Career Path: Accounting Profession

Accounting is not just all about boring numbers. It is about one’s ability to analyze and communicate. Individuals’ passion for numbers calculation, analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication form the basis of this professional career. The ultimate audited financial statements have a fundamental impact on the corporate world, government, as well as to the public. The task played in this profession counts in conducting business and developing effective reference materials. As such, each passing day, there are opportunities to develop and implement a new accounting technique, which reduces errors and increases the efficiency in the accounting profession as well as in any organization (Graduate Prospects 12).

Accounting involves bookkeeping, sales tax, general ledger posting, and financial statements completion. Specialization in accounting will allow accountants to assign a position in their career. Qualified accountants have broad job opportunities. For example, they can take up any position from accounts clerk to accountants, not to mention lecturing accounting classes. Many accountants find their way into investment opportunities disguised as a controlling function.

An accounting staff is responsible for the company’s tax research, in charge of business tax returns. The employee familiarizes himself with some of the necessary experience of the firm’s procedures and programs (Aguilar 2).

The responsibilities assigned to some of the accounting staff include adjusting entries, balancing trial balance communicating with the firm’s clients as well credit checking of the firm. Accountants will also be required to teach, new inexperienced, staff for the betterment of their organization.

The accounting profession requires the incorporation of skills from different fields. Qualification as a certified accountant requires the attainment of a bachelor’s degree in accounting, subsequently coupled with two years of experience. Potential employees in the profession need to have qualifications in Certified Public Accountant (CPA) courses. Again, proficiency in accounting software and effective communication skills is an added advantage (Aguilar 3). In the job market, many employers have a higher preference for applicants with master’s degrees in business administration or accounting. On the other hand, inexperienced accountants often work under the supervision and experienced auditors.

Financial analysis is another choice in the accountancy field. A financial analyst is the one who is in charge of budgeting and accounting conducts finances, prepares financial reports, statistics, and any scientific studies (Kathleen 1). Senior financial analysts can work in the capacity of the controller for providing information to his juniors in their departments. This encompasses working under the finance department and investigating both the internal and external matters regarding the enterprise.

For one to be a degree holder in accounting and finance, entitlement to pay over $40000 a year, for four years, in recognized tertiary institutions becomes one of the major obstacles in this endeavor. In the same line, the financial analyst receives immense salaries, income per year are on the standard of $60000, due to the valuable and highly marketable services they offer. Today, many accountants are shifting to forensic accounting as per the demand in the market. Among the fundamental bodies that govern this profession are the IRS, FBI, and insurance companies. Continuous education, as a career development strategy, is the key to increasing one’s income as an accountant. There are degrees and certifications, which are related to accounting and training in these courses increases one’s quality of work leading to increased salary and being competitive in the market as an accountant. Most students enroll in colleges and universities to key in financial management courses but with the same requirements in, the job market.

Works cited

Aguilar, Melissa. “Accounting Enrollments Rising. Source Media, Inc. vo. 18 no. 4. Lexis-Nexis: Miller Lib La Plume, PA. 2004. Web .

Graduate Prospects. Management Consultant Job Description and Activities Prospects. 2007.

Kathleen, Lynn. Accounting students made a profitable choice Law as changing workforce add up to hot job market. North Jersey: Media Group Inc. Lexis. 2000.

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