Karl Marx: Labour’s Realisation Is Its Objectification

The worker is used for production, to make goods or commodities and profits. But as his production increases, his being and humanity are disregarded. He becomes poorer and a cheap commodity. As the commodity increases in value, he becomes devalued in the process. The worst will happen as the commercial world progresses. The worker works for the goods which have more value than him.

The worker is ‘objectified’. He is made as a tool to produce more goods or commodities, and the more he produced commodities, the more he is reduced or lowered. He becomes an instrument for profit; the capitalist rejoices over his job. The worker is reduced to the lowest serf, only being used for the advancement of money, capital, and more profits.

The objectification of labour is that the worker is made of material or an object. He becomes a thing itself, lower than a thing or object because the purpose of the capitalist is more money and profits. Profit is the purpose, and labour should be used to increase profit. Since more goods and materials should be produced, these goods and materials become more important than labour.

‘So much does the realization of labour appear as loss of reality that the worker loses his reality to the point of dying of starvation.’
During Marx’s time – the industrial revolution – men were dying in the workplace, there were no health programs for the workers and their families, no safety measures, low wages, and the capitalists or the owners of the business were only apt for profit, without any regard for the worker.

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