Factors of Child’s Communication and Language Needs


Environmental conditions that are favorable can stimulate communication and language development. The conditions that are not favorable lead to retarded development. Children that have parents or guardians around them most of the time have better development in language and communication, unlike those who are in foster care institutions within an environment without parents. Children who are brought up in high-class families also have better language development due to access to stimulating factors such as social media and access to the internet. If these factors can be provided in low-class families, communication development can be increased.

Health and physical development

A child’s health can influence both their physical and mental development. In most cases, when a child suffers from a disease for a long time, they develop difficulties in communication since they do not have enough interaction with the people around them. Physical development, such as when the child has developmental disabilities like cerebral palsy, can lead to retarded language and communication development. Their mind grows slowly, and so as other cognitive skills.

Intelligence and cognitive development

Intellectual development is highly related to language development. A child with a high intellectual quantity has a high rate of language development. Mentally alert young children can talk earlier compared to others with the slow mind. These children also comprehend what they are told or other people’s conversation in an easier way and at an early age. The slow rate of development does not always mean that the child has a low intellectual quotient. It may be linked to other factors like diseases and mental health conditions. When these conditions are solved, the child’s language and communication needs can be easily met.


During the first months of a child’s development, both girls and boys acquire language equally. From the age of two years, girls show better mastering of language than boys, which persists even up to the age of five. Boys commit more grammatical errors and are more careless with language than girls. This is attributed to girls’ closeness with their mother, which helps them master the language, unlike boys who involve themselves in other activities that involve more of actins than communication.

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