Historical Progression of Women in Prison

Females have been experiencing challenges in jail due to inadequate amenities. Research indicates that a woman in prison during the early 19th century shared facilities with men counterparts. Most states in the United States did not have separate facilities for females. The prisons resembled classrooms where the inmates stayed together. Women often faced charges about morality, and the officers viewed the females as more stubborn than men. In the progression, New York established the first women’s prison in 1835 which encompassed undesirable conditions such as inhumanity and overcrowding.

The Ohio women’s prison in the 1840s depicted issues such as women fighting and yelling at each other. The progression in the 20th century involved reformation and changes in women’s prisons. For instance, the California Institution for Women (CIW), established in 1952, ensured rehabilitation for female inmates. It generated a new culture that identified inmates as residents, and the staff acted as role models. The prison culture emphasized morality and sentencing depended on an individual’s behavior and ability to rehabilitate.

The men and women in prison depicted different experiences, particularly when it comes to accommodation services. Based on the Auburn prison in New York, the females had uncomfortable conditions, including overcrowding in a tiny attic room and received a meal once per day. At the same time, the male inmates had individual cells that they retreated to at night and participated in silent labor during the day. Prison experiences depict the female inmates as dependent on emotional support while males were adaptive.

In the current advancement, women face higher incarceration rates than males. This situation emanates from the females’ tendency to engage in drug abuse and violent crimes against family members. The current advancement in the fight against drug abuse assault policies contributes to women’s incarceration. Additionally, females value relationships during the incarceration period allowing for institutional adjustment. In the progression. Research indicates that females are less likely to engage in undesirable behaviors during the incarceration period indicating the importance of social support. The current prison system portrays a decrease in the women population. This situation involves the women’s tendency to perform less severe and violent crimes.

Women’s incarceration entails different reasons depending on race, class, and education level. Based on the race aspect, many African-Americans face imprisonment, and the reasons for arrest entail violent crimes. The class aspect indicates the prevalence of the upper-class women recording poverty offenses as the reasons for arrest as the highly educated incarcerated depict drug offenses. Incarceration involves differences among the male and female counterparts. While the male in prison possesses fewer responsibilities as caregivers, the females play a significant role in children’s upbringing. The females experience emotional and challenging detachment from the children whom they leave under other people’s care. This situation explains why women have more social support than male prisoners.

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