Eating Disorders as Life-Threatening Illnesses


Taking this course pushed me to take action in overcoming my recent biggest problem: my eating disorder. For almost two years, I assumed that I could not overcome my problems and that food was my only source of comfort. I also thought that taking more food was part of my comfort that I could not find in anything or anyone else. However, my determination pushed me to change my unhealthy habits. It was not that long until when I decided that commitment was going to be part of me. I was to re-establish my positive relationship with food and face my stresses and problems head-on. Food was no longer my coping mechanism other than seeing it as a source of nutrition for my body. I did not want my eating disorder to affect my academics and work and my family relationships, friends, and most prominently, myself. I desired professional help, which led me to open up to my community. I criticized my emotions and examined activates that set off my binging eating disorder and purging habits.

Various Theories of eating Disorder and Addiction

According to Vaz-Leal, 2017, the awareness that food is addictive, indicates acceptance that food has elements that create addiction in vulnerable people. However, there is not sufficiently precise proof to support the assertion of caffeine being introduced in the DSM-5 (Vaz-Leal et al., 2017). Some foods consume satisfying properties, mainly deployed aliments that have been intended to exploit flavor, and can consequently contribute more quickly in the progressions of strengthening and reward (DiClemente, 2018). I found out that my desires to binge were set off in two situations: at first, when I was in my room and boredom or stress strikes, and lastly, when my previous binge and purge caused my blood sugar to spike and resulted in more cravings for unhealthy, processed foods.

Though food and substances act similarly as brain circuits, intake habits are controlled by peripheral mechanisms and central brain structures. However, as I learned more facts that led to eating disorders, I realized that many more signs directed me to be a probable target of this mental illness. The idea that overeating is considered an addictive behavior in some theories developed by other researchers, primarily when the individual who overindulges fulfills the analytic measures for binge eating disorder (Murray, 2019). I was psychologically and physically reliant on foods with high sugar and fat content in a way that looked like substance dependency. It resulted in feelings of loss of control over eating, including preserving such behaviors, despite the severe social and healthy life costs. My binge eating disorder was frequently accompanied by intense feelings of regret, guilt, and suffering.

Psychotropic Medications

Several psychotropic medications work by modifying the number of neurotransmitters in the brain. Some mental health issues progress when neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine increase or decrease (Keltner & Kowalski, 2018). Anxiety and depression are among the most common problems, and these problems can affect people irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, or background. Genetics and environmental factors frequently combine to influence someone in a particular situation (Keltner & Kowalski, 2018). In addition, serious injuries or traumatic events end in psychological symptoms that persevere for years.

However, psychotropic drugs are being viewed by some to have often not enough in helping someone overcome a mental health issue. As a result, many healthcare workers recommend that people use them as a supplement to therapy, not as a replacement for treatment. Structured therapy, societal care from friends and family, change in the standard of living, and other treatment procedures can be necessary for the regaining process. However, I agree with the researchers that some progressive improvement from involved disorder (Keltner & Kowalski, 2018). If there were not any, then it would not persist. The psychotropic medications study and others like it have negative ways aim at coming up with a well-versed treatment program that can attack all angels of the disorder and give extra prosocial and positive behaviors in compensating for the patient’s positive effects from the eating condition.

Therapeutic Interventions Utilized To Treat Eating Disorder

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Eating disorders deliver one of the most definite signs for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is reliable, indicating that the extent of change attained early in cure is a decent predictor of treatment result. It is considered to achieve primary therapeutic push, comprises about eight sessions happening twice weekly over four weeks (Linardon et al., 2017). The goals are to involve the patient in change and treatment, develop a modified preparation by the patient, offer education about treatment including eating disorders and introduce and implement two essential measures: regular joint eating and weekly weighing (DiClemente, 2018). The variations completed in this treatment form the basis on which other changes are built. I was uncertain about my treatment and change of eating disorder, although the assessment could involve me being optimistic about the likelihood of changes.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing practice involves inspiring the client to change negative behavior. It is repeatedly used for habit as the absence of motivation to leave can be one of the most significant obstacles for a person struggling with addiction, despite health problems and social, financial, and legal costs (Murray, 2019). I was at least partially aware of the adverse effects of food addiction. I was in a particular phase of willingness when it came to changing my behavior. The motivational interviewing therapist eases getting ready to change by overcoming uncertainty or a fear of change, growing my motivation.

Effects of Eating Disorder in Relationships

Though the relationships are essential to human presence, eating disorders are fierce, all-consuming illnesses. They develop slowly and insidiously but impact more than a person’s relationship with food once formed. In contrast, relationships entail determination and work from both parties tangled to continue thriving, countless reaped assistances (Murray, 2019). It often exists as the converse to relationships, overwhelming an individual with undesirable behaviors and thoughts that only create destruction. Eating disorders can influence many areas of life, such as school, social, or family life. Eating disorder results in an individual being more isolated, including wanting to distance themselves from others, including friends (Murray, 2019). Sometimes they compared themselves to others and felt inferior, outcasts, lonely, and like they did not fit in.

As an eating disorder progresses and develops more, it frequently takes the place of healthy relationships that may have once occurred in one’s life. Thus, relationships with loved ones and family members become stressed and increasingly reduced because of a person’s enormously grown eating disorder (Murray, 2019). Eating disorder is common for friends and family to feel at a loss as they watch their valued one suffer from it. Eating disorders incorporate an overpowering power to destroy fellowship and companionship. The impossibility and confusion that might arise from the inability to help a loved one through an eating disorder are sufficient to break even resilient relationships (Murray, 2019). Without intervention, eating disorder symptoms can worsen and progress rapidly.

Personal Experiences with Eating Disorder

Nevertheless, eating disorders are severe illnesses related to eating behaviors that undesirably impact health, emotions, and function in crucial areas of life (Vaz-Leal et al., 2017). Studies illustrate that those suffering from eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, eating disorders unnamed, and binge-eating conditions have a biological disparity in their brain understanding. It generates anxiety with weight and food, which affects an individual to experience freedom, joy, peace, and healthy relationships (Vaz-Leal et al., 2017). Throughout the years, clients I have had the honor of working with stress the significance of teaching others in seeing an individual relatively than their weight or what they eat. They want to be seen for more than their disease. The journey to rescue is one of many diversions, twists, and turns.


Generally, eating disorders are potentially life-threatening illnesses that can lead to those who develop them. They can also result in substantial psychological distress and considerable physical complications. However, significant relationships are exposed as the eating disorder takes up energy and time, thus bringing about self-esteem impairment and self-absorption. Therefore, treatment should be introduced as swiftly as possible, emphasizing the instant pain experienced by the individual. It aims to help the affected person and make the family powerful enough to overcome the eating disorder.


DiClemente, C. C. (2018). Addiction and Change: How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover. Guilford Publications. 17-226.

Keltner, N. L., & Kowalski, P. C. (2018). Introduction to Psychotropic Drugs. Psychiatric Nursing-eBook, 115.

Linardon, J., Wade, T. D., De la Piedad Garcia, X., & Brennan, L. (2017). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85(11), 1080.

Murray, S. B. (2019). Updates in the treatment of eating disorders in 2018: A year in review in eating disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention. Eating Disorders, 27(1), 6-17.

Vaz-Leal, F. J., Ramos-Fuentes, M. I., Rodríguez-Santos, L., & Álvarez-Mateos, M. C. (2017,). Eating Disorders as New Forms of Addiction. IntechOpen.

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