An Article on the Role of Slaves in the Civil War

This article is about the black slave revolt in Southern America. The black people rebelled against their enslavers and went to the plantations, joined by other slaves. The slaves sought to become part of the Union Army, but the uprisings were suppressed by shooting and hanging. By order of the Minister of War, the rebellious slaves could not be recognized as soldiers, could not have weapons, and could not be tried by a military court. They must be executed in accordance with the requirements of the execution of violators.

Historians debate whether the Civil War was the catalyst for the slave revolt. Most people think not because slaves have always sought freedom and liberation from slavery. The views of federal employees on the slave issue reflected the original union policy on slavery. It believed that this war was a war of “white people” for the entire country’s rights, property, and future. Due to the unpredictable actions of the slaves, work on farms, and plantations, as well as work in the camps of the Union Army at the front, was disrupted. Black people fought for the status of military personnel in the armed forces. And in the end, they got President Lincoln to start recruiting slaves and come to an agreement on emancipation.

The number of escaped slaves grew, and the Confederates used them to work on military installations. Everywhere in the south, runaway slave camps were established, attracting more and more fugitives. Later, all fugitive slaves who became part of the Confederacy were declared free by the US Congress. The flight of the slaves affected the work and lives of those slaves who remained on the ground. They demanded payment for their work, and if they refused, they suspended their current position. Some masters agreed to provide income to the slaves or give them a share of the harvest. In some parts of the south, gallows were placed, which called for killing one’s master before becoming free.

To sum up, an Emancipation Proclamation was issued that allowed governors to enlist black men and young men in the State army. Initially, they were supposed to work as laborers in the rear, but it was increasingly possible to see black men directly in the heat of the struggle. Historians conclude that slaves played a leading role in the abolition of slavery and the surrender of the Confederacy.

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