Organizational Systematic Development and Change


Organizations are operating in a dynamic environment which requires them to keep up with the changes. Failure to conform to such adjustments has negative impact on their operations. Problems that are faced by organizations have made institutional development as a career to be in demand for many businesses. The systematic approach to a consortium growth is therefore, proving to be of much help to mitigate the challenges facing organizations.

Organizational Development in Effecting Positive Changes to an Organization

I am working with a global organization which is functioning to raise public awareness on conservation. The main problem that the organization faces is financial instability with the USA being its chief financier. Other financiers are Britain, Russia, China, France, Germany, and Italy. The ever-changing political dynamics in the USA bring financial strain to the operations of the organization. During general elections in the USA or diplomatic tussle between the USA and other countries, there must be disruptions in the organization’s financial operations. The management is having difficulty in managing the problem because the organization, to a large extent, depends on the USA’s monetary aid. Nevertheless, management is working to ensure that the problem is mitigated.

Organizational problems can be addressed by hiring an organizational development consultant who in my opinion should be an internal consultant. The hired expert can ensure that financial strain is prevented or minimized.

Employing an institutional growth specialist is important as the maven will foster the company’s values (McLean, 2006, Chapter 1). Additionally, as the organization can be controlling its growth plans with the assistance of the hired organizational development expert, there will be enhanced financial sustainability. Specifically, the expected outcome from an organizational development consultant is to amplify financial gains and competitiveness (Burke, 2017). Accordingly, the organizational development expert can ensure that there is an improvement of the organization’s financial base.

Challenging Steps in Organizational Development Models

There are steps to be followed, depending on which model is used by a consultant. The challenging task for any organizational development expert is to go through all the planned actions in a model. For this reason, there is a step which would be more challenging for an external organizational development consultant employing action research model. Particular to the paradigm, the planning stage is bound to be problematic to an external organizational development specialist who is coming to the organization I work with.

At the planning stage, resolutions are made about what ought to be done to improve the processes of the organization (McLean, 2006, Chapter 1). The challenge may arise because all the decisions are made by financiers, and therefore, the opinions of the expert might not be sought.

Similarly, if the organizational development process paradigm is employed, an institutional growth expert who is coming to the organization is likely to face numerous challenges at the entry stage. The prefatory point requires the specialist to connect with an agent of the company and to decide whether to work together (McLean, 2006, Chapter 1). The culture of my organization does not allow for external collaboration. In brief, the initial step in the model of the organizational development process can be challenging for an external consultant who comes to the organization.

In conclusion, the need to fix problems many organizations face is contributing to the growth of career in organizational development. Inarguably, there are many problems facing the organization that I work with, but the major one is financial instability. The problem can be fixed by hiring an organizational development consultant who will employ a series of steps to achieve the organization’s objectives. Therefore, for the increased efficiency and operations, the organization requires the consultancy of an organizational development expert.


Burke, W. (2017). Organization change: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Sage Publishers.

McLean, G. (2006). Organization development: Principles, processes, performance. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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