Abolitionists and Mexican-American War

The Mexican-American War in the United States of America was a logical continuation of the conflict between Mexico and Texas. Although this conflict as a whole caused much division in American society, the abolitionists had different reasons for opposing the war. The reason for this is the slave states of the South had the highest interest in that area. For them, Texas was a massive new territory into which slavery could be extended (“Mexican-American War”). Thus, the possible annexation of a new state was a threat to the plans of the abolitionists, since it would only increase the influence of the slave owners and complicate the process of emancipation.

Effectiveness of Frederick Douglass

The abolitionist movement has known many leaders; however, Frederick Douglass is one of the most famous. He was a living symbol of the fight against slavery since he was a slave who was able to escape. The skills acquired in childhood helped him achieve tremendous success. One of his owners’ wives, Sophia Auld, taught him to read after Douglass took an interest in literature (Williams). Secretly gained reading skills allowed studying political materials, which gave rise to reflections on slavery and helped to develop his oratory. Through these pursuits, Douglass was to a sharp mind that amazed many white people who that slave did not have the intelligence to become full-fledged citizens. The former slave’s reading, writing, and speaking abilities were crucial elements that helped the abolitionists fight so successfully for black rights.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

This work, otherwise called Life Among the Lowly, was one of the most famous anti-slavery short stories of the time. It was initially published in The National Era, but after publication in 1852, the book has sold over one million copies (Newman 92). In her work, Harriet Beecher Stowe showed the dark side of slavery, which the abolitionists have long talked about, revealing and exposing the entire slave system with a specific example. The novel was directed primarily at the states of the North and the people of Britain, up to this point supporting the South. The main goal of the work was to increase the sympathy of the people of the North for slaves and to support the abolitionist movement (Harrold). The author coped with that task successfully, raising a whole wave of protests against slavery and forcing some slave owners to soften their attitude towards blacks.

Works Cited

Harrold, Stanley. American Abolitionism: Its Direct Political Impact from Colonial Times into Reconstruction. University of Virginia Press, 2019.

“Mexican-American War.” Encyclopædia Britannica. 2019, Web.

Newman, Richard. Abolitionism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Williams, Yohuru. “Why Frederick Douglass Matters.” History, 2020, Web.

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