Toyota: The Company Information

Toyota is one of the World’s most extensive automobile manufacturers. Toyoda Kiichiro established it as a Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, a manufacturing company founded by his father, Toyoda Sakiichi. In 1936, the Model AA sedan car got manufactured. Additionally, Toyota launched many associated companies, including Toyota Auto Body limited and Toyoda Machines Works limited (Caldeirinha, 2018). In the 1960s and 70s, the firm exported many cars and assembled plants and distributors in foreign countries. It is responsible for the production of automobiles, parts, profitmaking, and business vehicles all around the World. The location for the company’s headquarters is in Toyota City, Japan. It possesses subsidiaries that manufacture cars and car parts, synthetic resins, steel, industrial equipment, and trucks.

The company has since gained markets internationally. As a result, manufacturers and distributors got established in various countries and regions (Caldeirinha, 2018). Today, Toyota exists in North America, Asia, Central and South America, Africa, and Europe. All these regions, vehicles and parts got manufactured there. Toyota is famous in Asia in Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and Thailand. While in South America and Europe, Toyota has gained markets in countries like Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, the U.K, Poland, France, and Turkey. In Africa, Toyota has established markets mainly in Kenya and South Africa.

Factors that contributed to the success of the Toyota Company include the production of high-quality products and continuous research. High-quality products increased the demand for Toyota products worldwide. Secondly, the constant research ensured constant perfection and innovative automotive technologies and made new models for consumers’ betterment (Caldeirinha, 2018). Additionally, Toyota has focused on consumer safety and comfort via the production of eco-friendly products. Furthermore, Toyota brands are durable and reliable, attracting more purchases globally, thus offering high resale value.

In conclusion, Toyota deals with the manufacturing of automobile in large quantities across different countries and regions. It amasses success locally and globally because it is always on a mission to produce safe, economical, durable, and reliable vehicles. Furthermore, concerning consumers around the world, they embraced global strategies based on research and progressive quality improvement, product policy, and technological advancement.


Caldeirinha, S. (2018). Toyota individual and team potential modelling. Serbian Journal Of Engineering Management, 3(2), 61-63. Web.

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