Summary of the Speech of the Archbishop of York

The Clergy are referred to by the Archbishop of York. He begins by warning that the Pretender’s son has recruited and trained an army in Scotland, has vanquished some of the King’s men and is moving towards England. He firmly encourages them to prepare the most excellent possible defenses against the enemy and to guard against attempts to destabilize England’s reign.

In other issues, the Archbishop of York cautions that the great danger to be dreaded is the unmistakable proof that the upheavals in the North are merely part of a larger scheme orchestrated for our destruction. It is thought that Scottish insurgents have begun under the watchful eye of France and Spain, their ancient foes, and would be backed up by French and Spanish armies. He warns the audience that if these countries allow Jacobites to gain support, England will ultimately be destroyed, adding: “every man in England will think it his wisdom and his interest to guard against the mischievous attempts of these wild and desperate ruffians.”

The Archbishop of York warns them that they will be protected by a Protestant king’s administration, but that if France and Spain take control of the nation, they will be forced to follow Catholicism’s norm, saying: “if we desire to be distinguished, it will be by our ardor and zeal to preserve our happy constitution”1. The leader pleads for people’s support, claiming that in a union, no one can withhold or withdraw his help. He concludes his statement by expressing his admiration for the King and his motherland.

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