Socializing Agents Contributing to Social Inequality

There are different socializing agents that a person meets throughout life. Some of them are family, language, mass media, economic systems, school, and peers. They form the personality of individuals, influencing their values and beliefs. According to the conflict theory, when resources are distributed between groups unevenly, it leads to tension and conflicts. From the point of view of this theory, the educational system, which is one of the socializing agents, serves as an example of an institute contributing to inequality.

Many gifted and talented students study well because their environment in the family allows them to pay much attention to their studies. They also attend some additional classes and develop their skills. Struggling students often come from families that cannot afford to support their children as much as successful families do. Besides, such families often do not have money to send their children to college. Thus, a vicious cycle occurs, as, without proper education, people struggle to find a well-paid job and give their children a good education.

As for mass media, it is also one of the basic socializing agents. Nowadays they allow spreading the of information as fast as ever before. Thus, social nets are a platform for online battles between the representatives of different groups. It can be proved by examples of such movements as #metoo or Black Lives Matter. They react to the news very quickly and actively, thus creating an environment for polarization and radicalization of society.

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