Employees Management: Total Reward Model


Total compensation refers to a variety of monetary and non-monetary incentives that may help councils promote and enhance their reputation as a wonderful place to work. Councils already have a lot to offer, and comprehensive compensation ensures that employees fully appreciate the entirety of their job package.

Starting pay, cost-of-living increases, yearly raises, as well as financial incentives and bonuses, are all components of a compensation plan. The actual pay given to workers is determined by market circumstances, company income and profitability, the size of the workforce, and the amount of money that employers contribute to employee benefits, among other factors. When it comes to determining compensation rates, employers have three fundamental options to consider. They may pay premium wages and give premium benefits, reward people based on base pay and provide excellent benefit packages, or they can be among the top-paying corporations in their field while providing minimum perks to their employees.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC)

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is at the heart of international sport, supporting every Olympic Movement stakeholder, promoting Olympism across the world, and coordinating the regular celebration of the Olympic Games. The IOC is also dedicated to promoting the sport in society, enhancing the sport’s integrity, and assisting clean athletes and other sports organizations.

Best Practices For Human Resource Department

The greatest match According to the school, human resource policy should be aligned with company strategy to create value. This means that HR should consider both the organization’s and its workers’ requirements. According to the best practice school, there is a set of universal HR practices that contribute to improved corporate performance. According to its proponents, specific bundles of HR operations help organizations gain a competitive edge regardless of the organizational context or industry.

Employee Safety And Security

Organizations gain from job security as well since it helps them retain their employees. When people are laid off, for example, the organization generally pays the price. They are the ones who have invested in these individuals’ selection, training, and growth. This is an expensive procedure. If the organization does not try to keep its employees, they are more likely to leave and work for the rival.

Hiring The Right Individuals Requires Selective Hiring

In today’s digital age, there are several recruitment tools available to help us make the best choice. More and more businesses are closely monitoring their recruiting metrics to see how well they are performing in this area. Structured and unstructured interviews, IQ testing, personality evaluations, job tests, peer assessments, and reference checks are all common selection tools. These (pre-employment) tests are used to identify three essential applicant traits.

Teams That are Self-managed and Effective

One of HR’s primary roles is to build and nurture high-performance teams. Effective human resource management entails directly encouraging teamwork by being involved in how teams are constituted. Some strategies include measuring team performance, rewarding team excellence, and counseling management on tactics and tools to foster teamwork. Individual personality evaluations can also help you understand how other members of your team think and behave.

Compensation That is Equitable And Performance-based

Paying someone beyond the norm may potentially have some drawbacks. For example, it inhibits bad workers from leaving. Individuals are encouraged to maximize organizational performance results when they are linked to individual incentives. It also instills a sense of pride in the employee. Consider profit sharing, joint ownership, or stock options. These are excellent methods for fostering employee dedication to the company’s long-term strategy and retaining high potential. Compensation is a critical component of effective talent management.

Education And Training in Related Skills

Employers are increasingly investing in skill-specific training. The number of on-demand courses has increased dramatically, according to the Economist’s Lifelong Learning special report. Everyone is now linked and can learn anything, at any time and from any location, thanks to the internet. In addition to formal education, on-the-job training is essential. This is influenced by a greater emphasis on feedback, coaching, and peer learning. Learning is also becoming increasingly crucial for the most recent generations, such as Millennials and Generation Z. According to Gallup, younger employees place a higher value on learning and personal development than older generations.

Making An Organization That is Flat and Egalitarian

The majority of business structures fall into one of two categories: hierarchical or egalitarian. Generally speaking, hierarchical organizational structures contain numerous levels of management, and one employee may have both direct and indirect supervisors and subordinates. But in an egalitarian-style organization, all workers share the same level of responsibility and authority. Egalitarian management methods are rising in favor among business leaders.

Making Knowledge Readily Available To Those Who Require It

Employees frequently describe being educated about the business as something significant in attitude surveys, as well as having the opportunity to contribute to and influence choices impacting their working life.HR actions frequently help to improve employee communication. This might be accomplished by forming sub-groups for persons from various backgrounds, such as women and LGBT people. HR may help or lead the creation of internal newsletters and updates.

Total Reward Model In IOC – Compensation

IOC presidents and members are considered volunteers and do not get a pay; however, their travel, lodging, and other expenses incurred while on Olympic duty are paid. According to the IOC, executive board members and committee chairmen will be paid $900 per day for Olympic business, including travel days before and after meetings. Regular IOC members will be paid $450 per day during meetings and the Olympics.


The IOC administration employs around 700 workers at the headquarters and The Olympic Museum in Lausanne (Switzerland). All of the team members come from varied backgrounds and bring a wide range of expertise to the IOC. They are the ones who, with their excitement and devotion to the IOC’s aims, make the offices such a terrific place to work and assist to promote the Olympic Movement every day.

Personal Growth

Candidates in the Global IOC coach development programs study business coaching skills that expand into capabilities, how to integrate those capabilities into practice, and when and how to apply capabilities during coaching sessions. As a consequence, you get a well-rounded, capable business coach. Businesses want coaches who can use these talents to raise individual and team productivity, handle workplace issues, increase employee engagement, align behaviors with strategic goals, and assist businesses in attracting and retaining critical talent. Graduates of the Global IOC are equipped to do so.

Working Environment At IOC

Olympic House provides the IOC personnel with a first-rate modern working space that addresses both individual and collective requirements. It was designed to be adaptable to future strategic or organizational changes, with an agile working environment devoted to a mobile workforce. Olympic House has been awarded three of the most stringent sustainable construction certifications available. As a result, it has become one of the world’s most sustainable structures.

International Olympics Committee Athlete’s Commission (IOC AC)

C members from Continental Associations, IFs, and other Olympic Movement stakeholders worked together to design and promote the IOC AC Strategy. The commission’s work revolves around the protection and promotion of clean and fair sports, and its strategy aims to engage with athletes around the world, to understand their perspective, and to engage with the Olympic Movement to ensure that athletes’ voices are taken into consideration in the decision-making process.

Role of IOC AC In the Total Reward Model

In 1981, then-IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch developed the IOC AC, which he explained in a letter to Thomas Bach, who would go on to be one of his successors. IOC AC met in Rome, Italy for the first time. Athletes now face several pressing issues, including the battle against doping, gender equality, and the removal of political influence and pressure from the Olympic Games.

Advantages Of Total Reward Model At IOC – Pay is Not Enough

Companies must connect with their employees, whether in person or through email campaigns, engagement surveys, or other means, to determine what it is that drives and engages people beyond monetary rewards and benefits. This might be everything from more vacation days to team-building days to gift certificates to a simple thank you for a job well done.

Motivation That Has A Purpose

In the case of an organization with a collective goal, employees who have contributed to the achievement of that goal may be given a personal reward or bonus. Employers cannot assume that something is relevant for workers just because it will benefit the company. This demonstrates that businesses must also get to know their workers on a more personal level to figure out what motivates and engages them daily.


Simply said, the parts of a complete rewards program include all of the things that a company employs to attract and retain workers, such as salary, bonuses, incentive pay, perks, and employee growth possibilities such as professional development and further training chances. This strategy offers a lot of benefits to firms, especially small enterprises where the owners and managers are responsible for fostering excellent personal ties with their staff. The system operates cyclically and is composed of four distinct components.


Al Mojahed, N. (2020). How Does a Total Reward System Influence Employee Motivation Among Executive Management? An Analysis of the UAE Real Estate Industry. Human Capital in the Middle East, 149-175.

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