Regulation for Nursing Practice

Board of Directors

There are various differences between a professional nurse association and board of nursing. While the association advocates for nurses, the board regulates nursing practices. The board develop regulations and uniform rules, oversee the licensure, and enforces law (Neff et al., 2018). It also provides standards for supporting safe nursing care while punishing individuals who acts against the established laws. It enhances the protection and advocates for both the safety and wellbeing of patients.

Nursing Association

Nursing associations differ with the board of directors since they are professional and private membership organizations that empower the profession and offer a united voice for nurses. They enhance quality health care through promoting leadership, advocacy, research, and education. Moreover, they represent their members in practice, political, and legislative matters including lobbying to influence the satisfaction of nursing interests. It strengthens the ability of nurses to influence desirable changes and facilitates nursing advancement (Neff et al., 2018). Members are required to pay for the membership benefits and finance the activities of the association. The Board of directors elected by the association members govern its activities.

The Maryland State Board of Nursing

The Maryland Board of Nursing is determined to promote and ensure quality care through enhancing accountability for public protection, education, licensure, and certification. The Maryland Nurse Practice Act, Section 8 of the Health Occupations Article governs the activities of the board. It is mandated to support and regulate activities of the Certified Medication Technicians and Certified Nursing.

More Board Members

Board members are committed to the provision of support and quality services to Marylanders. Since the American population is aging, the board is dedicated to the protection of seniors aged above 65 (NCSBN, 2021). They assist individuals who are vulnerable to crimes such as patient abuse and fraud (Neff et al., 2018). They also promote public safety and consumer protection to ensure that every citizen receives quality care.

Becoming a Board Member

Candidates interested in becoming board members are encouraged to apply as early as possible once a position has been declared vacant. This ensures that their documents reach the board as they become available for review (Neff et al., 2018). It is necessary to follow the application procedure and provide all the required information to avoid losing marks because of preventable mistakes.

State Regulation In Line With the General Nurse Scope of Practice

The “Code of Ethics” regulation explains various components of the nursing process including the outcome identification, diagnosis, assessment, evaluation, implementation, and planning. It is presented in a manner that everyone understands the operating guidelines since failures attract disciplinary actions. The regulation influence the work of nurses through the provision of standards, law and disciplinary actions. They enhance ethical values, duties, obligations and professional ideas while ensuring that nurses adheres to their standards of ethics. It emphasizes the need for nurses to remain committed and dedicated to serving the community.

The Code of Ethics regulation plays a significant role in the prevention of negligence and malpractice when providing healthcare. This plays a role in the delivery of quality and improved care while ensuring that healthcare is accessible at a reduced cost (Neff et al., 2018). Moreover, the code promotes equality in the provision of health care by reducing the involved cost.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses’ Regulation

The requirement to ensure quality care improves the commitment of nurses and encourages them to gain more interest in the delivery of improved healthcare. It influences them to take initiatives and make effort to ensure that patients receive the best care possible (Neff et al., 2018). Since nurses determine the quality of care delivered to patients, the regulations eliminate issues that are likely to hinder these professionals from making appropriate decisions.

The regulation supports the establishment of innovative models, which facilities improved healthcare, cost reduction, and enhanced accessibility. It encourages the utilization of technology to boost efficiency and improve the ability of nurses to meet patients’ expectations (Neff et al., 2018). Since the regulation encourages nurses to be more concerned about issues affecting their patients, it ensures that effective measures are taken to address them. Moreover, it priorities the delivery of individualized care that is in line with cultural beliefs and other expectations.


Neff, D. F., Yoon, S. H., Steiner, R. L., Bejleri, I., Bumbach, M. D., Everhart, D., & Harman, J. S. (2018). The impact of nurse practitioner regulations on population access to care. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 379-385. Web.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). (2021). The world leader in nursing regulatory knowledge. NCSBN. Retrieved April 11, 2021 from Web.

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