The Nursing Research and Practice Relationship

Modern nursing practice is primarily based on the results of multiple robust studies that later serve as the foundation for developing clinical guidelines. This combination of nursing research and practice is known as evidence-based practice (EBP) (Chien, 2019). It implies that high-quality research should be associated with a practical implementation of the findings and conclusions of the studies (Chien, 2019). Indeed, nursing practice is closely related to research nowadays because EBP increases the chances of better patient outcomes and reduces the incidence of medical errors.

Nursing research is a critical way to find the right answers to questions related to patient care. The first nurse who investigated the importance of sanitation and a positive attitude in nursing practice was Florence Nightingale (Altman, 2020). Indeed, she showed that the goal of such studies is to provide empirical evidence for creating clinical guidance for nurses to apply this knowledge in patient care (Altman, 2020).

Furthermore, nursing enhances professional practice, reduces the length of hospital stays, and improves medical care (Altman, 2020). Additionally, EBP ensures that the best possible evidence is used in healthcare organizations to treat as well as prevent diseases (Altman, 2020). Overall, the collaboration between research and practice is crucial for nursing since it allows nurses to apply the most recent and effective care to people.

In summary, nursing practice nowadays inevitably relates to research because the latter provides valuable and reliable data to develop efficient clinical guidelines. This association of science and practice proved to substantially improve patient outcomes and enhance nurses’ professional growth. It was shown historically and continues to be relevant today that the cooperation between nursing research and practice is vital for the scientific community, clinicians, and patients.


Altman, M. (2020). Why should I participate in nursing research? American Association of Critical Care Nurses. Web.

Chien L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), 29. Web.

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