Reality, Paradigm and Perceptual Distortions

Throughout the whole history of social sciences, the discussion concerning reality and perception differences was profoundly analyzed by many scientists and non-specialized people. First and foremost, the term “reality” refers to the objective fact that occurred in the real world. On the contrary, “perception” is the process of subjective analysis of the same fact that usually occurs in people’s minds. As a result, the debates on the reality-perception subject are so intensive since all people have their own perception of any fact so that in practice, no one can present the “reality” without a minimum amount of personal perception of it.

The term “paradigm” is the specially developed method of perception which allows for analyzing different situations from the same perspective. More specifically, the paradigm helps people closely approach “reality” by strongly limiting their perceptive characteristics. Consequently, some complex questions that usually involve a high level of perceptive judgment might be effectively analyzed by providing the “standard” of thinking and developing the most appropriate “reality” arguments. When implementing the paradigm and perceptive thinking to perceptual distortions, such as “stereotype thinking,” some specific limits allow providing judgments with a high level of adjustment to reality.

For instance, when analyzing the stereotype stating that women are less effective in mathematics, paradigm thinking or at least settling the boundaries of perceptive judgment will lead to more progressive and resultative discussion. This is because individuals limit their perception and work with objective facts, which results in “clearer” personal view arguments, developing the discussion in the right direction.

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