The History of Women in the Legal Field

Traditionally, women were barred from pursuing careers in the legal field, with the first women being admitted to the bar in 1922. The Sex Disqualification (Removal Act) of 1919, enacted on December 23 that year, allowed women to venture into the legal profession. Notably, Sybil Campbell, Ethel Bright Ashford, Helena Normanton, Ivy Williams, and Auvergne Doherty were the first women to be called to the bar. This implies that women in the legal field experienced various challenges, including prejudice, glass ceilings beyond which they were not allowed to aspire, and sexual discrimination, most of which are still prevalent today. Women in the legal profession often hit the imposed barrier, do not enjoy equal chances of success, face lower acceptance rates, and encounter indecent behaviors regardless of their seniority. Additionally, the limited number of female lawyers with a strong network of experienced personnel to offer mentorship is little.

Women in the Supreme Court

The entry of women into the Supreme Court is a relatively recent phenomenon, with the first female justice, Sandra Day O’Connor, confirmed in 1981. Other eminent women sitting in the Supreme Court include Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Coney Barret, who ex-President Trump nominated to replace the bereaved Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Notably, O’Connor was the only one at the Supreme Court bar for more than a decade.

Advantages of Women over Male Colleagues in the Area of Victim Services and Advocacy

Victim advocacy is a fundamental service delivered by trained personnel to support survivors of various types of crimes. Generally, women have the upper hand in effectively dealing with and supporting victims of abuse due to their intrinsic understanding of violence’s social and cultural impacts. Additionally, most of them have experienced those events, and they integrate their encounter into judicial actions, effectively triggering a comprehensive and empathetic perspective as well as full awareness of the consequences of their decision. This implies that women enhance the quality of considerations and conclusions by introducing their lived experiences to which men do not have the exposure.

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