The Perfect Meal from the Personal Perspective

When I try to think about something perfect, the expression “nothing is perfect” involuntarily comes to my mind, and it can be assumed that I will talk about an almost perfect dish. For the first time thinking about this theme, I imagined restaurant dishes or balanced food useful for our bodies (Berardi, n.d.). Later, I realized they are, of course, good, but the search for the ideal should go further and deeper into the human soul. For this reason, I can say that a meal close to perfection is a dish with memories or cooked with love.

Countless quantity of times in life, people dream of returning to the past, especially to childhood. Although physically it is not yet possible, something can help – fragrance, song, or taste. Nothing can compare with a dish in the same taste as the one people loved as children surrounded by their homes’ comfort. Remember the cartoon Ratatouille, and you will understand what I am talking about – the strictest critic and scourge of upscale restaurants is conquered by a dish that reminded him of childhood (Bird, 2007). Of course, memory can be not only childish but, most importantly, happy.

Another category of meals that approaches perfection is those prepared with love and care. In this case, in each piece, the efforts and inspirations invested in preparing the dish are felt. Perhaps by combining love and memories, we will receive the necessary ideal. In this way, I imagine a dinner prepared by parents for already adult sons and daughters. Grown children can take care of themselves, and for this reason, such attention is exceptional, and the memories that arise create a sense of home comfort.

Thus, I argue that any meal can become perfect if prepared with love and inspires thoughts about happy times. It does not have to be lunch cooked by the best cook or containing expensive ingredients. Everyone can try such a dish and cook it independently, taking care of the person they love. The simplest example of such a meal is food prepared by parents for their children.


Berardi, J. (n.d.). Create the perfect meal with this simple 5-step guide. Precision Nutrition. Web.

Bird, B. (2007). Ratatouille. Walt Disney Pictures.

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