The Learning Organization and Its Characteristics

The learning organization can be described as a company facilitating and encouraging the learning process for its employees. It acknowledges the need for continuous development of the organizational culture and structure in order to adapt to environmental change (Doyle and Johnson, 2019). The concept of the learning organization is interconnected with change management processes as an agile organization can transform to tackle challenges successfully (Odor, 2018). Two characteristics of a Learning Organization can be determined as crucial for changing organizational culture: communication and interpersonal skills.

Communication is an essential aspect of a learning organization, marked by a dynamic nature. This notion is closely related to the process of organizational learning, which involves interactions between individuals (Mumby and Kuhn, 2018). Communication constructs and represents the organizational climate, values, attitudes, and objectives that characterize its elements and members. Another critical characteristic of a learning organization is the interpersonal skills of the employees. According to Bell and Martin (2019), this element determines the efficiency of teamwork and related processes. A learning organization recognizes the importance of the social interactions between team members and aims at improving the communication and organizational culture through effective interpersonal relationships.

The above-chosen characteristics are essential criteria that can help change the culture of the Prime Minister’s office. According to Senge (2010), the fifth core discipline, systems thinking, comprises the other four, namely a shared vision, mental models, team learning, and personal mastery, and thus, is a cornerstone of a learning organization. Within this framework, communication and interpersonal skills enable a shared vision, effective team learning, and systems thinking. Therefore, the characteristics chosen can facilitate change and improve the culture of the Prime Minister’s office, meeting the objectives regarding ethics and safety for its employees.

Reference List

Bell, R. L. and Martin, J. S. (2019) Managerial communication for organizational development. Hampton, NJ: Business Expert Press.

Doyle, A. M. and Johnson, K. R. (2019) ‘A revisit of the learning organisation: Is it time?’, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 18(3). Web.

Mumby, D. K. and Kuhn, T. R. (2018) Organizational communication: A critical introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Odor, H. O. (2018) ‘A literature review on organizational learning and learning organizations’, International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, 7(1), pp. 1-6. Web.

Senge, P. M. (2010) The fifth discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Crown.

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