The Vaccination and Public Safety Relationship


Vaccine hesitancy puts an immense strain on a healthcare system, making it impossible for doctors to respond to a growing number of patients adequately. It is a valid source of concern since there is a significant decline in vaccination rates among populations of both the UK and the US (Hussain et al., 2018). Data shows that one of the most recent outbreaks of measles in the United States has occurred in a population that had only 50-86% vaccine coverage (Hussain et al., 2018). It is vital for doctors to promote vaccination on a global scale to ensure that the loss of life experienced during recent pandemics will never be repeated. This essay will present the reasons behind the necessity of vaccination and its relation to public safety.


First of all, mass vaccination speeds up the rates of herd immunity. This phenomenon relates to a situation where a sufficient percentage of the population is vaccinated, making the spread of an infectious disease virtually impossible due to low chances of transmission (Giubilini, 2019). Almost, but not all members of a community need to be vaccinated for everyone to be sufficiently protected. It is also critical to keep the appropriate level of vaccination across various generations. While this immunity is long-lasting, cellular responses gradually decrease among middle-aged groups, putting them at risk of being infected (Mallory et al., 2018). While this phenomenon exists, using it as an exemption from vaccination is morally wrong and unfair to others since it should be considered a duty of each individual (Giubilini, 2019). Moreover, there are people who are exempt from being vaccinated due to health or religious concerns that put them in danger of serving as a host for nearly-eradicated disease (Mallory et al., 2018). High herd immunity is critical for these parts of the population since it keeps them protected without the strict necessity of vaccination.

Another point in favor of vaccination as a public health concern is its rates of success versus risks. In the example of the COVID-19 vaccines, their efficacy is approximately 95%, while serious adverse reaction rates are at 1.1 per 100,000 doses (Kaplan & Milstein, 2021). In a controlled environment, these reactions have an even smaller chance of being anyhow dangerous, dropping to one in a million and lower (Kaplan & Milstein, 2021). Risks appear to be often significantly exaggerated due to fear and yellow press. There are many arguments against vaccines that are based on false premises, such as the disproven links between MMR shots and autism in children (Hussain et al., 2018). These negative portrayals of health complications stemming from vaccines were promoted via mass media, causing misdirection and fact-resistant beliefs among traditional communities that slowed the spread of vaccines among the population (Hussain et al., 2018). Despite their invalidity, these claims had caused a tremendous amount of damage to herd immunity and strain on the healthcare system without any real need.

Taking a vaccine should be considered an obligation to society. Public safety is built on the premise that it is within everyone’s goal to ensure that their actions do not expose others to harm. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that people are less than willing to fulfill that obligation, despite being exposed to facts regarding the necessity to get vaccinated (Fleming, 2021). While it does not imply the need to take one’s freedoms away, it is necessary to make a valid point regarding the moral obligation of protecting society against infectious diseases. It is only fair for people to get vaccinated, which may be considered a duty akin to paying taxes (Giubilini, 2019). The contribution of a single individual is vital for the integrity of an entire community. Therefore, the promotion of vaccines is a key factor in achieving the desired level of herd immunity. Statistics from the evidence are shown to be the most efficient method of convincing individuals who hesitate to take a vaccine due to safety concerns (Head et al., 2020). Releasing this data via easily accessible channels is a crucial step for public health specialists to achieve their goal of a global increase in the quality of life. Compelling arguments must be delivered via alternative sources, and doctors must spread them to find the most feasible way to convince people who hesitate to take a shot.


In conclusion, the safety and efficiency of modern vaccines is a well-proven fact that must be delivered to all eligible recipients in a concise manner. This promotion is necessary to improve the overall well-being of a nation since well-tested vaccines that are approved for use are essential for the overall health status of a population. Modern vaccines have the highest risks of success with the lowest risks of severe side effects. Moreover, most of the expected outcomes are fully known even for COVID-19 shots. Methods of their dissemination were also perfected, making the dissemination of valid information as convenient as possible. Public health benefits, including herd immunity, general safety, and well-being of an entire population, lie in the ability of healthcare systems across the globe to deliver their message regarding the necessity of vaccinations to society.


Fleming, D. A. (2021). Mandating vaccination – Is it justified? American Journal of Hospital Medicine, 5(2). Web.

Giubilini, A. (2019). An argument for compulsory vaccination: The taxation analogy. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 37(3), 446-466. Web.

Head, K. J., Kasting, M. L., Sturm, L. A., Hartsock, J. A., & Zimet, G. D. (2020). A national survey assessing SARS-Cov-2 vaccination intentions: Implications for future public health communication efforts. Science Communication, 42(5), 698-723. Web.

Hussain, A., Ali, S., Ahmed, M., & Hussain, S. (2018). The anti-vaccination movement: A regression in modern medicine. Cureus. Web.

Kaplan, R. M., & Milstein, A. (2021). Influence of a COVID-19 vaccine’s effectiveness and safety profile on vaccination acceptance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(10). Web.

Mallory, M. L., Lindesmith, L. C., & Baric, R. S. (2018). Vaccination-induced herd immunity: Successes and challenges. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 142(1), 64-66. Web.

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