies that exist today; very few—if not none—of them can compare to the reputable impact of Wal-Mart in the arena of business. Whether for the right or occasionally, wrong reasons; Wal-Mart commands a lot of attention from corporations and people alike. All these would,...

Career Path: Accounting Profession

Accounting is not just all about boring numbers. It is about one’s ability to analyze and communicate. Individuals’ passion for numbers calculation, analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication form the basis of this professional career. The ultimate audited financial statements have a fundamental impact on the corporate world, government, as well...

Green Computing Research Project

Project overview Bluechips Consultancy is to implement an order management system for G-bazaar a green computing outlet in uptown UK. A project plan will then be developed after this and this will be presented to the sponsors for approval. The activities of the project will then commence upon approval of...

Global Trends in Foreign Direct Investments

Improved international relations, technological development, growth in international trade, and development of reliable communication channels have led to rise in globalization. Globalization is the process through which regional economies integrate into a global network of trade; with globalization, multinationals and private companies are able to take advantage of enlarged global...

Financial Risk Assessment

Introduction More and more economies have developed the tendency to rely on private capital flows to sustain themselves and therefore have also become more prone to risks that come with the volatility associated with such capital flows (Baumol 2007). Researches have been carried out to help establish a comprehensive framework...

Use of Animals in Research

Animal testing, “animal experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing are terms that have been used to describe the use animals in experiments” (Benz, 2006, p. 56). The earliest references made to animal testing date back to the 2nd and 4th century BCE as seen in the writings of the...

The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Many businesses operations have embraced the concept of corporate social responsibility and this has attracted attention of many researchers. The aim of this review is to study the work of one such researcher, Caroll Archie, and rate her article, The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: toward the Moral Management...

A Quality Management and Quality Improvement

Quality management refers to the organizational-wide approach that firms in different economic sectors integrate in an effort to understand the customers’ needs. As a result, a firm is able to offer products and services that meet the customers’ needs. For an organization to effectively implement the concept of quality management,...

Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction The 1960s civil rights movement in America to end racial and other forms of discrimination also affected discrimination of employees by their employers. Following successful implementations of the laws against discrimination at workplaces, court decisions, workers unions, and laws restricted the employers and their unions to discriminate any worker...

Strategic Use of Information Systems to Gain a Competitive Advantage

Introduction Information systems (ISs) have been basically considered in terms of the way they affect individual organizations. Scholars have put their focus on defining the nature of information system function. However, at recent times, the external information systems utilization as sources of competitive advantage has come under consideration (Pant and...

Job Position and Satisfaction Relationship

Introduction The level of job satisfaction among employees determines performance of employees in an organization. Given the evidence that job satisfaction increases performance of employees, modern organizations strive to provide better working conditions and employment terms. Essentially, many factors determine the level of job satisfaction in an organization. Some factors...

Evidence in Accidental Fire Investigation

People often prefer proactive behavior to reactive behavior. With this in mind, if a fire investigator identifies that the cause of the fire was not incendiary, it is only logical that he applies the evidence he manages to adduce from the fire scene to set up preventive measures to curb...

Ideal Ethical Criminal Justice Organization

There are many perspectives on what constitutes an ideal ethical organization. Some business scholars tend to concentrate on failures in ethical behavior. In addition, extreme instances of corporate misbehavior, and the procedures that cause negative phenomena may deploy to pin down unethical conduct. Although such a view offers useful insights...

Security Threat Groups: Comparative Analysis

Introduction A gang can be described as a group that “resembles an organization of three or more persons with a common identifying sign, name or symbol” (Bartollas, 2002, p. 268). Gangs are either “collectively or individually involved in criminal activities that are often of a violent character or connected to...

Affordable Care Act’s Impact on North Carolina

Impact on the population The passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 by Congress brought relief to thousands of families in North Carolina. Most of these families could not afford healthcare insurance (Hofer, Abraham & Moscovice, 2011). It has been difficult for many families in North Carolina to pay...

Oil Prices Affecting Stock Market in Gulf Countries

Introduction There is a large volume of studies on the correlation between oil prices and macroeconomics variables. Most of these studies have discussed the important effects of oil prices fluctuations on economic activities in the emerging and developed countries. One important factor of using oil price changes as a cause...

Do Analysts and Auditors Use Information in Accruals?

The last several decades could be characterized by the dramatic changes in the structure of society and market. These alterations are conditioned by the blistering development of technologies and approaches used to attain success and become beneficial. Furthermore, the changes in the structure of market conditioned the growth of its...

Risks and Returns Analysis Issues in Business

The risk and return associated with any type of investment bear several similarities. The more the “appetite” for high returns, the higher the level of risk a business entity has to accept. In other words, risks and returns are directly proportional to each other when it comes to investment (Greenwood...

Strategies That Fit Emerging Markets

Introduction Written by Khanna, Palepu, and Sinha (2005), the article ‘Strategies that Fit Emerging Markets’ is an informative piece that acknowledges the biggest challenge, namely globalization, which major businesses face today. Top-level management of large multinational corporations reveals how globalization has made it almost impossible to apply traditional strategies that...

The Use of Debt in Tax-Exempt Economy of Kuwait

Abstract This research will investigate factors that determine the capital financing structure of firms within a tax-exempt economy, Kuwait. It will question why companies in a tax-exempt economy, regardless of the lack of debt incentives, continue to prefer debt financing to internal sources of capital. The research attempts to fill...

City Shrinkage, Heritage, and the Middle East

Introduction The issue of shrinking cities has been on the rise in the past, and it creates serious problems around the globe (Stansel, 2011). This problem of shrinking cities is common amongst cities in developed countries like the United States and Europe among others even though it can happen in...

Permit Under the CWA: Discharge Into Long Trout River

Overview To construct and operate a smelter in the United States of America, one is required to apply for several environmental permits. RRE International wants to build and operate a smelter in the City of Riverside. This company is establishing its first presence in the United States of America and...

Riparian Area: Filtration of Nitrogen

Introduction Our environment is very delicate and efforts should be taken to ensure its safety. There are several pollutants that the environment is subjected to, most of which are caused by man. This condition is more adverse in urban set ups where population is large and waste management is a...

What Should the US Do About Global Warming?

How to live with climate change: It won’t be stopped, but its effects can be made less bad This paper describes the UN’s search for a solution to global warming. The proposals presented therein can be adopted by the US in addressing global warming and the other effects of climate...

Ecological Modernisation as an Approach to Solving Environmental Problems

Introduction Solving environmental problems is a worldwide concern. The threat posed by climate change and global warming is pushing mother Earth to the limit. Industrialisation, consumerism in America and globalization, among other drivers of change, have pushed and motivated scientists to find ways to address environmental problems which have continued...

Windmills: Work Principles, Pros, and Cons

Introduction The harnessing of wind energy has been taking place since time immemorial. Traditionally, it was used to pump water and to grind grain. In the modern world, wind turbine is the equivalent of wind energy and used to generate electricity. Windmills are stationed on a raised point or a...

What Should or Should Not Be Done About Global Warming

Global warming is referred to as the general increase in the earths near surface air and ocean temperature. This has remained as major problem in a society that has increased its industrial use since the beginning of twentieth century. Every newborn in twentieth century, is one way or another, has...

Type 2 Diabetes: Causal Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Management and Prevention

Introduction Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a metabolic disorder that occurs due to the presence of a high level of glucose in the blood (Alssema et al 742). Research has shown that this is the most common type of diabetes that affects both children and adults. Individuals who suffer from...

Right to Die, DNR

The right to die is an entitlement to end one’s life (Humphry, 2003). It holds that every person has a right to die with dignity. Possession of this right gives an individual the ability to choose when to die and by whom. It is sometimes denoted as do not resuscitate....

Digital Integrated Circuit: NMOS and PMOS Transistor

Introduction The aim of the experiment was to determine the electrical parameters of the NMOS and PMOS transistors in a setup that consisted of a 4007 IC-chip consisting of NMOS and PMOS, a power supply, and an oscilloscope. At the start of the experiment, measurements taken on the drain current...

Pension Plans and the Economic Troubles

Before the oil crisis in 1974, private and public pension plans were considered in terms of total social security benefit package. The economic troubles arising from the crisis triggered renewed thinking resulting into integration of the two systems. Overall private pensions plans was not a widely practiced tradition and the...

Financial Projections for a Coffee Shop

Dens Coffee shop is set to become a central part of the lives of coffee addicts in Tower Hamlets, London. It will offer the perfect environment for people to meet or just waste the day away as they sip a cup of coffee. The coffee shop will have 1200 square...

Responsible Reformers or Irresponsible Agitators

Introduction The studied material offers a detailed analysis of the events that took place in the early 19th century. From the presented discussions and images, the reader can identify the goals, achievements, and challenges of the abolitionists. Modern historians describe them as responsible reformers since they relied on logical explanations...

Limits on the Principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty

Introduction Parliamentary sovereignty is a key component that enables members of a parliament to make laws or rescind them (Knight and Young 480). From an institutional dimension, parliamentary sovereignty grants parliament the ability to make laws and offer their decisions through them. There is no Act that can go against...

Criminal Activities of Sister Norma Giannini

Introduction The following analysis presents some theoretical approaches, which are used in explaining criminal activities of Sister Norma Giannini who was involved in molesting boys. It is often astounding when horrible cases of child sex abuse happen such as the one for Sister Giannini. Criminologists, politicians, media, and other members...

The Increasing Rate of Health Professional Migration From Nigeria

The World Health Organization prioritizes professionals in the field of medicine as fundamental in delivering health care in health systems, and further groups them according to their performance with reference to memorandum of performance that guide workers for an efficient health system (WHO, 2000). Although it has been common for...

Aspects of Intellectual Property

Introduction Intellectual property refers to various innovations which are unique to a business enterprise or an artistic work which are useful in identifying the business or artistic work and is recognized by the law. There are various ways of protecting intellectual property for instance the use of patents, copyrights and...

Matilda and Jack’s Robots: The Target Segment of the Market

Product information Matilda and Jack are two robots known for their emotional intelligence. This innovation was made with the sole intention of improving human health and well-being as well as improving organizational sustainability. The robots can be used to conduct job interviews because of their ability to accurately determine the...

Abigail Williams: The Villain in the Crucible Play

The Crucible is an informative play by Arthur Miller depicting the Salem Witch Trial in Salem, Massachusetts, towards the end of the 17th century. People accused of being witches are taken to court and several witnesses are called upon to testify. Out of all the witnesses, Abigail Williams is the...

“Little Red Riding Hood”: Theoretical Analysis

Karl Marx Based on the Marxist theory, the red color in the story stands for communism, and the girl is the proletariat. The food represents prosperity, and the Red Riding Hood tries to bring it to her sick grandmother in order to protect the weaker cohort of people. The “system”...

The Girl Who Was Plugged In Novella by James Tiptree

The Girl Who Was Plugged In is a fantastic novella that raises philosophical questions about the political systems, the role of gender, the perception of human life, and the necessity to obey to survive. The author of the book is an American writer Alice Sheldon who decided to create her...

Commercial Bank of Dubai Announces Its Quarterly Figures

Introduction Commercial Bank of Dubai disclosed its financial results with reports of positive prospects. The bank had registered a one percent increment in its net profit as compared to the previous year with AED 0.40 earnings per share. Its return on average equity and return on average assets were reported...

Airborne and Aerial Gamma-Ray Survey: Literature Review

Sanderson Allyson, Tyler, Ni Riain and Murphy carried out an aerial survey to explore the presence of gamma-ray in parts of SW Scotland and to determine the potential of airborne radiometric techniques for swift response surveying of far-flung areas.1 The researchers were able to record about 17,000 gamma-ray spectra from...

The Poem “Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone” by W. H. Auden

At first sight, Auden’s “Stop All the Clocks” seems to be a poem about the planned time for relaxation, when one does not have to worry about waking up by the alarm the next morning. At least that’s what I do when I am about to have a day of...

Romanticism: Paintings and Music

The Romantic Movement manifested itself in different areas of culture. Its representatives were united by only one thing that is a conflict with reality. In a world, where everything, including human relations, is subject to the law of sale and purchase, romantics opposed the truth of feelings, and the free...

Job Description: Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Job description Diagnostic imaging commonly uses X-Ray to diagnose diseases. In nuclear medicine, diagnosis is made using radionuclides. Radionuclides are unstable atoms that spontaneously emit radiation (Nuclear Medicine Technologists, 2012). They are used to develop radiopharmaceuticals. The work of nuclear medicine technologists is to give patients radiopharmaceuticals, and then keep...

Applied Missing Data Analysis Methods

Introduction In 2006, the US experienced 17,000 deaths through DWI representing slightly over 40% of all traffic deaths in the USA. Most states in the US have 0.08% BAC content as the maximum level under which a person can legally operate a machine or motor vehicle. Albuquerque is the US’s...

Succinate Dehydrogenase and Subcellular Fractionation

Subcellular Fractionation Eukaryotic cells are composed of a variety of organelles having different functions. In a biochemical examination of organelles, purified samples are required hence the need for isolation. The most common isolation technique is differential centrifugation. During isolation, the cells are homogenized so as to break open the cell...

Role of Rebels in American Literature

The archetype of a rebel inextricably linked with freedom may be regarded as traditional for American individuals, and it defines their behavior to a great extent. In general, American literature implies the unique combination of romanticism and pragmatism, traditionalism and experimentation. Similar to revolutionaries who fought for the country’s independence...

The Book of the Duchess vs. Pearl: Hieatt’s Review

The chapter “Two Dream Elegies: Pearl and The Book of the Duchess” in Hieatt’s The Realism of Dream Visions: The Poetic Exploitation of the Dream-Experience in Chaucer and His Contemporaries provides the bases for comparing and contrasting the themes of The Book of the Duchess and Pearl. These works belong...

Middle Eastern Immigrant Women’s Experience

Introduction Childhood abuse can pose negative and long-lasting impacts on individuals when not addressed. Individuals who depict traumatic symptoms exhibit some mental conditions that are either conscious or unconscious. Psychodynamic approaches are considered to be among the methods that can be used in assisting people to cope with their abusive...

Theory of Knowledge: Skepticism

Theories of knowledge aim to improve people’s understanding of how knowledge is formed and how truth can be distinguished from false information. Hence, various theories of knowledge also deal with the reliability of the information. Skepticism is a philosophical notion that “there are grounds for doubting claims that we typically...

Teenage Femininity in “The Fits” Movie by Anna Rose Holmer

Introduction Every teenage girl feels social pressure during their school years in terms of finding their true identity. Adolescent years are crucial in the process of character establishment where a few judgmental remarks may influence the further course of personality formation. Following the desired hobbies or dressing comfortably may be...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Speculation

Advantages of Speculation Speculators play an important role in financial markets, because they give the markets the extra buoyancy needed to carry out trades. They are also important in the financial markets because “they provide information about the fundamental values of investments” (Duffie). Speculators will only buy when the conditions...

“Hermes and the Infant Dionysus” and “Aphrodite of Knidos” Sculptures

In this analysis two ancient Greek sculptures from the same time period will be studied and described. The first sculpture is Hermes and the Infant Dionysus that is often considered to be made by Praxiteles in the 4th century BC; however, the assumption about its origin is not confirmed. It...

Concert Report: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is one of his greatest works. Played by BBC NOW, directed by Xian Zhang, it sounds amazingly big (Hollowchatter, 2017). From the first notes, listeners are entirely immersed in the music. The conductor’s work is genuinely virtuoso: it guides the musicians expressively and achieves impressive sound. Thanks...

Application for Secured Loan for a Japanese Restaurant

I humbly forward my request for a loan of $50,000, which I will use to purchase ABC, a Japanese restaurant. I will secure the loan using my equity of $200,000. I will be comfortable to pay the loan in 5 years’ time covering both interest and principle. Currently I am...

DNA Extraction and PCR of Bird DNA

Introduction Different tissues can be used for the extraction of DNA in order to analyse the bird’s genetics. Blood and organs provide a rich source of DNA, requiring only a small sample for high-quality DNA. Depending on the species of the bird, some blood can be drawn from non-heparinised capillaries...

Conceptualizing the Notions of Hell in Milton’s Works

Literature Review The given literature review will focus on conceptualizing the notions of hell in Milton’s works, which is one of the first major visualizations and revisions of the notion of an afterlife. The concept of hell takes a new form in Milton’s overall approach, which influenced various representations of...

The Economic Dynamics of the 1930s in US

The Transformations of the 1930s From the stock market crash to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, through the Great Depression and years of ongoing positive changes, the 1930s in the U.S. transformed the country quickly. This decade is one of the most dynamic time periods of the twentieth century. President...

Sexually Transmitted Infections in College Students

In many academic settings, sexual harassment is prevalent due to the ignorance of the students. Established universities around the world also experience this vice amongst their students. In 1996, there was a study conducted on students who had experienced sexual violence and sexual harassment in major universities. The results showed...

Right to Asylum According to the International Law

It is very true that in the world today there is dissection of defensive states that undertake limiting affiliate policies. A major catastrophe related to humankind being contributed by this reality concerns the trouble of world refugee. Despite the fact that there are numerous internally displaced people in different countries...

Alzheimer Disease and Its Effects

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a permanent condition that mainly affects the elderly. Besides it being a substantial burden to the healthcare system, it is also a challenge to the patients themselves, as well as caregivers (Salawu, Umar & Olokoba, 2011). As such, Alzheimer’s has become a significant public health issue...

Laws That Govern Debt Collection

Introduction A debt collector is a company or person assigned to collect unpaid debts that are past the deadline of payment. This work is assigned by credit card issuers and banks and the collectors paid on commission. This industry was brought to existence in the early 1900s when the government...

The Civil Rights Movement History

The Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1950s and was about the black community profusely fighting for their rights against segregation. Though they were finally free from slavery by the time the second world war began, The black African community did not fully enjoy equal rights with the white...

Business Environment Risk Intelligence

Introduction Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI) was started in 1966 and is located in Friday Harbor, WA. BERI is a private company that is classified as an insurance company and manages comprehensive rankings, forecasts, and analyses in over 140 countries around the world (Skipper and Kwon, 2007, p.167). Their customers...

Could the Confederacy Have Won?

When it comes to the topic of the Civil War, one of the most common and controversial questions for discussion is whether the Confederacy had the opportunity to win. At first sight, it seems that the South had a variety of advantages. It was superior to the North in terms...

The Expected Code of Conduct in Long-Term-Care Facility

Introduction Healthcare is a medical term which refers to all activities and services involving human health, such as the diagnosis, treatment, as well as prevention of illness, disease, injury, and other mental and physical impairments in humans. Health care is delivered or administered by practitioners in various medical professions such...

Web Services as an Evolving Technology

Introduction There is an increasing demand for technologies that support the connecting or sharing of resources and data in a flexible and standardized manner. This demand has led to the development of Web services, a phenomenon that has become a household name. Almost every company is creating its own definition...

Life Sentence Without Possible Parole

It is quite unfortunate that the justice system would sentence Individuals to Life without possible parole (LWOP) which is a clear condemnation to die in the prison. Facts have proved that LWOP is severe, swift, and certain punishment. It is a reality that these individuals indeed end up dying in...