What Should the US Do About Global Warming?

How to live with climate change: It won’t be stopped, but its effects can be made less bad

This paper describes the UN’s search for a solution to global warming. The proposals presented therein can be adopted by the US in addressing global warming and the other effects of climate change. The article posits that the first step to fighting global warming is to accept that global warming is real. This acceptance stems from the disastrous effects of global warming such as heatwaves, endangering of many species, increased flooding in some areas while others experience prolonged droughts (The Economist). Global warming has also to the disappearance of ice from the Arctic summers and on some mountaintops leading to a rise in ocean levels.

The article states that the best answer to global warming is global prosperity. This implies that the US and other rich nations, which are the major contributors to global warming, should help poor nations to cope with the effects of global warming. However, there is no reality that this proposal may work and the author writes that instead, such efforts may worsen global warming. More solutions need to be instituted by these developed nations including the adoption of greener technologies through the generation of renewable energy from water, wind, and the sun. Besides, the government needs to take strategic steps in three sectors: infrastructure, migration, and food. The government must build infrastructure that will mitigate the risks of flooding resulting from a rise in sea levels besides evaluating the vulnerability of cities to temperature changes, flooding, severe storms, and drought and make the right decisions. The US and other rich nations should allow persons affected by global warming to migrate into the respective countries while the government itself should discourage developments in risky areas such as the Florida coastline. Finally, the government must encourage food production through research and funding besides helping the global market become more resilient by ending protectionism that bedevils agriculture today.


This paper presents strategies that can help to mitigate the effects of global warming not only in the US but also in other developed and developing nations. The author begins by pointing out the consequences of global warming and these have been proven through simulation experiments and observations taken since the mid 20th century. For instance, the disappearance of ice from polar caps and high mountain tops is a phenomenon that has been seen in many parts of the world, particularly on high mountain tops and polar areas. Ice melts have consequently led to a rise in sea and ocean levels evidenced by the disappearance of the certain island while others are on the brink of disappearing and have already been vacated. There has also been a rise in heat waves in recent times, especially in European countries. However, the author also makes a number of assumptions in the paper. For instance, the notion that global warming will automatically lead to migration is not supported. These countries could find means of coping with global warming and hence reduce the likelihood of migrating to other countries.

Signs of New Life as U.N. Searches for a Climate Accord

In this paper, Broder reports on the progress made by the United Nations in its search for an international climate change policy. The focus is on the recent meeting held in Durban, South Africa, which set up a new mandate for concluding a binding pact by 2015. The agreement outlined the participation of more than 194 nations to set up over the next four years a procedure to reduce global greenhouse gas releases, reduce temperature rise and assist developing nations to make the switch to cleaner energy alternatives (Broder). The United States can take up these solution proposals to combat global warming. However, these proposals are only a fraction of the total set of solutions required to combat global warming, for instance, the proposal does not mention anything regarding per capita emissions. Besides, the proposal does mention economic development as an important ingredient for developing nations in combating global warming and climate change and there is also no mention of the disparity between developing and developed nations’ contribution towards global warming. The issue of providing economic and other forms of assistance to developing nations has always been controversial as some developed countries argue that governments in developing countries misuse money and do not institute adequate economic measures. Hence, the threat of global warming may not cause them to take action. Other proposals to combat global warming that the US can adopt include a switch to low-carbon technology such as solar and nuclear energy and low consumption of dirty-burning fuels including coal and oil.


This article, like the previous one, presents strategies that have been adopted by the UN in combatting global warming and which should be taken up by every country, particularly the US as it is one of the top global emitters of greenhouse gases. Broder makes bold statements regarding combatting global warming including a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reducing temperature rise, and assisting developing nations combat and mitigate the effects of the disaster. The first two proposals are found on scientific proof while the third requires further cooperation and participation of developing nations’ governments and may not necessarily lead to a reduction in global warming. Since the major cause of global warming is due to greenhouse gas emissions, the author’s recommendations of combating global warming by switching to low-carbon technology are also valid. However, in switching to low-carbon energy alternatives, precaution must be put in place to ensure that the gains made in the fight against global warming are not reversed or relented on as countries may pay more emphasis on alternative energy forms at the expense of reversing the damage that has already been done.

Works Cited

Broder, John M. “Signs of New Life as U.N. Searches for a Climate Accord.” New York Times. 2012. Web.

The Economist. “How to live with climate change: It won’t be stopped, but its effects can be made less bad.” The Economist, 2010. Web.

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