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Electronic Health Record Implementation and Behavioral Barriers

Abstract The adoption of healthcare information technologies (HITs) such as electronic health records (EHRs) has become a necessity in modern healthcare settings. However, the pressure from the legislative regulations (HITECH Act and Meaningful Use Stages in the U.S. case) often forces healthcare organizations to implement EHRs without considering various factors...

Supply Chain Management in Healthcare

Supply chain logistics in healthcare are a series of processes that entail the workforce. The workforce is involved across various movements and groups of surgical equipment, medicine, and other products that are of great importance to the healthcare professional as they function in multiple facilities and sectors. The core, primary,...

The 9-11 Attack and Emergency Management

September 11th is a day that no one on the face of this earth will ever forget. This was the day when New York was crippled by terrorist attacks. On the morning of September 11th, at 08:46 local time, an American Airlines Boeing 767 hijacked by terrorists crashed into the...

HIV-AIDS: Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Introduction The objective of eliminating the Human Immune-deficient Virus and Human Acquired Immune Deficient Syndrome HIV/AIDS epidemic is conceivably attainable. It would need addressing this catastrophe on both global and individual levels. HIV is the virus that fights the body’s immune system and can cause AIDS if left untreated. The...

Electronic Health Records’ Privacy Problems

When it comes to personal health information, privacy and security will always be paramount. Healthcare providers are, in a way, knowledge workers, and deal with confidential and oftentimes very sensitive information on a regular basis. A nurse is responsible for protecting their patient’s privacy or, at least, avoiding any actions...

The Significance of Nursing Education

Introduction Nursing education aims to provide continuous, inexpensive, quality patient care. Considering that medicine should be patient-centered, it is essential to assure that they are cared for by highly qualified staff. Education is one of the main instruments to provide patients with crucial care from nurses and hospital teams with...

Data Analysis and Strategic Management Issues

Introduction Management and organizational behavior require data analysis, as otherwise, it would be impossible to assess the situation and identify the appropriate directions of performance. In particular, analyzing big data at each stage of hiring process as well as prior to it and following it enables human resource managers to...

The Importance of the Foreign Exchange Market

The current stage of economic development is characterized by deep integration of globalization processes, as a result of which foreign relations between countries are strengthened. One of the consequences of this strengthening is the formation of the currency market because, as we know, almost every state maintains its sovereignty by...

Consumers’ Loyalty and Trust

A company’s branding creates an emotional connection with the consumers and can connect people emotionally, making them loyal to its product. Businesses must sustain loyalty to their products to maintain and improve their marketability. A customer’s commitment to certain products occurs as a result of confidence. Trust is also critical...

Stress in Healthcare and Its Impact on Employees

Abstract Stress in healthcare can affect the professionals’ well-being (emotionally and physically) by curbing their efficiency and negatively impacting their overall quality of life. This paper aims to investigate the impact that work environment stress can have on employees, organizational performance, and the delivery of patient care. The research will...

Parkinson’s Disease: Care and Treatment

When discussing Parkinson’s Disease (PD), the patients’ care, both from the community and healthcare professionals, is concerned. Therefore, my topic of interest is the care and the treatment of people suffering from PD and how their lives could be improved. I chose this topic because it is empathetic seeing patients...

Supply Chain and Making Operations Decisions

Summary The supply chain department manages material supply, production operations, inventory management, and order fulfillment. Businesses with effective supply chains realize lean processes with significant ease. Such entities do not reactively handle cases of exhausted raw material or customer supply delays due to a delivery car’s breakdown. The supply chain...

Strategic Human Resource Management at PepsiCo

The link between a firm’s human resources and its plans, priorities, and aims is known as strategic human resource management. The goal of strategic human resource management is to promote flexibility, creativity, and competitive edge, as well as to create a culture that is functional. Even though PepsiCo demonstrates adequate...

Importance of Communication in Leadership

Introduction Communication skills are crucial in most aspects of human life, but they are particularly important in leadership positions. Especially nowadays, when communication channels are rapidly increasing and the demand for connection between a leader and their employees is dramatically high, effective leadership communication is a necessary precondition for business’s...

Information and Technology in Patient Care

Introduction In the present day, the world has become reliant on technology. Consequently, it is essential for nurses to have information and technology (IT) skills. Health professionals, such as nurses, use IT to deliver care to patients. When applied correctly, IT facilitates the provision of safe care. IT skills are...

Human Resource Management: Objectives, Functions, and Importance

Introduction Human resource (HR) management is a pivotal element in proper organizational performance and its overall existence. HR constitutes the core of a company due to the talent, skills, knowledge, and experience contributed to the organizational performance and the work done to ensure the completion of company strategy and tasks....

Employees Management: Total Reward Model

Introduction Total compensation refers to a variety of monetary and non-monetary incentives that may help councils promote and enhance their reputation as a wonderful place to work. Councils already have a lot to offer, and comprehensive compensation ensures that employees fully appreciate the entirety of their job package. Starting pay,...

Amazon: Supply Chain Integration

Introduction Having created the ultimate model of catering to consumers’ every need, Amazon has become the staple of a successful retail company. On the surface, Amazon’s triumph is easily understandable; however, delving into the specifics of Amazon’s performance will show that the company has developed a rather subtle and unique...

US Government in Intermodal Transportation

Introduction Transportation is determined to be the main factor of the US economic growth in the new century. The global market of cargo and transport services adheres to container transportation since it is the most profitable and reliable technology for non-transshipment cargo delivery on most types of transport like sea,...

Caring Nursing Concept: Care & Rehabilitation

Nursing practice faces a problem related to a technicality and reducing caring substance because of the rise in complicated patient care and time limits. Caring promotes nurses’ focus on their relationship with patients by understanding, seeing, and assuming responsibilities. To reduce the potential for nursing to elicit purely technical traits,...

Alzheimer’s Disease vs. Frontotemporal Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive condition that disrupts the life of millions of adults worldwide. The abnormality causes dementia, and if diagnosed on time, the severity of the consequences can be decreased. The Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology includes multiple factors such as neuronal loss and requires examination of the patient’s physical...

International Human Resource Management: The Case Study

Introduction The rise of global corporations working in several states increased the importance of human resource management in the international context. The increased number of cross-cultural relations and employees from various countries mean that CEOs faced the necessity to create an effective management model helping to integrate workers with different...

Aspects of Monetization of Data

Introduction The idea of monetization is based on the repetitive utilization of the gained information about the consumers’ interests, wishes, wants, and pains. Baecker et al. (2020) refer to data monetization as “using data for quantifiable benefits”, and those benefits include both a monetary value and any other type of...

Facing Nurses With Ethical Dilemmas

An ethical dilemma is a situation where an individual is compelled to make a difficult decision as a result of two or more conflicting choices. The choices in consideration in such circumstances can be justified as uncertain, equally bad, or equally good (Butts & Rich, 2016). As registered nurses, we...

Capnography for Resuscitation of Patients in Intensive Care Units

Abstract Cardiac arrest poses a significant threat to patients in intensive care units (ICU) and can subsequently lead to a patient’s demise. It was noted at the project site that capnography was not being used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) despite recommendations and guidelines that supported its use in improving patient...

Business Ethics: Integrity, Honesty, and Fairness

Ethics is of paramount importance in business as a constituent of the basis for decision-making. In turn, integrity, honesty, and fairness constitute the basis of business ethics due to their focus on homogenous ethical standards and the promotion of behaviors that allow for building trust in the business setting (Schroeder...

Innovation Success and Commercial Success Relationship

Introduction In today’s extremely competitive business climate, innovation is critical to a company’s success, particularly as customers become more demanding and smart. To thrive and stand out, entrepreneurs require a competitive advantage. Innovation may provide a competitive advantage by increasing production, development, and profit. It is not necessary for innovation...

Strategic Innovation and the Quest for Value

Strategy development is the key element that defines the future of the company. Managers create strategies to outline what they want to achieve and how this can be done; however, these plans cannot be created without an outlook of the environment in which the business operates. Porter’s theory of strategy...

Eating Disorders as Life-Threatening Illnesses

Introduction Taking this course pushed me to take action in overcoming my recent biggest problem: my eating disorder. For almost two years, I assumed that I could not overcome my problems and that food was my only source of comfort. I also thought that taking more food was part of...

Pricing Strategies in the Healthcare Industry

In healthcare, pricing is a complex activity that creates confusion given the nature of products offered in healthcare and patient protection policies. Nevertheless, like any other industry, the healthcare industry engages in pricing strategies to meet different objectives. Different pricing strategies are employed in healthcare depending on the intended outcomes....

The Importance of Leadership

Introduction The first week in every class is always an exciting one because the building blocks are introduced. It provided me an opportunity to get an overview of leadership and its importance in a structured manner. I often associate the word leadership with authority and governance. I learned that it...

Contemporary Leadership Styles and Approaches

Introduction Leadership is one of the most fundamental requirements of any organization. The type of leadership in an organization determines its trajectory and ultimately its destination. Some of the greatest success stories in the world hinged on the qualities of leaders: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Adolf Hitler, Barrack Obama, J.F...

Change Management Theories

Introduction From the course information, I can tell that Kotter’s change model is one of the easiest ways to bring change to almost any organizational environment. There are several steps that make it clearer how to approach the problem since every stage comes with a detailed description and has to...

Accounting: The Phenomenon of Job Order Costing

Introduction When dealing with manufacturing and serving a diverse clientele, any company should account for the product diversity catalyzed by the customers’ preferences. Thus, to obtain a realistic picture of the product cost, the firm’s primary goal is to make this cost unique and relevant for every single product presented...

Leadership Development and Culture of Change

Introduction Leaders can establish a culture of change in their organization, and multiple approaches can be implemented to maintain it. Strategies to enhance effectiveness might also lead to adjusting personal characteristics and selecting ethical theories to address. Furthermore, providing the employees with a convenient and diverse working environment and encouraging...

Professional Self-Development in Personal Experience

Introduction The modern world offers great opportunities for individuals to find a job and build a career. The large volume and access to information allow any employee to build competence and knowledge, but at the same time, the bar of requirements for potential employees is also raised. Self-development is a...

Strategy Development and Organizational Process Analysis

It is important to note that any form of the organization operates with a specific strategy put in place in order to achieve its core objectives of profitability, growth, and competitiveness. Organizational strategy can be defined as a scope and direction developed to encompass long-term objectives with considerations of utilizing...

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s Success or Failure

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) is a legislative response to financial scandals between large American companies and, as a result, a decrease in investor confidence. The US Senate passed this new law in a short time: in March 2002, there was only a Ten Point Plan (Albuquerque & Zhu, 2019). With...

The Cost and Quality of Long-Term Care in the US

Introduction Presently there is a question about the quality and financing of care. More than 11 million Americans need some form of long-term attention due to chronic illness. Receiving the care needed is crucial to their quality of life, but long-term treatment and care require significant resources. Since people and...

COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Immune System

COVID-19 has shaken the very basics of the healthcare system. The medicine was supposed to create epidemiological solutions for COVID-19 prevention and treatment quickly. In order to analyze the virus, the medical providers and epidemiologists had to work together to learn how the immune system responds to the virus and...

Supply Chain Procurement and Receivables Risk Management

Abstract This research paper provides a systematization of risks that accompany the system of procurement of goods and also discusses the main methods of managing them. Risks can be different and specific both within a particular industry and within each specific company. All types of risks affect the competitiveness and...

Supply Chain Forecast & Inventory Risk Management

Abstract In the context of maintaining the efficiency of supply chains, risk management is crucial as a set of measures aimed to prevent threats to forecasting and a drop in customer interest due to inadequate control over the sale process. This work aims to determine what forecast and inventory risks...

Activision Blizzard Firm’s Organizational Culture

The role of strategy, culture and the organization’s management system cannot be underestimated. Competent and thoughtful management, taking into account the needs and desires of employees, and effective management are distinguished by increasing the results of the organization’s activities. In addition, these factors contribute to the optimization of labor and...

Organizational Structure Change and Communication

Updated Organizational Structure Chart: Explanation of Changes Based on the identified concerns regarding collaboration, communication, and autonomy of the organization’s employees, the updated structure chart contains several changes, the implementation of which is expected to improve the workflow. Earlier, managers were controlling the work of every specialist in all departments....

Leadership Models and Theories in Health Care

Effective leadership is the key to the successful functioning of any organization and institution. This assumption is also valid for health care, where it is important to ensure correct management to provide quality care. Addin (2020) underlines that “the most effective leaders are leaders who can balance implementation-oriented behaviors with...

Bodybuilding.com Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Bodybuilding.com Company is a fitness company committed to transforming people by providing a personal trainer, nutritional diets, body supplements for burning fat, and bodybuilding. Some of the products and services for the company include clothing and accessories, vitamins and health, weight management, performance, and protein. Target customers include...

Strategic Management: Process, Aims, and Importance

Introduction Through strategic management, organizations can achieve the best result and surpass their closest competitors. In general, strategic management aims to plan and integrate the operations of a company’s many functional departments to accomplish long-term corporate goals. (Kennedy et al., 2020). This can be achieved if an organization develops strategic...

SWOT Analysis of Delta Airlines Company

Introduction Delta Airlines is one of the most important and prosperous airlines in the airline industry. As a typical user and a corporate strategist, I offer my presentation on how the company may use its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to gain a competitive advantage and set plans on the...

Leadership and Management Are the Same

There has been an ongoing debate among academics and experts arguing that leadership is different from management in several aspects such as orientation, duties, and character. Following the discussion, numerous researchers and scholars have written about differences between managers and leaders. The supporters of this idea argue that leaders are...

Watson’s and Nightingale’s Nursing Theories Comparison

Introduction Nursing is one of the fundamental aspects of human civilization. Since ancient times, people have been trying to help others in need, reduce their suffering, and improve their well-being. For this reason, this field of knowledge evolved along with the development of society and science. The rise of nursing...

Use of Qualitative Research in Nursing Practice

Qualitative Research Throughout the COVID-19 epidemic, the media, lawmakers, and the general people have rallied alongside frontline healthcare professionals worldwide. It is worth emphasizing that the hero story might be troublesome for nurses and other healthcare professionals. This article examines and discusses the repercussions of being declared a hero. In...

The Ethical Implications of Medical Errors

Although medical errors must be avoided due to their unfavorable outcomes for the patients, they sometimes happen. In that case, a medical professional who has made an error has to understand the ethical and legal implications of their actions. The nondisclosure of a mistake may lead to unfavorable health outcomes...

Logistics and Supply Chain Regarding Environmental Sustainability

One of the main issues of the supply chain management is achieving the maximum and optimal level of efficiency in terms of time of delivery. The problem is complicated by the need for consideration of trade regulations, policies, and relationship dynamics between two economic sectors. The given analysis is primarily...

The Ethical Procurement Management Analysis

Introduction Companies and businesses influence the development of society in the process of interacting with suppliers: choosing a specific organization, product, or service. Ethical procurement management aims to ensure that companies are held accountable for adding value and only select suppliers who are committed to the principles of ethical development...

The Social Responsibility Concept in Business

Social responsibility of business implies comfortable and safe working conditions for employees, decent wages, and additional medical insurance. It also contains such means as a charity, environmental protection, and public relations. Implementing social responsibility measures for business may not be obvious; it seems exaggerated. Building a system of responsibility in...

Legalization of Marijuana and Veterans

Introduction At ten, I began using marijuana or developing a cannabis addiction. Growing up in the streets of San Francisco, I began smoking marijuana at an early age to help me cope with the stresses of life. I started smoking with my uncle Jesse, who suffered from severe arthritis in...

Organizational Culture and Professional Development

Introduction Organizational culture is a necessary term when it comes to describing an organization. It influences many crucial aspects of the organization’s work processes, such as the performance and behavior of the employees. Defining the organizational culture and emphasizing its role in the success of the team is essential for...

Dyson Company’s Marketing and Product Offerings

The company’s market-oriented mission statement might be unique, and it can also be integrated with the company’s aims and objectives. The company’s goal statement is to uncover under-appreciated items and improve them via creativity and innovation to increase consumer appreciation visibility. Customer satisfaction may be used to illustrate the company’s...

Organizational Culture as an Element of a Company

Introduction Organizational culture refers to characteristics and personalities, including values, shared beliefs, assumptions on how individuals need to behave, the way decisions are made, and activities. The key factors of corporate culture are history, people, and the environment. Leaders and managers have known that the value of understanding an organization...

Innovation Process, Customer Value and Organizational Structure

The Role of Customer Value in the Innovation Process Customer value is one of the key aspects of the product innovation process. Ultimately, customer value is how a product or a service is seen by those who purchase it. The greater the difference between a product’s potential benefits and costs,...

Volkswagen’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Cost of Capital, RD A high credit rating indicates a lower cost of capital for most industries and organizations. Volkswagen had a rating of BBB+ with a positive outlook in May 2021 (Fitch Ratings, 2021a). The company’s rating is based on three critical components, including financial profile, corporate governance, and...

Accounting for Business Combination

Introduction The 2017 Accounting Standards Update (ASU) by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FSBA) was issued for greater clarification on the definition of a business with the purpose of issuing guidance for entities on whether transactions should be accounted for as assets or businesses. This change came after much criticism,...

The Learning Organization and Its Characteristics

The learning organization can be described as a company facilitating and encouraging the learning process for its employees. It acknowledges the need for continuous development of the organizational culture and structure in order to adapt to environmental change (Doyle and Johnson, 2019). The concept of the learning organization is interconnected...

Apple vs. Samsung Firms’ Financial Analysis

An Overview of the Consumer Electronics Industry Rapid technological development of humanity has predetermined the increasing relevance of the electronic industry or, in other words, consumer electronics. To begin with, it is necessary to find out what is taken by this kind of electronics. This definition means that all electronic...

Virtual Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 Period

Background The COVID-19 pandemic became an event which disrupted the normal way of life and forced all countries on the planet to adjust to new circumstances (Stefana, 2020). Businesses also were hit by the effects of the pandemic, which included not only hundreds of thousands of people being unable to...

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence has such critical components as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The four emotional intelligence skills can be combined into two pairs: self-awareness and self-management form intrapersonal competence and social awareness and relationship management – interpersonal or social competence. Intrapersonal competence focuses mainly on personality, while social...

L’Oréal: Marketing Ethics and Advertisement Strategy

Executive Summary L’Oréal is a multinational company that manufactures cosmetic products and owns several well-known cosmetics brands such as Lancôme and Maybelline, among others. Currently, it is the number one cosmetic group globally, with over 36 brands and subsidiaries in 115 counties. This company prides its ability to innovate, which...

Organizational Change and Resistance

Introduction Organizational change refers to the circumstances under which a company or a business organization alters the system of its organization through the transformation of its culture, technology, the way it operates the businesses, the outlined infrastructure, or the internal process. Many organizations suffer resistance to change; the major causes...

Porter’s Five Forces Model in Medical Devices Industry

Background Many approaches to contemporary economic analysis are created to examine one or another industry based on specific criteria. Porter’s Five Forces model is a simple tool that is intended to assist in primary sources of competition identification (Mind Tools Content Team, n.d.). It considers the following concepts: rivalry, bargaining...

We Care & Give Company’s Balanced Scorecard

The purpose and objective of the report A balanced scorecard assists in the development of organizational strategy by identifying what is essential to the organization. It brings the many viewpoints of the stakeholders together in a single communication channel. A more planned and regulated workload for employees can assist the...

Talent Management Strategy of Apple Company

Introduction Apple is among the most competitive electronic multinational companies. It is an American International Corporation that majors in electronics products (Al-Serhan, 2020). The company produces computer hardware such as iPhone Smartphones (Liu, 2021). It also offers electronic hardware, including iPod media players and Home pod speakers. Apple Inc. has...

Amazon Aggregators and Porter’s Five Forces

Amazon aggregators obtain and nurture e-commerce brands over innovative businesses with industrialists to scale the developed Amazon products and advance income for their stockholders. These aggregators search for the Amazon vendors they consider great auction potential to consolidate and run an e-commerce business portfolio (Tripathy, 2018). This research essay explicitly...

Business- and Corporate-Level Strategies Relationship

Business-level strategies are detailed outlines of actions and activities a business takes to offer customers value and maintain competitiveness. The main types of business-level strategies are; cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategies (Edwards, et al., 2014). The cost leadership strategy aims at producing goods at a lower price per unit...

Organizational Culture and Its Role in Business

A good organizational culture is a key to the success of any company, as it affects the productivity of employees, their quality of work, and job satisfaction. A well-thought-out organizational culture allows you to create a space and environment in which employees will develop, provide better quality services, and resolve...

The Nivea Company’s Marketing-Mix Strategy

To make its products attractive, Nivea produces several cosmetics products that may appeal to many customers. Apart from the differentiation strategy, the company emphasizes the high quality of products: the products undergo a long testing period before they are released on the market. Each customer may be sure that the...

Data Mining: Pros and Cons for an Enterprise

In the digital age, when technological progress and innovations make up an essential part of human lives, people find themselves in need of managing a complex and rapidly evolving world of information and technology. As people rely more and more on electronic devices in their everyday lives, they generate more...

Researching of Organizational Culture

An employee may have spiritual, material, or individual values that differ from the importance of the organization. This discrepancy can substantially impact the behavior and work of an employee in the company because common values can increase the loyalty of employees to the organization and motivate them. Shared values can...

The Implementation of New Information Technologies

Nowadays, technological progress has affected almost any area of human’s daily life. Many organizations from different fields are gradually implementing IT-based methods of work. In the medical field, in particular, in the United States, more and more hospitals use EHR (Electronic Health Record), EMR (Electronic Medical Record), and PHR (Personal...

The American Auto Industry: Porter’s Model of Five Forces

Abstract Porter presented a model to analyze strategic and market positions by five aspects: customer bargaining power, supplier bargaining power, the threat of new entries, the threat of substitutes, and competitive rivalry. It is used to evaluate the auto industry in the United States. This field started to develop in...

How to Improving Business Communication Skills

Introduction A virtual team is “one whose members share a common purpose, but are separated by distance, time, and organizational boundaries. In such a team, members are linked only by communication technologies.” (Noble, 2009, a virtual team, para.1). Therefore, timely and efficient communication between the members play a very important...

Pharmacogenomic Testing to Increase Treatment Adherence in Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder that is typified by drastic mood fluctuations between mania and depression. The lifetime prevalence of this disorder is about 2.4%.1 Bipolar disorder is a longstanding disease with affective incidents that may elicit substantial personal suffering, social dysfunction and negative outcomes on the...

Comparison of 2014 Annual Reports: Finnair PLC and Abbott

Use of visuals to keep attention In the Abbott report, the visuals in the background are pictures depicting different aspects of nutrition and healthy living in warm colors, with green color dominating the presentations. The use of pictures to depict different products in the report is very attractive and a...

Opposing Views on Mandatory Vaccination

Personal and Communal Ethical Factors In determining the moral positions of the two sides of the debates surrounding mandatory vaccination, personal and communal ethical factors should be explored. One personal factor is individual beliefs and values. Advocates of compulsory vaccination may think that immunization is the only way to stop...

Analysis of RUA’s Article: Hypertension

Introduction of disease High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition characterized by the high long-term force of the blood against the artery walls that negatively affect the heart’s function. The blood pressure depends on the two main conditions: the amount of blood in heart pumps and blood...

The Role of Balanced Scorecard in Production and Service

Introduction Strategic management concepts have become crucial in helping an organization to thrive in the current business environment that tends to be highly competitive. Success is attained by such concepts in the existence of modes of measuring the performance of the organization. Through such measuring strategies, the organization can set...

Business Systems Analysis: E-Commerce

Introduction Problem Statement The current market circumstances enable companies to seek to implement innovative solutions to retain their competitive advantage. The retail businesses which sell clothing items and accessories have an extensive assortment of modern technological products to choose from. As research indicates, the fashion industry is experiencing a rise...

Organizational Systematic Development and Change

Background Organizations are operating in a dynamic environment which requires them to keep up with the changes. Failure to conform to such adjustments has negative impact on their operations. Problems that are faced by organizations have made institutional development as a career to be in demand for many businesses. The...

Investigating the Process and Challenges to Building a Global Brands

Abstract Marketing has undergone a tremendous transformation in the last few decades amidst environmental and technological changes, and so has the process of branding. Building a brand has been a daunting exercise for the custodians on the local and global scales. This study aims to help in understanding the primary...

Vroom-Yetton Decision-Making Model

Introduction The decision-making model of Vroom and Yetton assumes the determination of the most effective leadership style, depending on the characteristics of each specific situation. Moreover, it is assumed that one leader can use several different management styles. The main difference of the presented model is that it is focused...

The Greek Company: Expansion to International Markets

Introduction Due to increased globalization and integration of world economies, companies are constantly seeking to expand their markets beyond regional boundaries into the global market (Das 2004). Consequently, companies reap benefits associated with diverse markets, economies of scale, and increased consumer base (Cragg 2005). These benefits associated with globalization prompted...

The Theory Behind The Coca-Cola Company’s Business Analysis

Executive Summary Business analysis, especially when it is focused on conducting a study with real client, requires a proper planning because of the need to have actionable solutions that can be used to solve real life problems. In this business analysis, the focus was on the Coca Cola Company, one...

Apple, Coca-Cola, Amazon and Walmart: The Impact of Marketing Mix

Abstract The way businesses market their products and services determines their success. Organizations utilize various marketing tools to create and sustain demand for their products, which influences their bottom lines and business survival. This paper explores Apple Inc.’s iWatch and how the company implemented the four marketing Ps to achieve...

Gender & Marriage in Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”

While attaining freedom for women in the nineteenth century was highly impractical, females were not contented with the injustices of a society overpowered by men. Kate Chopin’s Story of an Hour was published when America experienced rapid technological advancement changes to economic recession. The author lived in a society that...

Police and the People of Color in America

Introduction The relationship between the American police and the people of color in the country has been questionable throughout history. Cases of mistreatment and even killing of the minority groups by the police have always been reported. The paper presents a summary of the history of the police and their...

Pros and Cons of Mandatory Continuing Nursing Education

Continuing Nursing Education Continuing Nursing education is defined as “systematic professional learning experiences designed to augment the knowledge, skills, and attributes of nurses and therefore enrich the nurses’ contributions to quality health care and their pursuit of professional career goals” (American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation, 2012). Mandatory continuing...

The Role of the Federal Government in Public Health

Federal governments play an important role in public health by protecting and promoting safety and people’s opportunities. In regards to the population’s health status, healthcare facilities should follow certain standards and policies, learn laws and regulations, and offer services at the required levels. Governments’ interventions touch upon different sectors, including...

HIV Treatment and Family Support

Introduction Social support and familial sustenance are critical in terms of fighting the deadliest and most challenging diseases in the world. Social connectivity enables a person to feel a certain level of happiness and confidence. Challenged individuals experience a significant level of anxiety and stress. However, they also need their...

The Value of Secondary Data in Healthcare

Introduction The use of secondary data is acceptable in many spheres of research. Secondary data are the sources of information “that has already been collected by someone else” and can be accessed by a researcher (Clark, 2013, p. 57). Johnson (2014) claims that secondary data can be a good alternative...

Breast Health Education Article by Yi & Park

A chart showing how the researchers addressed the five areas of a research report. How evidence of the five areas in the research report supports the conclusion The conclusion shows that breast health survivors had significant roles in “motivating young women to adopt behaviors that helped in preventing breast cancer...

Researching Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction Advanced practice nursing is rapidly gaining support from health care providers because the use of different advanced practice roles and competencies improves healthcare quality and lowers health care costs. Comparison and contrast of advanced practice nursing roles can help to examine the specialty of primary care family nurse practitioners...