Reentry Challenges of Women in Prison

The incarcerated women face many challenges as they rejoin society, including the ability to re-establish a home and an everyday family life. This situation encompasses the legal and physical custody of children. When the women exit jail, it is difficult to find an affordable house and other necessities due to a lack of employment as an income source. Additionally, while in prison, the women waste a lot of time that they could have utilized to complete studies and acquire a decent job. While out of jail, it proves hard to secure a well-paying job due to the imprisonment aspect. Many companies that value their organizational reputation will find it challenging to employ an ex-convict. Also, incarcerated women experience challenges in the establishment of intimate relationships and social networks.

Reentry from jail differs from prison reentry due to the encompassing circumstances. Prison reentry is more challenging than jail due to community acceptance difficulties. While jail term is primarily short, incarcerated individuals are less likely to lose touch with the community, enhancing their reentry efficiency. On the other hand, prison reentry seems challenging due to the extended periods of imprisonment contributing to community detachment.

The similarities between parole and probation involve the encompassing purpose and rules to the defendant. They both entail the supervision of the defendant while out of custody as an alternative to incarceration. The distinct differences are the courts grant probation as a served sentence while parole occurs under a board hearing that determines the eligible individuals. Also, probation reduces decongestion in the cells as the courts choose on first-time, mild-mannered offenders. On the other hand, parole operates by awarding the eligible inmate parole by consistently demonstrating good behavior.

Gender-responsive programming refers to establishing a caring environment that directly meets the unique needs and challenges of a specific gender. Gender-responsive programming is essential as it contributes to the establishment of meaningful relationships. They entail services that support the particular gender’s establishment of a positive attitude and response to traumatizing events. The program also educates people on how to deal with gender problems in daily life.

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