How to Improving Business Communication Skills


A virtual team is “one whose members share a common purpose, but are separated by distance, time, and organizational boundaries. In such a team, members are linked only by communication technologies.” (Noble, 2009, a virtual team, para.1). Therefore, timely and efficient communication between the members play a very important role in the effectiveness of the teamwork.

Problems in team communications

The main problem often seen in the team communication is due to the “poor communication skill or a lack of communication skills, and a lack of understanding or appreciation of each team member.” (Common problems in teams, communication, trust and leadership skill, n.d., para.1). If this problem persists, then it will directly affect the working of the team members and goal of the organization.

How these changes affect team dynamics

The change often creates the problems in the team or in their ongoing momentum. The changes can be happen in different ways. The change in the management or the head of the organization often creates the problems or disturbance in the team dynamics. The new management will make the new set of policies and principles. To adjust with these team will take some time also there will be pressure among the team members because they won’t be knowing about the behavior of the management. Also making the changes in the existing team (adding or deleting the member) or combining two teams together often create the problems in the team dynamics. This kind of problems effect the working of the team and also it will affect the goal set by the company.

How problems are increased in virtual teams?

The difficulty in managing the team members is important or major problems with virtual teams. Another problem with virtual teams is in their communication. Members will be from different geographical condition and each of their communication style will be different from others. So to capture what each of them speaks will difficult for others. Time differences will be another big problem. Responsibility to take the ownership of the project will be less among the members.

Solving the problems

The problems in communication must be solved to gear up in the work and to achieve the goal of the organization. Problems can be solved by placing strict code of conduct for the team members. Management has to organize face-to-face meetings of the team members to increase their effective communication. If a new employee joins in a company give them chance to share their past experiences and their tastes so that other members will get the chance to know about the new member more and it will help while communicating with them.

Recommend Strategy I: Group e-mail

Companies today are fully computerized which make extensive use of e-mail because it is fast, reliable and more flexible. Any messages can be sent to a group. Group e-mail makes the members to work according to it. Employees in a department, board members, students in a department etc.

Define the strategy and its characteristics

  • Platform – Software needed for sending large list of contacts.
  • List management – Information sent and gathered, e-mail list.
  • Format – Consistent format and style which gives trust and recognition. Standards should be maintained.
  • Content- Proper content should be forwarded. Misleading messages should not be forwarded.
  • Frequency- Company information and other details should be sent frequently.

Measurement- Responses and improvements measure the success. (Email strategy: A blueprint for success, 2006).


Transferring of information, simple and flexible, team building, proper responses, improves quantity and quality of production.

How does it apply to this situation?

Members in the organization are located in different areas where group e-mail help to transfer information. It also helps in remanding the deadline of the project. Updating the data of the project.

Why/how, this would improve team projects

It helps each member’s information to common goals and Team building.

It transfers the data which are used for projects.

Members can be contacted on the subject of projects.

Recommend Strategy II

Virtual Meeting: It is meeting of team members from different geographical locations through electronic media.

Define the strategy and its characteristics

  • Application sharing snapshot application.
  • Easy to use and windows interface
  • Private chats with file transfer
  • Outlook integration helps fix meeting

Internationally user interface, promotes presenter.(Features: HP virtual meeting room, 2006).

How to best use it in this scenario

Technological improvement reflects in team building. This helps direct sharing of data’s and information and also helps to clear doubts at that time.

How this would improve efficiency in virtual teams

Effective division of work gives each team members strength.

Leaders and members exhibit competence

Leaders can set high standards and ways to achieve it.

Good knowledge of technical and information.

Team communication helps to achieve common goals.

Recommend Strategy II: Virtual Meeting

It is meeting of team members from different geographical locations through electronic media.

Define the strategy and its characteristics

  • Application sharing snapshot application.
  • Easy to use and windows interface
  • Private chats with file transfer
  • Outlook integration helps fix meeting
  • Internationally user interface, promotes presenter. (Features: HP virtual meeting room, 2006).

How to best use it in this scenario

Technological improvement reflects in team building. This helps direct sharing of data and information and also helps to clear doubts at that time.

How this would improve efficiency in virtual teams

  • Effective division of work gives each team member strength.
  • Leaders and members exhibit competence.
  • Leaders can set high standards and ways to achieve it.
  • Good knowledge of technical information.
  • Team communication helps to achieve common goals.


The success of a virtual team lies in the effective communication between the members. This can be ensured by implementing strategies like group mails, virtual meeting…etc. For this, it is necessary to use the service of advanced communication like internet, video conferencing…etc. Time is precious, even a single second cannot be wasted. The present business world is filled with full of competition, and in virtual business world competition is very high. Therefore, advanced technology-enabled and fast communication is essential for the success of teamwork in an organization.

Reference List

Common problems in teams, communication, trust and leadership skill. (n.d.). Wild Events: Team Building: Improve Your Teams Performance and have Fun doing it. Web.

Features: HP virtual meeting room. (2006). HP: Hewlett- Packard Development Company. Web.

Noble, S. (2009). Starting up a virtual team: A virtual team. A Division of Team Builders Plus. Web.

O’Leary, T. (2006). Email strategy: A blueprint for success. Group Mail: Making Email Work for you. Web.

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