Date Rape Morality: Discussion

One of the most challenging aspects of setting the criteria for Date rape comes from the differences inherently present within the male and female psyche. Sex is integral to most male’s personal identity, while females have a duality to their thought processes which are supplemented by rationalities and logic. Lois Pineau in her article on Date Rape manages to summarize many of the contractual implications of sexual encounters and the raping of women.

Her article begins by explaining the difficulties within today’s judicial system to recognize the differences between sexual innuendo and agreement for sexual intercourse. By including a detailed analysis of the thought process of both parties she manages to dispel several myths about gender sexuality. As well as exploring the intricacies of the communicative theory of sexual relationships. Leaving the reader with her hope that it will aid victims in today’s judicial climate.’

In my opinion I do not believe that the true solution to the crime of Date rape exists within the judicial system or within the communicative nature of a relationship. I believe the true cause of many Date rapes today is due to the nature of society a whole and the perpetuation of stereotypes of both men and women. The increasing depiction of people as sexual beings by the media and the increasingly unrealistic expectations created by urban cultures have created a generation of men and women who believe that, more important than being their biological imperative, having intercourse is their right as human beings.

Consequently, dating has become a ritual where expectations of sex from both parties are now the norm. Pineaus’ assertion about the pursuit of sex though not incorrect is biased towards the female gender. And even though her ideas are impressive, they form more of a solution to the symptom rather than the problem. That lies within us and the decisions we make to follow the better part of our natures.

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