West Park Cultural Center: Interview Protocol


The interviewee is Betty P Lindley, and she is the founder/executive director of the West Park Cultural Center. This non-profit organization is located in Philadelphia, and the purpose of conducting this project is to verify the feasibility of ethnic and cultural programs developed by this entity and the applicable measures (Bányai, 2016). It is also intended to assess the overall efficiency of its work as managers view it.

Fundraising as an Input to the Organization

Questions: Is the West Park Cultural Center involved in any fundraising initiatives to improve its performance?

Sub-questions: What are the sources of its revenue allowing for elaborating offers? What programs does it provide? What categories of citizens are included in them? What are the challenges the organization is facing due to restructuring?

Advice on How to Maintain Donor Relationship

Questions: Would you advise on how to maintain donor relationships?

Sub-questions: How much does your organization depend on this aspect of its activity? How is the money used, and what are the methods of reporting the expenses?

Best Resource for Fundraising

Questions: What is the organization’s best resource for fundraising?

Sub-questions: Which programs provide support for the people involved in the activity? What abilities are developed in the participants, and how can families benefit from them?

How They Learned to Maintain Good Donor Relationships

Questions: How did you learn to maintain good donor relationships?

Sub-questions: What are the primary means of communication with them, and how often do you organize physical meetings? How do you receive the feedback, and what materials are presented?

Cases of Corruption and Embezzlement of Funds

Questions: Are there any cases of corruption and funds embezzlement in the organization’s history?

Sub-questions: How did these cases occur, if any, and were they reported adequately? What are the preventive measures developed for eliminating the accompanying risks?

The Selection of the Name “West Park”

Questions: Why did you choose the name “West Park” for this organization?

Sub-questions: Is it connected to the cultural characteristics of its place of operation? Are the provided services somehow related to the name and the location?


Bányai, E. (2016). The integration of social media into corporate processes. Society and Economy, 38(2), 239-259. Web.

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