Effective Communication in the Organization

The model of communication presented in the video portrays challenges at various levels of the communication process. The source of information, the receptionist, demonstrates a negative attitude to a female guest, Mrs. Richard. This negative attitude is one of the barriers to their effective communication. Instead of answering Mrs. Richards’ questions, the receptionist provides inadequate information. This affects the feedback on the initial communication, blocking effective communication. There is a language barrier between Mrs. Richards and Mr. Manuel hindering communication between the two interlocutors. The communication process is also affected by noise. Mrs. Richards is served in a noisy place, given that the information being passed between the other interlocutors has nothing to do with the information she is seeking (Fawlty Towers 2009). It is only after the barriers of language, noise, and attitude on the part of the receptionist are eliminated that effective communication occurs.

Effective communication ensures better job satisfaction among the employees of an organization. The receptionist in the video is annoyed when she realizes that there is a negative attitude in Mrs. Richards’ commands. As a result, she ignores her and goes back to serving another client who seems to be more polite and understanding. Normally, employees tend to be subjective when absorbing information and only select information that favors their needs. The language barrier between Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Richards leads to job dissatisfaction by Mr. Manuel. This is because he could not deliver the required services and the receptionist had to take the client back (Bloisi, Cook, & Hunsaker 2007).

Effective communication helps in problem-solving within an organization, and in promoting healthy relations among employees and between employees and clients (Bloisi, Cook, & Hunsaker 2007). Barriers to effective communication create a problem between the receptionist and Mrs. Richards. This is also evident in Mr. Manuel and Mrs. Richards’ communication. If the client had listened to the receptionist‘s explanations, her problem would have been solved more amicably. It is only when these barriers are removed that Mrs. Richards’ problem is solved.

Effective communication promotes mutual respect for employees and clients (Bloisi, Cook, & Hunsaker 2007). If employees are not respected by their customers, they will not serve them to their best, which leads to them neglecting their duties. Had Mrs. Richards listened to the receptionist’s request to wait for her turn there would be a high possibility the communication would have been effective. The confrontations, which adversely affected the organization’s operations, would have been avoided, and mutual respect between Mrs. Richards and the receptionist would have been enhanced as well.

Effective communication is essential in the provision of high-quality services (Bloisi, Cook, & Hunsaker 2007). In the film, the likelihood of the other client returning for more services at a later date is higher than that of Mrs. Richards’. The other client may regard the services of the receptionist as being of high quality because his needs were attended to. Mrs. Richards, on the other hand, may fail to seek the services of this firm again on grounds of rudeness and incompetence, which were triggered by barriers to effective communication.

Non-verbal communication may promote effectiveness in communication among people with disabilities and may also work as a barrier to effective communication (Bloisi, Cook, & Hunsaker 2007). Nonverbal cues carry and portray the speaker’s feelings and emotions that are crucial to effective communication. People with hearing impairments may not be able to hear what is being said. However, they can follow the conversation through signs and gestures that they decode to get the message. People with a visual impairment may receive a message through word of mouth, and detect further meanings and implications in the tone of the interlocutor. The stressing of keywords, especially those about message decoding, is an essential non-verbal cue for people with visual impairments. However, the non-verbal cues that are not sensed by the receiver in the model will work against them in the perception of the message, since a great percentage of the meaning will be lost in the un-sensed cues.

Advancement in technology makes the process of communication within an organization better and faster. With the growing use of the internet, firms can perform faster, since the time taken to move from one place to another is reduced or eradicated. The cost of communication is considerably reduced by the current, much cheaper and faster, modes of communication. Technology has made many businesses global since their advertisements are spread across the globe. Firms’ products can also be shipped across the globe by faster means. It can be said that technology has enhanced effectiveness and efficiency in organizations (Bloisi, Cook, & Hunsaker 2007).

Advancement in technology has also affected organizations negatively, especially through insecurity. Sometimes, messages meant to be confidential may get to unwanted recipients through communication interference, for instance through hacking. This information may be used to cause unfair competition or to spread propaganda about the firm. It does not encourage trust, because people do not meet physically and documents may be forged. In addition, technology may promote unethical behavior in which people give wrong information about themselves, their progress at work, as well as their qualifications.

Reference List

Bloisi, W, Cook, C, & Hunsaker, P 2007, Management and Organizational Behavior, McGraw-Hill Education, London.

Fawlty Towers, 2009, Problemas de Comunicacion Part 1, Web.

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