Parkinson’s Disease: Care and Treatment

When discussing Parkinson’s Disease (PD), the patients’ care, both from the community and healthcare professionals, is concerned. Therefore, my topic of interest is the care and the treatment of people suffering from PD and how their lives could be improved. I chose this topic because it is empathetic seeing patients struggling independently without proper care from the community and the healthcare. The topic is a matter of concern because helping the vulnerable in the community create an inclusive environment for all. Moreover, caring for PD patients is a health concern issue because, without proper intervention, patients suffering from this condition could develop worse conditions and adversely affect their lives. I believe that PD is treatable, and patients put under proper medication show minimal difficulties coping with their lives. In researching the topic, the keywords to use are ‘an appropriate caring for patients with Parkinson’s Disease’, which yields a variety of nursing journals to choose from.

PICOT Question

  • P – Patients and people affected by Parkinson’s Disease (PD).
  • I – How does collaborative care and disease education help to improve care management among patients who have Parkinson’s Disease? Is it worth educating members of society about PD? And what effects could it bring to patients suffering from this condition?
  • C – Compares to patients’ data with no collaborative care and victims surrounded by uninformed people about the disease.
  • O – Improves PD patients’ care management and care in general.
  • T- Over a 24-week time frame.

For the sustainability of this project, it is important to provide supporting evidence on the importance of collaborative and disease education among the community members. Therefore, I intend to exhaust several nursing journals concerning caring for people and patients with Parkinson’s Disease. The targeted nursing journals are whose content presents the importance of PD education and studies promoting collaborative care for these victims. This project aims primarily to prove the importance of PD education and the need for awareness for this condition in the community. Finally, at the end of the specified period, the behaviors and the ease of coping with the condition among PD patients will be compared with stored data when the community was not informed of the PD. Therefore, there is a high expectation of a positive result regarding efficient care and ease in managing PD patients.

Annotated Bibliography

Aye, Y., Liew, S., Neo, S., Li, W., Ng, H., & Chua, S. et al. (2020). Patient-Centric Care for Parkinson’s Disease: From Hospital to the Community. Frontiers In Neurology, 11. Web.

My research concerning PD patients’ care continues as I found this article as important as the two discussed articles. This article’s main point is shifting care of the PD patients from hospitals to community care. According to Aye et al. (2020), integrated multidisciplinary care in collaboration with other healthcare professionals is the key to managing PD patients and their conditions. Moreover, the article presents insufficient expertise, poor interdisciplinary collaboration, and communication to deliver care to PD patients as the core challenges facing the shifting process. Since full shifting to community patient-centric care would be difficult, the research proposes programs such as PD-training and Telemedicine to make the dream true shortly (Aye et al., 2020). This article further narrows down and points out the role of multidisciplinary care in PD and the limitations exhibited by PD patients in the community. This research was based on Singapore’s PD model of care. According to Aye et al. (2020), PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, as the research found that more than 6000 people are diagnosed with the disease. Hence over congestion of PD patients forced the birth of Patient-Centric Care outside the hospitals.

In my opinion, I found this source biased as caring for persons suffering from PD is concerned. The article does not explain the programs that ensure that these patients receive the utmost care outside the hospitals. Moreover, without proper education and the provision of Telemedicine, many homes that care for PD patients would have a hard time as they do not receive quality care. However, I agree with moving PD care from hospitals to the community because various hospitals do not have sufficient facilities to handle the figures quoted in the case of Singapore. In doing so, caregivers and other healthcare professionals find it easy to care for patients with adverse PD conditions. Reading the article gives insights and knowledge of PD and the reason for ultimate patient care. With the increased PD condition, this matter is a nursing situation and a global matter of concern to help reduce and care for these vulnerable.

Therefore, it is important to note that all the three discussed articles build on the consensus that persons diagnosed with PD deserve utmost care to better their lives. The three articles agree that PD is a chronic neurodegenerative disease with complex motor and non-motor symptoms. Moreover, the articles have stressed the importance of caring for caregivers and the community. The articles also give insights on how PD persons and their families could be supported to better their existence in the community. A good example is teaching programs in the community. This creates PD awareness in the community and enhances patients’ care knowledge. Although the articles agree on some aspects concerning PD patient care, the second article dwells on the relationship between educating the public on PD and the burden of caregiving. The finding showed that with education on the PD, patients receive quality care and reduce the burden on the caregivers’ side. All in all, the information gained from these articles teaches the importance and the need for PD patients’ care.

van Halteren, A., Munneke, M., Smit, E., Thomas, S., Bloem, B., & Darweesh, S. (2020). Personalized Care Management for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease. Journal Of Parkinson’s Disease, 10(1), 11-20. Web.

This article primarily presents the concept of personalized care management for persons affected by Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Furthermore, this article acknowledges PD as one of the rising neurodegenerative disorders in the world, affecting more than eight million people globally (Halteren, Munneke, Smit, Thomas, Bloem & Darweesh, 2020). Hence, collaborative care among families, health professionals, and healthcare services are necessary for providing care for these groups of people to make life easier for patients diagnosed with PD. The article has proposed a personalized care management model for these vulnerabilities in making this dream true. According to Hatteren et al. (2020), the model proposed has five elements for helping PD patients cope with their condition.

The first is care coordination which could be termed as team-based activity. The element allows sharing health information among the caregivers hence facilitating a common understanding. The second element in this model is patient navigation, which involves integrated service delivery to guide and support both the caregivers and the patients. The research also found that fragmentation of care among these patients immensely affects the quality of service received. The third element as per the model is information provision data sharing concerning both physical and health details of the PD’s patients. Teaching PD patients about their condition creates self-awareness and, in turn, results in self-management and active self-decision making. The fourth element of the model is the early detection of signs and symptoms through proactive monitoring. This involves thorough monitoring of patients suspected of developing PD conditions so that timely intervention can prevent further worsening. Finally, the last element of the personalized care management model is process monitoring. The element mainly involves tracking, reviewing, and evaluating the care management process concerning set plans and goals. The process is essential because it assesses the quality-of-service deliveries and their impact on the PD’s patients.

This is a useful source to start with as far as PD patients are concerned. Reading through this article provides important insights both for caregivers and the family living with persons diagnosed with PD. For instance, I personally, through reading the article, find it necessary to support families and patients struggling to handle these persons living with PD, and in the future, I am looking forward to helping families and individuals affected directly or indirectly by PD. Moreover, I would support the reliability of this source because it still publishes articles today. The information contained in this article was objective and had a clear message concerning caring for the persons affected by PD and proved that caring for PD patients is a matter that deserves nursing attention.

Lee, G., Woo, H., Lee, S., Cheon, S., & Kim, J. (2019). The burden of care and the understanding of disease in Parkinson’s disease. PLOS ONE, 14(5), 217-581. Web.

This is another article that I found interesting as PD is concerned. The article starts by appreciating the role of disease education in managing PD. This research aimed to bring up the link that exists between understanding of disease and the burden of care. According to Lee et al. (2019), Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disease that lowers the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. This research also says that patients in active medication do not find difficulty living with the situation. The biggest problem that the article brings out is identifying signs and symptoms of PD. It says caregivers find it difficult to recognize early signs and symptoms of a PD condition. For future accuracy, the research calls for education on the disease. For instance, a study of the Patient Education Program for PD (PEPP) reinstated the need to educate caregivers and patients diagnosed with PD (Lee et al., 2019). Thus, education programs on the disease improved the understanding of patients and caregivers on the PD and reduced the burden of care and improved quality of life among PD patients.

In my opinion, this article is a useful source, just like the first one. Caring for the PD patients demands that all caregivers, including family members, be informed about the condition to reduce their anxieties. Therefore, I support the research findings that education programs are necessary to provide quality and understanding of PD conditions. Moreover, I agree and support that caregiving among non-informed patients was met with difficulties instead of patients who were informed of their conditions. The research was carried out on 142 patients, of which both male and female patients were part. The findings could be used as a representative sample regardless of the geographical area. Thus, as the article presents, PD caring is a challenge to caregivers and the whole community; as such, education on the disease must be a top priority to enhance the understanding of PD conditions.


Aye, Y., Liew, S., Neo, S., Li, W., Ng, H., & Chua, S. et al. (2020). Patient-Centric Care for Parkinson’s Disease: From Hospital to the Community. Frontiers In Neurology, 11. Web.

Lee, G., Woo, H., Lee, S., Cheon, S., & Kim, J. (2019). The burden of care and the understanding of disease in Parkinson’s disease. PLOS ONE, 14(5), 217-581. Web.

van Halteren, A., Munneke, M., Smit, E., Thomas, S., Bloem, B., & Darweesh, S. (2020). Personalized Care Management for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease. Journal Of Parkinson’s Disease, 10(1), 11-20. Web.

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