Consumers’ Loyalty and Trust

A company’s branding creates an emotional connection with the consumers and can connect people emotionally, making them loyal to its product. Businesses must sustain loyalty to their products to maintain and improve their marketability. A customer’s commitment to certain products occurs as a result of confidence. Trust is also critical in building a thriving business community. Organizations’ ethical issues and obligations should be reinforced to achieve confidence. Recent studies indicate that most women tend to adhere more to company loyalty than males (Kuchinka et al., 2018). This essay focuses on the relationship between branding, trust, and loyalty.

Hewlett Packard (HP) is my brand of choice, and I am loyal to it solely. It is a US firm that deals with the manufacturing of computers, storage devices for data, and software development, among others. HP is famous because of its quality products, which have excellent performance, lightweight, aesthetical properties, reliability, and durability, apart from appealing gaming features (Mombeuil & Fotiadis, 2017). Therefore, HP is an excellent choice because it satisfies consumers’ needs through its unique characteristics and offers impressive gaming experiences.

Based on my choice of the HP Company, trust qualifies as a fundamental element in building loyalty and a business community. Essentially, a company should ensure that confidence is not lost between its clients and them. As a result, a business community is formed, constituting consumers loyal to the company (Confente & Kucharska, 2020). Most importantly, there is a need to understand how companies can build trust and loyalty. The majority of companies across the globe emphasize branding through advertisement. Regular advertisement creates psychological dominance and familiarity in the minds of consumers. Advertising enables people to be aware of a particular company’s brand through its frequent appearance on social media, television, radio, and newspapers, among others (Vincent et al., 2020). The popularity of a product also allows consumers to test its quality, and upon satisfaction, they build a rapport with the producer-firm (Kuchinka et al., 2018). In addition, when businesses undertake market research, they discover what their competitors are offering. A company must incorporate its rival’s provisions to remain outstanding and maintain its customer base. Therefore, advertisement is steadily growing into a suitable effective product promotion method for businesses.

Apart from advertisements, the promotion of ethical issues and obligations can also help firms to build public trust. Once confidence is established, consumers are more likely to focus on their desired affiliated company. To succeed, firms must strive to develop a consistent ethical culture. For example, producers should not compromise on their goods’ quality to avoid losing public confidence and, consequently, increase social consumption (Confente & Kucharska, 2020). Thus, organizations should learn that the consumers who develop special attachment towards their products are observant and always expect to receive quality products and services.

Generally, trust between consumers and service providers creates successful relations. Through such associations, businesses can be motivated to improve their services. According to Kuchinka et al. (2018), it was discovered that women tend to be more loyal to brands compared to men. Naturally, ladies are more prone to be loyal to brands because of their desire of establishing a personal attachment to specific services and goods produced by certain companies (Kuchinka et al., 2018). Such tendency is exhibited in the hairdressing industry, where female customers prefer individual treatment, unlike males, who do not pay much attention to the person offering the service (Vincent et al., 2020). Therefore, trust is crucial in helping organizations build a better business community and understand gender differences when disseminating the services.

In conclusion, companies need to consider their branding methods to promote loyalty among their consumers. Loyal customers can help the business to build a thriving business relationship, and, therefore, a company should observe proper ethics, which can elevate its name and popularize its products. In summary, an appealing brand induces trust, leading to the development of a society that appreciates the association with the company.


Confente, I., & Kucharska, W. (2020). Company versus consumer performance: Does brand community identification foster brand loyalty and the consumer’s personal brand? Journal of Brand Management, 1-24.

Kuchinka, D. G. J., Balazs, S., Gavriletea, M. D., & Djokic, B. B. (2018). Consumer attitudes toward sustainable development and risk to brand loyalty. Sustainability, 10(4), 1-25.

Mombeuil, C., & Fotiadis, A. (2017). Assessing the effect customer’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility on customer trust within a low cultural trust context. Social Responsibility Journal, 13(4), 698-713.

Vincent, J., Lee, J. W., Hull, K., & Hill, J. (2020). Where legends are made: A case study of an advertising and branding campaign at the University of Alabama. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(1), 97-128.

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