Innovation Success and Commercial Success Relationship


In today’s extremely competitive business climate, innovation is critical to a company’s success, particularly as customers become more demanding and smart. To thrive and stand out, entrepreneurs require a competitive advantage. Innovation may provide a competitive advantage by increasing production, development, and profit. It is not necessary for innovation to be a game-changing breakthrough. It might take the form of small, incremental changes in any aspect of the business. This paper was written with the aim of examining the relationship between commercial success and innovation. The topics of innovation, commerce, new product development, and success were also discussed.


Commerce is the exchange of goods and services between economic actors. The exchange of products, services, or something of value between firms or entities is referred to as commerce. In general, governments are concerned with regulating trade in a way that improves inhabitants’ well-being by creating employment and generating valuable commodities and services. Since people began exchanging products and services with others, commerce has occurred. According to Cristiano, Liker, and White III (2000), “Quality Function Deployment is a tool for bringing the voice of the customer into the product development process from conceptual design through to manufacturing” (p. 286). From the earliest days of bartering through the development of currencies and the establishment of trade routes, humanity has sought out methods to exchange products and services and has built a distribution system around it.

The macroeconomic purchases and sales of commodities and services by huge enterprises at scale are now commonly referred to as commerce. A transaction is defined as the sale or purchase of a single item by a consumer, whereas commerce relates to all activities linked to the purchase and selling of that item in an economy. The majority of trade takes place on an international level and involves the purchasing and selling of goods between countries.

It is crucial to remember that commerce is not synonymous with “business” but rather a latter subset. Commerce refers to the distribution of goods and services rather than the manufacturing or production process. The technical, social, legal, ethical, psychological, and economic aspects of distribution are all factors to consider. Commercial activity, when effectively handled, may swiftly improve a country’s standard of living and raise its international position. According to Grönlund, Sjödin, and Frishammer (2010), not all excellent ideas must emerge from within the business, and not all good ideas must be commercialized by the same firm, according to a recent tendency in the evolution of innovation theory (p. 106). On the other hand, large firms can become excessively strong and inflict negative externalities on citizens for the advantage of business owners if commerce is left uncontrolled. Many countries, such as the United States, have formed governmental agencies tasked with promoting and administering trade, such as the Department of Commerce.


It is widely acknowledged that innovation is critical to a company’s long-term success and survival. According to Allard, Martinez, and Williams (2012), “evidence suggests that national systems of innovation are most likely to flourish in developed, politically stable countries and less likely to prosper in historically unstable countries” (p. 638). Organizations can use innovation to keep up with environmental factors, market, and customer demand. According to Franke, von Hippel, and Schreier (2006), “firms and governments are increasingly interested in learning to exploit the value of lead-user innovations for commercial advantage” (p. 301). It was discovered that there is a link between corporate culture innovations and information management adoption. In a competitive context, innovation is regarded as a crucial component in organizational effectiveness and company survival. One of the most significant issues in innovation management is the lack of a standard definition among academics, policymakers, and authorities. Without innovation, it is impossible to create new things. In comparison to creating, innovation has always played a significant role in the economy. Innovation refers to technological advancements that result in new goods or services, as well as new techniques or inputs for businesses.

Reviewing the literature on innovation reveals that it affects not only the organization but also a variety of organizational principles such as job satisfaction, quality control, productivity, organizational learning, and information management adoption. According to Talukder and Quazi (2011, p. 111), “social network impacts significantly on attitudes toward an innovation which, in turn, affects the innovation adoption behavior of employees.” Furthermore, the innovation assessment scale assists managers in recognizing learning facilitative variables and evaluating innovation in their organizations. Then they may foster organizational innovation in their organizations.

Since the time when innovation was recognized as a necessary component for companies to thrive, several academics have examined this idea from various perspectives such as psychology, sociological, organizational theory, and industrial economy. Because of this reality, as well as the complexity of innovation, there is a lack of agreement on this notion. According to Lee, Olson, and Trimi (2012), “co-innovation is a new innovation paradigm where new ideas and approaches from various internal and external sources are integrated into a platform to generate new organizational and shared values” (p. 817). Investigating innovation indicates that many academics strive to quantify innovation and developing diverse normative frameworks.

Innovation Models

Many people make the error of believing that a company is either innovative or not. This black-and-white perspective ignores the fact that there are many different types of innovation that a firm may pursue and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to innovation. Disruptive innovation, according to its definition, is an idea, technology, or service that creates a new supply chain by disrupting an existing industry or generating a completely new market. Disruptive innovation generally has a lower performance at the beginning of an invention’s life cycle, and while these types of innovations are not always excellent enough to please current customers, they do appeal to a different market. The portable radio, which initially had lower sound quality than bigger earlier versions, is a famous example of disruptive technology. Although a lighter radio did not appeal to the general public at the time, it did appeal to young visitors who enjoyed taking music to the beach. As audio quality increased, portable radios threatened the traditional market, eventually displacing heavy analog radios.

On the other hand, sustaining innovation refers to the types of inventions that already exist in the market and, rather than generating new value networks, enhances and expands the existing ones. According to Halim, Rahmad, and Ramayah (2019, p. 17), “innovation is seen as deviating from the principles, processes, and practices of traditional management, or a deviation from usual organizational forms that change the manner a work is done.” Almost all current automobiles, for example, may be called sustaining inventions. When people look at the Toyota Prius, for example, the essential capabilities of the automobile have remained primarily unchanged. It only gets marginally better with each generation, continuing to meet the demands of the average Prius buyer.

The capacity to rethink the present business model in order to uncover new income sources and preserve a competitive edge is at the heart of business model innovation. According to Magnusson, Matthing, and Kristensson (2003), “involving users makes the ideas more original, holding a higher perceived user value, but the users’ ideas are less producible on average” (p.111). It may be accomplished by either enhancing a current business model or exploring new methods to give value. Many formerly successful businesses have failed to innovate their business models because they were too focused on their current operations to consider future possibilities.

A common misunderstanding is that breakthroughs in innovation are always based on intriguing and expensive technology. Positive transformation does not always need the most technologically skilled individuals or huge technical investments. However, the majority of the great inventions continue to make use of modern technology in some form or another. When it comes to gaining a competitive advantage and boosting profit margins, technology plays a crucial role in many sectors. Technological innovation is the generation of new ideas based on technology, capacity, or knowledge to provide a novel solution to the current or imagined need and turn this answer into actual content.

Marketing innovation is believed to be just as important as innovative products in a company’s success. This makes sense since there is no use in investing time and money in developing a business strategy or a product if no one can find it and profit from it. However, marketing innovation is more than simply finding new and unique channels and techniques to promote the business; it is also about discovering new markets and developing value propositions that others cannot give. This can be accomplished by releasing technology, service, or business model in new and unusual areas or advertising existing offering in ways it has not before been marketed.

When an old product is reused for a totally new purpose and provides a new business model to a completely new group, this is referred to be a classic marketing innovation. For example, if a person has a large inventory of things that they wish to sell, coming up with new ways to use and promote them might be worthwhile. Consider evaluating their marketing methods frequently, mainly if they believe their current marketing strategies and activities are not producing the intended outcomes.

Innovation Challenges

The path to the invention is not always easy. It is frequently necessary to create a particular atmosphere in which individuals are encouraged and empowered to produce ideas that may genuinely push initiatives ahead freely. The proper tools must also be in place for the creative approach to provide the most benefit. In terms of achieving organizational objectives, innovation is a critical component. Creating an innovative culture in the organization is vital today, yet many organizations face internal difficulties that stymie the inventive process.

The company’s innovation plan is one of the essential aspects of transforming an organization from a novice to a well-known brand. Constant innovation allows a company to be proactive rather than reactive all of the time—an innovation strategy aids in determining the route of innovation as well as operational implementation. Without an innovation plan in place, the organization may fall short, and an imbalance of innovation activities is a risk that a person is willing to take.

Many companies assign innovation to a single functional group, such as product design or research and development. Some people believe that the most innovative people work in a single department, which stifles organizational innovation. Each department inside a company has a distinct viewpoint on issues. Leaders who choose to entrust innovation to only one functional group risk missing out on really effective organizational innovation by failing to utilize all of their resources fully. Collaboration, both within and outside, is essential for innovation. Customers, partner companies, and rivals may all be used to propel a company’s innovation ahead. When it comes to creative success, customer input is exceptionally crucial. Customer compassion is a must-have skill for all organizations if they want to properly comprehend demand shifts and match emerging trends.

New Product Development

The process of bringing a new product to market is known as new product development (NPD). According to Coviello and Joseph (2012), “customers have long been recognized as instrumental to new product development (NPD)” (p. 87). Changes in customer tastes, increased competition, and technological advancements may force the company to participate in this process, or it may be necessary to seize a new opportunity. Realizing what their consumer demands, making clever product changes, and inventing new goods that meet and surpass their consumers’ expectations are all ways for innovative firms to succeed.

Existing firms are not the only ones who can benefit from NPD. According to Thomé et al. (2016), “traditional new product development aims to integrate people, tools, and technology to shorten time-to-market and boost economic gains” (p. 2195). By researching, creating, and introducing innovative or one-off items, new firms, sole traders, and even freelancers may carve out a niche in the market. Similarly, mastering NPD does not necessitate becoming an innovator. They can also explore licensing or copyright acquisition as a means of acquiring new items.

A person may avoid squandering time, money, and company resources by developing a well-thought-out new product development (NPD) plan. An NPD strategy will aid in product planning and research, capturing consumer feedback and expectations, and the appropriate planning and resource allocation of a new product development project. There are several tasks involved in producing a customer-friendly product. How many of these stages a person has to do depends on the nature of their business and ideas. Some steps may be skipped or duplicated, while others may be started at the same time.


Each business owner is an individual with their own history; some define success as having more money, while others define it as achieving a healthy work-life balance. According to Cooper, “success drivers that explain the success of individual new-product projects, are more tactical” (p. 36). Several elements influence how people perceive success. For example, expectations influence how people see their accomplishments. A person may complete a work that is remarkable to others, yet high expectations may lead to disappointment. It is necessary to have high expectations in order to achieve great things, but do not overlook the more minor victories along the road. Dessyana and Riyanti (2017, p. 57) define success as something that “depends on various aspects, such as financial, business model, and learning organizations.” Running a prosperous company that ethically conducts business, makes significant contributions to the communities it operates, and fosters high-quality, balanced lifestyles for its people is what success entails.

Innovation Success

The issue of what success in innovation entails is enormously complex. Suffice it to say that there are as many conceptions and definitions of success in the worldwide universe of competing enterprises as there are government agencies and managers. Many practical ideas described in management and research literature are not quantifiable, and a significant issue lies. For assessing successful innovation, people have a plethora of soft and loose metrics at their disposal. Many of these indicators have been widely utilized in government financing of innovation, sometimes without regard for what they signify conceptually or with any way of really assessing them.

In this list of prospective “success” indicators, value creation has a prominent position. An invention must offer distinct value for the groups of customers involved in order to be successful. However, generating value for consumers might be accompanied by significant monetary losses for the firm concerned. There are several more “success” ideas. These disparate, sometimes contradictory, and mostly non-measurable notions pose substantial impediments to any conception of cohesive professional innovation management. Worse, any previous notions can be touted as a success while the enterprise suffers massive, real-world cash flow deficits.

Commercial Success

It should be proved that the success was attributable to the invention itself when it comes to commercial success and innovation. This indicates that it is in a market where customers have many options and that its success is not due to a lot of advertising or promotion, a change in advertising tactics, or other factors. The first step in commercializing an invention is to control expectations. This means that consumers should not anticipate free services if a person intends to charge for them. When quoting costs, make it clear that the amount does not include everything. The following step is to manage the client; this involves monetary fees and receiving and implementing the advice a person offers.

A great approach to get a new firm started with no clients is to purchase a block of fees. Getting clients is essential, but keeping them is much more critical. Engaging with new clients promotes client retention and improves the new revenue stream. Maintain a positive working connection with clients, solve their problems and discontent as soon as possible, and do not abandon them in the name of growth. Listen to customers by offering a feedback form where they may share their thoughts on the positive and poor elements of the business. By sending out frequent newsletters, a person may communicate with clients by keeping them informed and involved in the business. Make a well-thought-out and instructive website that concentrates on the sorts of topics that prospective clients will find intriguing.


Controlling expectations is the first stage in commercializing an idea. This indicates that if a person plans to charge for a service, users should not expect it to be free. Make it obvious when stating prices that the figure does not include everything. The next stage is to manage the customer, which entails collecting monetary fees as well as receiving and executing the advice provided. The question of what constitutes innovative success is quite complicated. In the global universe of competing companies, there are as many concepts and definitions of success as there are government entities and managers.

People have a multitude of soft and flexible criteria at their disposal for evaluating successful innovation. Many of these metrics have been frequently used in government innovation funding, sometimes without concern for what they mean conceptually or any method of truly evaluating them. When it comes to commercial success and innovation, it must be demonstrated that the success was due to the invention itself. This shows that it operates in a competitive market with several alternatives for clients and that its success is not attributable to extensive advertising or promotion, a shift in advertising methods, or other causes.

In my opinion, these concepts are interconnected, especially in our time. In the era of technology, many people already have little to surprise, and then commercial success comes to innovative success. Promotion and advertising are currently integral parts of the creation of technology since the market for products are overcrowded and, unfortunately, not the best product. Innovative and commercial activities need to work together to get their product to the top. This is the only way to achieve success today.


Innovation is crucial to a company’s success in today’s highly competitive business environment, especially as customers become more demanding and sophisticated. Entrepreneurs need a competitive advantage to succeed and stand out. By boosting production, development, and profit, innovation may give a competitive edge. Innovation does not have to be a game-changing breakthrough. It might take the shape of minor adjustments to any element of the business.

The exchange of commodities and services between economic players is known as commerce. Commerce is the exchange of goods, services, or other valuable items between companies or entities. Governments are generally concerned with regulating commerce in such a manner that it enhances the well-being of its citizens by providing jobs and generating valued goods and services. Commerce has existed since people began exchanging goods and services with one another.

Many people make the error of believing that a company is either innovative or not. This black-and-white approach misses the fact that a company can pursue a variety of different forms of innovation and that there is no strategy for development. According to its description, disruptive innovation is a concept, technology, or service that disrupts an existing industry or establishes an entirely new market, resulting in a new core network. Disruptive innovation often performs worse at the start of an invention’s life span, and while these forms of breakthroughs aren’t always good enough to satisfy present clients, they do attract a specific market.

In order for a firm to succeed, marketing innovation is thought to be just as vital as product innovation. This makes perfect sense since it’s meaningless to invest time and money into developing a firm strategy or item if no one can discover it or use it. However, marketing innovation entails more than just creating new and distinctive ways to advertise a company; it also entails exploring new markets and establishing value propositions that no one else can provide. This can be achieved by releasing innovation, a service, or an operating model in new and unexpected sectors or by marketing an existing product in novel methods.

The process of bringing a new product to market is known as new product development (NPD). Customer preferences, greater competition, and technology developments may compel the firm to engage in this process, or it may be essential to take advantage of a new opportunity. Innovative businesses prosper by recognizing what their customers want, making smart product modifications, and developing new products that meet and exceed their customers’ expectations. Existing businesses are not the only ones who can gain from new product development. New businesses, solo traders, and even freelancers may carve out a place in the market by researching, producing, and launching unique or one-of-a-kind goods. In the same way, mastering NPD does not imply being an innovator. They might also look at licensing or copyright purchases as a way to get new products. Each business owner has their own story; some define success as making more money, while others describe it as striking a good work-life balance. Several factors impact our perceptions of success.

The path to the invention is not always easy, and it is frequently necessary to create a particular atmosphere in which individuals are encouraged and empowered to produce ideas that may genuinely push initiatives ahead freely. The proper tools must also be in place for the creative approach to provide the most benefit. In terms of achieving organizational objectives, innovation is a critical component. Creating an innovative culture in the organization is vital today, yet many organizations face internal difficulties that stymie the inventive process.

One of the most important components of developing a startup into a well-known brand is the company’s innovation strategy. Constant innovation enables a business to be proactive instead of reactive all of the time—an innovation strategy assists in identifying the path of innovation as well as operational execution. The organization may fall short without an innovation plan in place, and an unbalance of organizational innovation is a risk that a person is prepared to accept.

These ideas, in my opinion, are inextricably linked, especially in our day. Many individuals in the technological era are used to being surprised, and then commercial success leads to inventive success. Because the market for products is saturated and, regrettably, not the greatest product, promotion and advertising are now important components of the production of technology. To get their product to the top, they must combine innovative and commercial efforts. This is the only way to succeed in today’s world.

Reference List

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