Finding File System Information from the Command Line

Determining File System on Linux Server

A file system is how the OS organizes files on a disk. Users can employ several commands to determine which file system is being used on the Linux server. The best choice would be using the mount command allows the user to mount a file system. Mounting makes that system accessible at some point in the Linux directory tree. However, the user does not necessarily need to input any arguments with the command. The output then will simply be informative of the disk partitions, including the file system used. Then, depending on the current file system, I would be able to update it accordingly.

Automounting the File System

Automounting the file system facilitates the use of the server. According to Xiao, there are three steps to this process. Firstly, to see the name of the drive, the Universal Unique Identifier, and the file system type, use the command sudo blkid. The sudo command requires changes to the security and hence asks for the user password. Then, choose which one of the drives must be mounted automatically and record its UUID and file system type. The second step is using the/mnt directory to make a mount point for the drive-in question. Use the command sudo mkdir/mnt/ where instead of the text inside <> is the previously acquired drive name. Lastly, use sudo nano/etc/fstab to edit the/etc/fstab file. The last line of the code in this file needs to be altered in the format UUID= . Again, instead of the words inside <>, there are specific names. The last three should be “default 0 2.” To check if this process worked, use sudo mount -a.

Viewing All Mounted File Systems on the Computer

To view a list of all of the mounted file systems in Linux, she should use the findmnt command. The output then consists of the target mount point, the source device, the file system type, and the mount options available. To view the systems as a regular list rather than the default tree, use option -1, so findmnt -1. Further modifications to this command are using -t option to show only the file systems of a particular kind. Other modifications can be made to the command line, but the findmnt is an essential base command.

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